The aura here is very abundant, and the space looks very huge. The space where they are is just a small space.

Seeing this scene, old man Huang's body trembled. Trembled. Is this? Lin Feng's storage space? Lin Feng's storage space can be put into people? Old man Huang's mind kept running. He couldn't turn around for a moment.

When the crowd was put away, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and moved his mind. He directly hid himself, walked outside and got out of the house. Lin Feng raised a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, looked left and right, and turned to walk slowly with his hands on his back.

A gust of wind blew, the sign with thick earth door written on the door swayed with the wind, and several figures appeared on the windowsill. They swayed and disappeared into the night.

"No, contact the master quickly. Lin Feng and his party ran away!" At this time, the people who followed them just reacted and were excited. All the people rushed into the hut. There was no one in the hut and it was quiet around.

"Contact the Zhao family!"

"Come on, contact Miss!"

"Say hello to the master's house and say that there are no more people."

The party divided into several groups, turned hostile to each other and left. They had no intention of fighting, because they all knew that the most important thing now was to find out where Lin Feng and his party went.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was concerned by them, was standing outside the land of Miao valley. He looked at the demons dancing inside and smiled bitterly. What he didn't expect was that the Dragon tomb was buried in the bone.

The surrounding breath surrounds the place where the bones are buried. Some of these smells are familiar to Lin Feng, and some are unfamiliar to Lin Feng.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth stirred up, ignored the meaning of these people, and stepped directly into the place of burying bones.

"Qianlong!" As soon as Lin Feng entered the place where he buried his bones, he greeted Qianlong. Qianlong surrounded Lin Feng and carried Lin Feng. Hehe smiled and said:

"Don't worry, master. I'll take you there as soon as possible." Qianlong is in a good mood. Qianlong shuttle is invisible and shuttles directly with Lin Feng in the bone burial place. Some powerful ghosts in the bone burial place will inadvertently find something, but after raising their head, they don't see anything alive at all.

These spirits frowned and turned away from Qianlong shuttle.

"Gaga, master, the ghost things in this ghost place are really smart. If I weren't smart, guard these things a little, and these things might attack me!"

Qianlong Suo chattered endlessly. He probably didn't come out for a long time. As soon as he came out, he couldn't control himself.

"Go on with peace of mind!" Lin Feng gave a low drink, and the whole mind gradually converged. Qianlong shuttle passed by Shi Ningxue and went all the way north.

Suddenly, Shi Ningxue's eyes opened and looked blankly at the front. She just felt that something seemed to pass by her side, but when she felt it carefully, there was nothing.

A bad feeling enveloped Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue stood up and walked slowly towards the bone burial place. Before walking a few meters away, a woman in red blocked Shi Ningxue's road.

Zhao wanwan is dressed in red, white and blue, and her skin looks particularly penetrating, especially in the midnight moonlight.

"You are the Shi Ningxue Hu Zhi is looking for." Zhao wanwan's mouth with a gentle smile, red lips, in this night, it seems that people are not used to it.

"Who are you?" Shi Ningxue's body retreated towards the back, with a wary face. She looked at Zhao wanwan, holding a long sword in her hand, and her whole body's Qi was mixed up. Hu Zhi hated her now. Once she met someone related to Hu Zhi, Shi Ningxue didn't dare to relax at all.

"I won't tell Hu Zhi you're here." Zhao wanwan smiled and said, "but I have something. I hope you can pick up the goods for me."

Then Zhao wanwan made a gesture of invitation, but looked at the sky in the north, turned and walked towards the front, "come on, you can't wait for the person you want to wait anyway. Go and have a cup of tea with me."

Shi Ningxue paused and looked at Zhao wanwan's back. Zhao wanwan's back was particularly desolate. Her thin body was wearing a thick red gown and stepped on the stone step by step. If it was not clear that Zhao wanwan was a ghost, Shi Ningxue even felt that the woman in front of her was a woman who brought disaster to the country and the people.

Shi Ningxue followed Zhao wanwan and walked towards the front. After half an hour, Lin Feng's figure slowly appeared where Shi Ningxue had stood, with some exploration in his eyes.

Qin Yanran and his party have all been released. Everyone is relieved. Qin Yanran takes Lin Feng's arm and says, "why don't we go directly to the north?"

"The prohibition over there is very heavy. Qianlong can't get over it." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said that when they broke through the prohibition, they were almost exposed to Shi Ningxue. Fortunately, Qianlong stopped quickly and Shi Ningxue didn't respond.

"Can we only walk now? What about the woman, Shi Ningxue? "

"Zhao wanwan took it away. Let's go." Lin Feng turned around and went all the way north. Everyone followed behind him. Several people walked slowly towards the front, step by step, very serious.

"Mother, they have gone." On the top of the hill, Zhao wanwan stood there. A maid came behind Zhao wanwan and said softly.

"I see. Step back."

The maid nodded, turned and left. Zhao wanwan looked at the direction of the north, raised her mouth, smiled and looked at her feet. Zhao wanwan looked a little more gentle, stepping on the sand barefoot to keep up with Shi Ningxue in front.

At the same time, Lin Feng and his party walked all the way north towards the north end of the buried bone.

Walking all the way, several people looked a little surprised. There was no other reason. They passed all the way, but there was no ghost around.

Only yellow sand, wind blowing, flying sand everywhere, a few people are thin yellow sand, cool in their hands.

"Shall we... Continue?" The three women stood together holding hands. They shook their bodies, looked at Lin Feng and said that only Yao Ziyi's face was calm. Around her, there seemed to be a faint ice blue light flashing.

Lin Feng looked back and saw the appearance of the three women and said, "it will be here soon."

With that, Lin Feng stopped and looked up to the front. In front of Lin Feng, there was a stone wall up to dozens of feet, which blocked the road in front of him.

Seeing the stone pillar, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and finally found it. Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes.

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