Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, holding Feng Tong's sword, wiped the blood from his mouth, looked at Jiang Xiong, and his eyes were still a little crazy.

In Lin Feng's other hand, there was a blue bead. Lin Feng put away the Dinghai God bead, looked at Jiang Xiong and perked up.

Lin Feng looked very embarrassed. His whole body was covered with flesh and blood, and his hair on the top also fell off. It looked really embarrassed and badly hurt.

But Lin Feng knew that when the black vortex exploded, he had entered the Dinghai god pearl and relied on Jiang Xiong. Most of the injuries were caused by the dragon scale.

Lin Feng, holding Feng Tong's sword in his hand, walked slowly towards Jiang Xiong and said, "Jiang Xiong, do you still have the energy to fight with me?"

Jiang Xiong stood there, trembling and shaking. For the first time, his eyes were a little more frightened. Looking around, almost all the white bone people had fallen soft to the ground, and dark green flowers grew on the white bones, almost covering the whole white bone.

These white bones have really died.

"I'm giving them a relief." Seeing the appearance of these white bones, Lin Feng looked up at Jiang Xiong, smiled and said.

"Ha ha." Jiang Xiong suddenly smiled. All the emotions in his eyes converged in an instant. He looked more relieved. He stood the iron pestle on the ground, ha ha, and said, "yes, at last he can be free."

With that, Jiang Xiong relaxed his whole body, slowly closed his eyes, and looked relieved.

Lin Feng's long sword was across Jiang Xiong's neck. Looking at Jiang Xiong's appearance, he sighed and said, "although I don't understand, I will still read you the past life Sutra 108 times."

He moved Xiong's eyelashes, but he didn't open his eyes. He just sat there with a natural and indifferent face.

Losing is losing. Jiang Xiong looked relieved at the moment. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't do it for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, smiled and said, "boy, if you want to kill, you have to cut, just a word. Long ago, I was ready for death. Therefore, death is a kind of liberation for me."

Hearing Jiang Xiong's words, Lin Feng nodded. Feng Tong's sword directly pierced Xiong's neck and dropped Xiong's head on the ground. A burst of black smoke passed. Only a few white bones fell to the ground, and the white bones quickly grew dark green flowers.

Lin Feng sat on the ground.

The battle with Jiang Xiong made Lin Feng feel sorry for each other. Although the battle lasted only so long, Lin Feng saw Jiang Xiong's true feelings.

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes. He looked more serious and serious. The corners of his mouth moved slightly and really read the past Sutra to Jiang Xiong.

Lin Feng read the Sutra of past life again and again, and his body began to repair continuously. He did so again and again. He didn't stop until the sun rose the next morning. His whole look was a little more indifferent. Looking ahead, the corners of his mouth slightly aroused a gentle smile.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His whole body moved a little. His whole body made a crisp "crackling" sound and felt that he had recovered well. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although his small body was still somewhat unsatisfactory, it was obviously much better than expected.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked a little more indifferent.

Looking ahead, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The place of burying bones should be his test, and only after killing the four ghost kings of the place of burying bones can we hope to see the city's own test.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the front, and his eyes were firm again.

Although he didn't walk around all the places where the bones were buried, Lin Feng knew from old man Huang that he was not afraid of the place. There were four ghost kings in the place. The northern King Jiang Xiong, the Western King Hu Zhi, the eastern King Qiming and the southern King were crazy. Among the four ghost kings, Jiang Xiong was the highest and Hu Zhixiu was the lowest. Lin Feng dealt with Hu Zhi before. Hu Zhi was injured in Lin Feng's hand, At this time, cultivation has not completely recovered.

Although this is not the place where the bones are buried below, Lin Feng knows that the four ghost kings are the real four ghost kings. These four ghost kings came in with their own strength, so Lin Feng can be sure that Hu Zhi should have been injured.

If Hu Zhi gets hurt, it's easy to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up in an instant. His eyes twinkled with star light. Looking ahead, his mind was constantly changing. Finally, Lin Feng chose the west, solved Hu Zhi's low cultivation first, and then solved the remaining two.

After walking all the way, Lin Feng suddenly stopped. He knew all the four ghost kings, but there was another man.

Ghost queen Zhao wanwan!

Lin Feng stood there with some hesitation. He was completely unfamiliar with the ghost empress Zhao wanwan. But for the first time, the ghost empress Zhao wanwan didn't embarrass him. In the future, the ghost empress also made some things that were difficult for him to decide. Originally, Lin Feng, who was still full of hope, looked dim after thinking of these things.

If it were someone else, Lin Feng was confident that he could solve it, but Zhao wanwan, the ghost queen, was different.

He had never fought with that woman, but the momentum of his whole body was not comparable to that of the four ghost kings. Lin Feng met that woman the night Hu Zhi took his concubine. Although he only went there, the woman asked Hu Zhi to go out and meet her in person.

That woman's identity is definitely not low.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope that woman won't appear.

Moreover, from the current situation, it should be that he has to deal with the four ghost kings.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng let go of the bad things and went straight to the territory of West King Hu Zhi. The persimmons were kneaded soft and the four ghost kings were the weak first.

Lin Feng's speed was very fast and went straight to Xiwang site.

At this time, Xiwang's territory was not safe at all. Zhao wanwan sat at the top and looked down at the three ghost kings below. He said, "Jiang Xiong has taken the lead. There are only three of you left. What do you think of the three of you? You really don't want to do it?"

Zhao wanwan's words were somewhat frivolous, looked at the following people and said, "you'd better think clearly. As the descendant of the Dragon Emperor and his reputation in the yanxuan continent, I believe you all know. Have you considered it?"

Hearing Zhao wanwan's words, the three people sat there in silence without opening their mouths.

Hu Zhi's face became more and more gloomy. After all, he had suffered a loss in Lin Feng's hand.

Thinking of Lin Feng's previous actions, Hu Zhi's whole look became more and more heavy.

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