Yao Ziyi appeared behind Qianqian and greeted the Zhao family owner. A black ruler appeared behind the Zhao family owner and a ruler went down towards the Zhao family owner.

Old man Huang gave a cry, looked at the owner of the Zhao family and said, "this skin and meat, how can it be so beaten!"

A piece of flesh and blood skin on the back of the Zhao family owner was directly beaten down by old man Huang.

At the same time, Yao Ziyi's ice chain also hit the Zhao family owner. After the attack, the Zhao family owner vomited blood.

Qianqian's body appeared among the disciples of the Zhao family, and his long tail swept over. Before those disciples of the Zhao family could react, they were swept out by Qianqian's tail.

The five people soon gathered together.

Qin Yanran stood there with a cold face, but Shi Ningxue in front of her was not so good. She looked depressed, her face was cold, and her eyes were a little gloomy.

"Good, good, good!" Shi Ningxue stood beside the Zhao family owner, looked at Qin Yanran, with a gloomy face, sneered and said, "I underestimated you!"

"Yes." Qin Yan nodded and was very frank.

Schneider paused.

She saw Qin Yanran's hand a limited number of times. The woman always followed Lin Feng and quietly watched Lin Feng deal with the enemy. Now it seems that it is much more powerful than she imagined.

No wonder one can deal with the whole Nebula holy land without fighting back. It turns out that it is the nebula holy land and is not her opponent at all!

Thinking of this, the coldness in Shi Ningxue's eyes became more and more severe. This woman must be killed!

As long as you kill this woman, Lin Feng will be relieved of an important arm. It must be easier to deal with Lin Feng!

Shi Ningxue suddenly gave a low smile, looked at Qin Yanran and said, "if I killed you, would your Lin Feng be crazy? Tut Tut, it was for you that even the Jedi could enter! "

"Then it doesn't depend on whether you have this ability!" The emperor's pen in Qin Yanran's hand drew a golden silk thread in the air. The silk thread turned into a spiritual power in an instant and greeted Shi Ningxue. At the same time, Qin Yanran's body also moved out.

"Go!" Shi Ningxue gave a low drink, and a purple spirit training suddenly appeared beside her. Shi Ningxue's body stood behind, facing Qin Yanran's attack, and the smile at the corners of her mouth became more and more strange.

Qin Yanran's body paused in the air. At this moment, the purple spirit training attacked Qin Yanran's body, and Qin Yanran's whole body was stained with a light purple.

"Go!" Qin Yanran's face changed a little, and her eyes were a little more gloomy. The look on her face was constantly changing, green, white and purple.

Shi Ningxue gave a low smile, looked at Qin Yanran and said, "sister, be obedient and catch it. I've practiced my spiritual power, but I've been practicing for thousands of years. I didn't get it in vain."

"The genius of the Shi family, who has been practicing for thousands of years, has made such achievements today. I have thoroughly appreciated it." Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Qin Yanran hit back without hesitation, sneered and said.

"You!" Shi Ningxue was restrained by Qin Yanran's words. Looking at Qin Yanran, she sneered. The things in her hand suddenly accelerated and attacked Qin Yanran.

Qin Yanran's body kept retreating, and the purple on her face was still there, but it was not ambiguous to deal with Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue's speed was faster and faster. Gradually, Qin Yanran was unable to stand. The picture of mountains and rivers slowly appeared around Qin Yanran. Qin Yanran's spirit was better. She raised her head and looked at Shi Ningxue with gloomy eyes.

Seeing Qin Yanran's appearance, Shi Ningxue paused. Suddenly, Shi Ningxue's face changed, his body kept retreating, looked up at Qin Yanran, and his face was so gloomy that he could bleed.

How did this woman suddenly become so powerful?

Shi Ningxue looks up at Qin Yanran. After seeing the anger in Qin Yanran's eyes, Shi Ningxue's body quickly retreats, and the expression on her face changes again and again.

"Tut Tut, I thought the girl of the Shi family was so powerful!" Old man Huang stood behind Shi Ningxue, and the ruler in his hand hit Shi Ningxue with a slap. Shi Ningxue was casting a spell and was hit off guard by old man Huang.

Old man Huang stood behind Shi Ningxue, with an obscene face and a smile like an old fox in his eyes.

"Old man, die!" Shi Ningxue's face became gloomy for a moment. With a pull of his wrist, a sword flower greeted old man Huang. Old man Huang smiled and retreated towards the back, saying:

"I said, girl, you'd better deal with the enemy behind you."

With that, old man Huang's body quickly retreated.

Hearing old man Huang's words, Shi Ning Xuedun turned around and saw that a golden mountain had appeared above her head. Qin Yanran looked down at her as if she were a dead man.

"Top!" Shi Ningxue's face changed for a moment, and her whole body kept retreating. Looking at Shi Ningxue, the gloom in her eyes became more and more severe. She bit her teeth and looked cold. How could this woman appear so fast?

Shi Ningxue's body kept beating, leaving residual shadows. She raised her head and looked at Qin Yanran, but she saw Qin Yanran chasing after her. The mountain seemed to lock her, and there was a posture that she would not strike if she didn't stop.

"Don't run away. It can absorb the aura in the air for its own use. The more you run away, the more powerful she will be!" Qin Yanran's mouth aroused a kind smile, looked at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile.

Shi Ningxue's footsteps stopped there and looked back at Qin Yanran. Behind her was a thick earth monument. She had been forced into a desperate situation.

Shi Ningxue grits her teeth and looks at Qin Yanran. Yao Ziyi drags all the disciples. The Zhao family owner can't protect herself, and she can't escape this attack.

This woman

Shi Ningxue looks down at Qin Yanran. Qin Yanran's eyes are shining with golden light. When Shi Ningxue looks at the past time, the light is happy to reach Shi Ningxue's soul chef. Shi Ningxue's body trembles. The golden attack hit Shi Ningxue directly. Shi Ningxue has no power to resist.

"Boom!" There came a huge fire wave. With a loud noise, Qianqian's whole snake tail converged in an instant. His body flipped skillfully in the air, and his body was stained with several wisps of flames. He looked very embarrassed!

Qianqian bit his teeth and looked at the Zhao family owner in front of him.

The master of Zhao's family had a gloomy face and looked at Qianqian with crazy eyes. He held a purple gourd in his hand. Those flames came out of the purple gourd.

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