Jiang Xiong's weapon seemed to stand above Lin Feng with a powerful force. Lin Feng only felt that the air around him was heavy in an instant, and his whole body kept sinking, feeling difficult step by step.

This guy.

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and looked ahead. His eyes gradually began to turn red. He clenched his teeth. The Fengtong sword in his hand kept changing its position to unload the power brought by his weapon.

"Creak, creak." Lin Feng's body made a creaking sound. His whole body kept sinking into the yellow sand. He looked very difficult.

Will live high and look at Lin Feng. There is finally a little more in the look that didn't have much emotion. Looking at Lin Feng, he constantly changes his feelings.

"Boy, I said that since you dare to challenge me, you should be ready to die. It seems that your boy is just like this." Jiang Xiong flew up, grabbed the weapon in his hand and wanted to give Lin Feng a heavy blow.

"Drink!" Lin Feng's eyes turned red and his body rolled over. He hit Xiong's pestle on the ground, stirring up yellow sand more than ten meters high, blocking the sight of the two people.

This is the time!

Lin Feng a restaurant. In the next moment, his whole body stood up without slackening. Feng Tong sword and Bai Yu sword attacked Xiong from the left and right sides.

Jiang Xiong felt Lin Feng's attack and his face changed. The whole quickly retreated to one side. Lin Feng appeared in the yellow sand and looked at Jiang Xiong with red eyes.

"Hum!" Jiang Xiong snorted coldly. The iron pestle in his hand came towards Lin Feng again. Lin Feng was ready. When he saw the iron pestle coming, Lin Feng tilted one side and directly met Jiang Xiong along the opposite direction of the iron pestle. He tasted that he left a mark on Jiang Xiong's body.

Changed Xiong's look.

Lin Feng didn't mean to stop. Feng Tong's sword passed through Jiang Xiong's neck. Lin Feng's body clasped Jiang Xiong's arm, and Bai Yu's sword stabbed Xiong's eyes.

Controlling Xiong's cultivation in the middle of the robbery, many moves can't be performed. At the beginning, he was still above Lin Feng. With Lin Feng's attack, he struggled more and more. Lin Feng looks very easy to solve on the surface, but in fact it's not so easy to solve. In particular, Lin Feng's cultivation can't be described in the middle of the robbery.

Jiang Xiong suffered a loss in Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng threw his whole body on the yellow sand. His heavy body made a loud bang, which changed Xiong's momentum in an instant.

Feeling the change of Jiangxiong's momentum, Lin Feng paused. In turn, Lin Feng straightened his mind. Looking ahead, the gloom in his eyes became more and more severe. He didn't believe it. He couldn't solve a Jiangxiong today.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's is actually becoming more and more vigorous. Looking ahead, an invisible Germany began to linger around Lin Feng and slowly integrated into Lin Feng's potential energy position.

Lin Feng's spirit was shocked. He obviously felt that the potential energy position seemed to be strengthening!

"Boy, you lied to me!" Jiang Xiong's body recovered in an instant after his momentum recovered. He stared at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes. Pointing to Lin Feng, he shouted, "your cultivation is clearly not the middle of the robbery!"

"Jiang Xiong, you feel it clearly. I know it's the cultivation in the middle of the robbery. Does the ghost king want to default?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly. The momentum of his whole body bloomed and crossed the middle of the robbery.

Jiang Xiong stood there and saw Lin Feng's appearance and was silent.

Just now, in order to get rid of Lin Feng's attack, he had to use the body method of Mahayana. Now, facing Lin Feng's cultivation in the middle of the robbery, he kept silent. There is no doubt that Lin Feng is an expert and a good expert.

But he is such a master, but now he makes Jiang Xiong frown.

What he said just now still lingers in his ears. If he chooses to use the cultivation of Mahayana to deal with Lin Feng at this time, he will lose his faith. He has been lying in the bone burial place for so many years. The most important thing is credit.

If you fight Lin Feng with his cultivation in the middle of Dujie, Lin Feng's cultivation is far above him. He is not Lin Feng's opponent at all.

Neither advance nor retreat.

Seeing Jiang Xiong's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Jiang Xiong ghost king, we have no worries for a long time and no enemies recently. I'm just going to pass it from here. Since we've made it clear now, otherwise, let's retreat and take you back, and I'll leave quickly?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrow, looked at Jiang Xiong with a smile and said that Jiang Xiong is an expert. If he wants to deal with Jiang Xiong, Lin Feng knows that he must spend a lot of time, which he absolutely doesn't want to spend at all. It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng just put forward such a request.

Since he asked Jiang Xiong to fight with him with the same level of cultivation, Lin Feng was looking for an appropriate opportunity to ask this question. In this way, Jiang Xiong not only breathed a sigh of relief, but also did not need to face the domineering existence of Jiang Xiong.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiong with a smile, waiting for Jiang Xiong to give an answer.

Now in an awkward position, Lin Feng believes that Jiang Xiong will choose to quit.

"No, boy, since we're here, we'll fight to the end!" However, to Lin Feng's surprise, Jiang Xiong directly refused Lin Feng's request and attacked Lin Feng again with an iron pestle in his hand.

Lin Feng was caught off guard by Jiang Xiong again!

"I'm Cao, can't you say hello when NIMA starts?" Lin Feng's body retreated quickly. Feng Tong's sword drew a beautiful arc on the ground. The yellow sand blasted and attacked Jiang Xiong with Lingli Peilian.

"Lin Feng, surrender, you are not my opponent!" Jiang Xiong's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, he swept the iron pestle and hit Lin Feng on his leg. Lin Feng ignored the pain on his leg and turned his whole body over and fell behind Jiang Xiong.

"Hiss!" As soon as he fell, Lin Feng felt that his wound was very painful, especially in the circle around the wound.

Lin Feng raised his head and took a look at Jiang Xiong. Jiang Xiong stood there with a gloomy face and looked down at Lin Feng. The indifference in his eyes became more and more severe.

He clearly saw that this guy had been moved. What changed this guy's mentality?

Lin Feng couldn't understand it. Seeing Jiang Xiong rushing over again, Lin Feng's body dodged awkwardly.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body stopped, and the whole spiritual consciousness wrapped around Xiong. He felt his spiritual consciousness, changed Xiong's face, and finally moved a little more.

"If you strike, I will tell you this method, how about it!"

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