Lin Feng looked up at Jiang Xiong and said with a smile.

"Boy, don't deceive me. You're here to take away the things here, so we're either you or I. boy, if you want to get things, show your skills. What I hate most is the people waiting for women!"

Then Jiang Xiong attacked Lin Feng again.

Hearing Jiang Xiong's words, Lin Feng's look changed in an instant, and the whole person became serious. Looking ahead, the potential energy position was unfolded at Jiang Xiong's feet, countless sword Qi gathered around Lin Feng, and the spiritual knowledge was constantly gnawing at Jiang Xiong's spiritual knowledge.

The whole body of Jiang Xiong was woven from his soul, so when Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness began to devour, Jiang Xiong's breath began to weaken a little, just because there was too little weakening, and even Jiang Xiong himself didn't pay much attention!

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Xiong's iron pestle hit the yellow sand. Lin Feng's whole body fell on the iron pestle. Feng Tong sword and white feather sword crossed and attacked him. The field of sword opened at his feet. Countless sword Qi left a deep mark on Jiang Xiong's body and pushed him back.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiong changed his look a little, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with a bit of panic in his eyes.

This boy!

Jiang Xiong's face was gloomy, and his huge and heavy body was difficult to avoid Lin Feng's attack. Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge suddenly increased the output. He paused Xiong's body and looked up. His eyes immediately became confused.

This boy!

"Boy, die!" Jiang Xiong's voice was very rough. A pair of eyes stared directly at Lin Feng, and suddenly changed his whole momentum.

"No!" Seeing this, Lin Feng's look suddenly changed. The whole look was a little more serious, and the whole momentum dispersed. He attacked and flew towards Jiang Xiong, and his spirit trained to draw a perfect arc in the sky, and then disappeared into Jiang Xiong's body.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's look changed in an instant.

This damn thing!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, his eyes were gloomy, and there was a look that was difficult to see through, but the whole person was still gritting his teeth and insisting.

"Die!" Jiang Xiong roared. The iron pestle in his hand became flexible and approached Lin Feng. He didn't give Lin Feng time to relax.

"This damn guy!"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and insisted. His mind was paying attention to Jiang Xiong, and his body was constantly retreating to avoid Jiang Xiong's attack. Jiang Xiong's current speed was not comparable before. Even Lin Feng didn't have the courage to fight hard now.

Suddenly, the whole male stopped.

There was no one to follow, and Lin Feng's look calmed down. Turning around, he saw a huge black hole behind Jiang Xiong. The black hole seemed to devour everything. Jiang Xiong looked at Lin Feng with no God in his eyes, and the whole stood there.

The hairs on Lin Feng's body stood up. A strong and dangerous breath occupied Lin Feng's body and wrapped Lin Feng. The look on Lin Feng's face changed and changed. Finally, Lin Feng gritted his teeth to welcome him.

We have to deal with everything. Since we have to deal with it, we will attack it to the end!

Lin Feng met the huge black vortex, and his whole body fell into a black hole. Lin Feng only felt that he seemed to fall into an endless vortex, and the surrounding forces were constantly tearing his body.

The body spasms. Lin Feng's body crawls on the ground. The sweat on his forehead keeps falling. He holds the long sword in his hand tightly. His eyes are gloomy. This black vortex is stronger than Lin Feng imagined!

"Ah!" For the first time in such a long time, Lin Feng faced such a dangerous thing. His whole body opened and gave a low roar. His eyes were suffused with blood red light. He looked ahead and held the Feng Tong sword. The sword tip was against the bottom of the vortex. Lin Feng's body slowly straightened up.

"Open!" Lin Feng roared, the potential energy position burst at Lin Feng's feet, and the surrounding vortex paused a little. In turn, the speed of the vortex turned more and more quickly, and the whole wound. Around Lin Feng, Lin Feng was wrapped in it, a feeling of squeezing Lin Feng into a cake.

"Boy, don't struggle, this is not what you can struggle through!" A voice sounded over Lin Feng. Jiang Xiong's voice had no feelings of kindness. Later, a robot looked down at Lin Feng with cold indifference in his eyes.

Hearing Jiang Xiong's voice, Lin Feng raised his head with a distorted arrogant smile on his face and kept changing. Jie sneered, suddenly pulled out his long sword and stabbed in one direction. Lin Feng's body was wrapped with a thick layer of dragon scales, which wrapped all the impact outside the Dragon scales.

"Dragon scale!" Jiang Xiong's voice was a little more incredible, and the whole vortex followed.

"Oh, I can't think of it!" Lin Feng's eyes were a little more joking. His whole body was rotating with the vortex. Feng Tong sword and Bai Yu sword crossed each other, with swords extending around.

Then, the sword meaning appeared in the whole black vortex. Lin Feng collapsed. Under the extrusion of black Xuanwei, his whole body made a crackling sound. The next moment, a mouthful of blood spit out directly.

"You are cruel!" For a long time, Jiang Xiong just made such a sound, and the whole black vortex suddenly began to operate efficiently.

"Bang!" A huge explosion sounded in the buried place, flying Xiong's body hundreds of meters away. Looking at the black clouds rising into the sky, wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, he was a little crazy in his eyes.

"Gaga, I will be a hero all my life and kill a descendant of the Dragon Emperor. I will have no regrets in this life!"

Jiang Xiong raised his weapon and shouted, and the whole area of the buried bone trembled.

Looking around, countless white bones slowly extended from the ground. These white bones slowly combined around to form white bone people. These white bone people opened dark green flowers one after another.

Seeing these dark green flowers, Jiang Xiong's look changed instantly. His whole body quickly retreated towards the back and looked at the front. His face was incredible.

These things

The male's pupil suddenly shrinks round, and the pupil becomes bigger and bigger.

"This......" he shook Xiong's body a little, and his weapon fell to the ground.

"Are you a little too happy, sir?" A light laugh sounded not far away. In the yellow sand, a figure slowly stood up.

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