What Lin Feng didn't expect was that the place where he was located would be the place where bones were buried. Lin Feng knew what kind of place the place was. Lin Feng compared every inch of loess continent, and didn't expect that there would be another place where bones were buried.

Lin Feng turned to look at old man Huang, sighed with relief and said, "do you know the terrain over there?"

"Over there..." old man Huang looked a little hesitant. Seeing old man Huang's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said, "say what you have. Since I've come to ask you, it fully shows that I'm ready to accept it."

Lin Feng looked at old man Huang with a gentle smile and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang nodded, sighed and said, "I've walked a lot in the bone burial place, so I should be familiar with the bone burial place. The old man has lived for hundreds of years. For 200 years, he is probably in the bone burial place, but I've only been to this place once."

It seemed that he thought of something terrible, and his body trembled.

"Zhao wanwan's territory after the ghost?" Yao Ziyi paused, raised her eyebrows and asked, "only Zhao wanwan, the ghost queen, hates male humans entering her territory!"

"It's next to Zhao wanwan's territory after the ghost, but it's not Zhao wanwan's territory after the ghost." Old man Huang paused and said softly, "to be exact, it doesn't belong to the power of any party in the bone burial place."

Hearing what old man Huang said, everyone looked up and looked at old man Huang, waiting for old man Huang to continue.

Seeing the appearance of a group of people, old man Huang paused, whispered and said, "I don't know who this map belongs to, but whether it's the ghost king or the ghost queen, they are very afraid of this place. Now if you want to come, it's probably the thing you're looking for."

Old man Huang's eyes paused on Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng really has something to do with the Dragon tomb

Old man Huang suddenly thought of an ancient legend that the dragon will never die and never die. However, after each time, the twelve dragons will abide by the instructions of the Dragon Emperor and scatter in various places, waiting for the emergence of a new Dragon Emperor.

Old man Huang's heart trembled. He trembled and looked at Lin Feng in front of him. His eyes were a little more incredible.

Is it hard, this boy really?

Thinking of this, old man Huang's eyes stared more and more round. If that's the case, all this seems to have an explanation.

No wonder this boy is so powerful

Old man Huang breathed a sigh of relief. His original entanglement seemed to disappear in an instant. He raised his mind, looked at Lin Feng and said, "there are few people in this place. Zhao wanwan's territory behind the ghost is next to it. Your boy is familiar with Zhao wanwan anyway. Why don't you go to Zhao wanwan first?"

Old man Huang looked at Lin Feng with his eyebrows and said faintly, "speaking of it, Zhao wanwan is also a rare beauty!"

"Stop it!" Lin Feng paused, waved his hand and put the two maps together. Although there was no part in the back, the corner line here was right, which was the place where the bones were buried!

Lin Feng's spirit now can be said to be very good, but in turn, Lin Feng's eyebrows wrinkled. Although it has solved the things here, there is another more important thing waiting for Lin Feng to solve, that is... About the followers behind.

Shi Ning snowman and Zhao's disciples followed him all the way. Lin Feng believed that Zhao's family and Shi Ning snow had already made all preparations for the day.

Of course, they don't know where the place is, because they don't see the complete map, but they don't guarantee that they didn't find out the front part. That part of the map was previously in Zhao's house. It happens that that part of the map is just a corner of the buried bone and the Loess continent.

"Why don't we just kill those who followed us?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qin Yanran naturally knew why Lin Feng was having a headache. Looking at Lin Feng, she looked cold and changed her body with a strong sense of killing.

"The Zhao family and Shi Ningxue have paid enough money this time, so there are many people ready. We may not be able to kill all the people all the way. That will arouse the vigilance of the other side and follow us all the way."

Lin Feng shook his head and denied Qin Yanran's idea.

Qin Yanran's method must be very good if she is tracked alone, but now I don't know how many people track them, especially killers like Bai Yi, who are invisible, and they can't deal with them at all.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone was silent. Old man Huang looked around, then looked at Qin Yanran and said, "don't you have that pen, girl Qin, can you draw people? Why not draw as like as two peas, so they don't know what we're going to do, do they? "

Old man Huang looked at several people, rolled his eyes and said.

Lin Feng's heart moved. He could have been invisible alone, but on second thought, Lin Feng could never put Qin Yanran and Qianqian Yao Ziyi here and leave the three women alone. It would be best if old man Huang and Deng Jiajia could not be involved in this matter.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Yan Ran, it's hard for you, but we're not in a hurry now. We'll do it at night. It's dark at night. When we practice, we'll be more alert. Zhao's disciples and Shi Ningxue won't appear in the range of the day at that time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people nodded. One by one, they were quiet, narrowed their eyes slightly, and waited for the time to pass slowly.

A breeze blew and midnight came. No matter where it was, it was quiet. At this time, the dryness and heat of the day had been washed away, and the aura was gradually immersed. Most people chose to enter the cultivation at this time.

The Zhao family and Shi Ningxue's people began to retreat orderly to a safe area and hide themselves in the dark.

"All right." Lin Feng opened his eyes and whispered to everyone.

Everyone opened their eyes and then looked at Qin Yanran. Under Qin Yanran's hands, people began to appear one by one. These people gradually took shape and became everyone's appearance.

A batch of people appeared, and their aura was instilled into these "people". Soon, their breath became alive.

"Shall we start now?" When the people were ready, old man Huang turned to look at Lin Feng and smiled. He looked a little more eager to try.

"No, let's have a good rest first. Don't refuse me." Lin Feng said with a smile. The spirit consciousness shrouded everyone in it. Old man Huang's body trembled. The next moment, old man Huang felt that he seemed to appear in another place. Old man Huang opened his eyes and looked ahead.

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