The next day, Lin Feng and Qin Yanran went out of the room early. Qian Qian was preparing breakfast under the eaves. Seeing Lin Feng coming out, he raised a bright smile and said:

"Brother Lin Feng, wait a minute. Breakfast will be ready immediately."

Once he has time, Lin Feng can't help asking himself according to the time of the earth. Occasionally, he will meet his appetite and live an ordinary life.

As practitioners, time is only a synonym for them. After getting along with Lin Feng, a group of people also have time to solve the three meals. Lin Feng is very satisfied with this.

Lin Feng washed his nose, gave Qianqian a thumbs up and said, "Qianqian got breakfast in our family. It's really more and more delicious!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the smile on Qianqian's face was bright. He started the pot and took out the small cage bag of the steamer.

After breakfast, Lin Feng took out the map, called old man Huang and compared where the map was.

Although there is a map of the Dragon tomb, this map of the Dragon tomb does not describe the detailed address, but only describes a part of the map. Therefore, it is not a small thing for Lin Feng to find a place.

"Come, come, I have bought all the maps of Huangtu island." With a smile on her face, Deng Jiajia quickly returned to the yard and put dozens of volumes of maps in front of Lin Feng. With a serious face, she said, "there are 500 top-grade Lingshi and 108 volumes of maps, which are the maps of huangtuzhou city. They are also inside."

Deng Jiajia rubbed his hands, looked at Lin Feng, looked straight and said.

Hearing Deng Jiajia's words, Lin Feng paused, turned to nod, put all the maps in front of him, and then compared them one by one.

Qin Yanran and Yao Ziyi help, while Qian Qian helps to read ancient books and find possible places.

Old man Huang put his head together, looked at Lin Feng's map, frowned and said, "Oh, boy, you look familiar with this map?" Old man Huang scratched the back of his head, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Really?" Lin Feng turned and looked at old man Huang. Seeing the confusion in old man Huang's eyes, he frowned gently.

"I must have seen it, but the old man has spent a lot of time doing nothing in his life, so he didn't remember where he saw the map for a while, but don't worry, I can find it."

Hearing old man Huang's words, Lin Feng shook his head, lowered his head and continued to look at the map. Old man Huang stood beside Lin Feng, frowning and distracted.

"From sunrise to dusk, Lin Feng didn't leave his work. He sat there quietly looking for the defects on the map, but no matter how Lin Feng looked, he couldn't find the similarity between the two maps."

This made Lin Feng feel more or less unhappy, but after a little stunned for a while, Lin Feng put all his spirit on it again and began to look for it carefully.

"Here is a short record." Suddenly, Qianqian raised his head and said softly.

Hearing Qianqian's words, the people immediately raised their faces, and several heads gathered together at the same time. For a while, Lin Feng shook his head. Although there was a little record, there was no fixed place to describe it.

Isn't it really in Huangtu island?

Lin Feng looked at all the maps that had been compared by himself and looked at them slowly in his hand.

These maps are the fruits of his day. Maps are constantly compared. However, the original words over there are still lingering in Lin Feng's ears. He has seen this map in Huangtu Zhou.

Is there any place in Huangtu Chau that is not included in the map?

Lin Feng took a whole map of Huangtu Chau and put it in his hand. He observed it carefully. He didn't put it down in a corner.

The map of the Dragon tomb has been published by Lin Feng for a long time. Some unimportant places have been released. Except the place where the Dragon tomb is located, other places have been released. Therefore, Lin Feng has just grasped the time. He is not afraid that the map will fall into the hands of others. He is afraid that the Zhao family will return to God and know that people are killed by others.

Lin Feng's speed along the way is very fast, but the Zhao family doesn't seem to be idle. It can be said that the two sides don't owe anyone in this competition, but the more this time, the more time is urgent for Lin Feng.

"No hurry." Qin Yanran took Lin Feng's hand and said softly.

Lin Feng smiled, nodded and said, "don't worry, I know, but I'm worried if I don't find it all day!" Lin Feng sighed and said softly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran nodded and looked a little more solemn. The two people only spoke briefly for a while, and then entered the effort again.

"Here!" Shallow pointed to a piece of literature, sent it to Lin Feng and said, "brother Lin Feng, look, is there some vague mention of this place?"

Shallow eyebrows slightly frowned, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng took it and took a look, and then went into meditation. For a while, Lin Feng took out the map and began to look for it.

In the middle, someone came to collect the debt again. Old man Huang seemed to be enlightened suddenly, paid back two sums of money, and then came back to sit there and meditate.

As time passed, Qianqian lit the lamp. The whole room was a little warm. The wind was blowing outside, but it could not stop the silence inside.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's hand stopped and Qianqian knocked. Everyone was attracted by Lin Feng's soft beating. They looked at Lin Feng and blinked.

"I see!" Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with starlight. His eyes swept over the map. Finally, he drew out a map. He had the ability to never forget. The reason why he wanted to look for maps one by one was that he was worried about what he ignored. At this moment, Lin Feng's whole spirit lived in an instant.

When the three women saw Lin Feng's appearance, their faces were also smiling. They turned their heads and looked at Lin Feng one by one, with expectations in their eyes.

This trip is mainly for Lin Feng. If Lin Feng can find what he needs as soon as possible

Lin Feng raised his head, saw the look of the women, nodded to the women, turned his head down and compared again.

"Ah, I see!" Old man Huang's body suddenly stood up, pointed to the front, and his face was excited.

Lin Feng raised his head at the same time, put the two maps together and said, "I know where it is."

"A place to bury bones!" Old man Huang and Lin Feng shouted out at the same time, looked at each other, and turned around. Old man Huang sat there, shaking his whole body.

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