"Jie Jie, Qian Qian, this taste is not good!" Zhao's face was defiant. Looking at Qian Qian, he laughed and said, "if you can use my precious flame than me, you can die at ease!"

"Be careful!" Qin Yanran gave a voice and wanted to help. Shi Ningxue stood beside Qin Yanran, sneered, looked at Qin Yanran, vomited blood and said:

"Qin Yanran, don't think I don't exist!"

With that, Shi Ningxue directly stabbed Qin Yanran with a long sword. Qin Yanran had to deal with Shi Ningxue separately and looked up at the sky.

"Hehe, it's just a little skill!" Qianqian sneered, and the whole body suddenly shone. The surrounding earth aura seemed to be pulled, and rushed towards Qianqian.

Seeing this program, Qin Yanran breathed a sigh of relief and turned to concentrate on dealing with Shi Ningxue in front of her.

The earth aura began to vibrate and converge towards this side, while the other auras began to weaken. Qianqian stood in the sky, and the Yellow aura wrapped her body, like a high empress, with a kind of thick and stable breath.

"Drink!" Qianqian gave a low drink, and the thick earth tablet seemed to be inspired. The whole suddenly pulled out of the mountain and flew directly behind Qianqian, turning into a huge screen, blocking all the flames for Qianqian.

"Go!" Qianqian's finger pointed to Zhao's family. Zhao's eyes looked at the aisle behind the thick earth monument. Before he could be happy, the thick earth monument hit him directly.

Zhao's face changed instantly. He felt the breath of thousands of troops on the thick earth monument. His whole body kept retreating, and the gloom in his eyes became more and more severe.

"Smash this old immortal to death!" Qianqian's body followed the thick earth monument, pointed to the Zhao family owner below and said loudly.

The thick earth tablet seemed to understand Qian Qian's words, and directly greeted the Zhao family owner, without leaving a hand at all.

The body of Zhao's family master could not escape. He was hit by a stone from a thick earth monument, leaving a deep impression.

"You wicked woman!" The master of the Zhao family raised his head, stared at Qianqian and shouted.

"Doesn't Zhao know that history is written by winners?" Qianqian sneered and looked down at the Zhao family leader. The earth aura of her whole body was constantly surging. She was only the cultivation at the beginning of the robbery, but the Zhao family leader was already at the top of the robbery period. The gap between the two people was very huge. Qianqian was very difficult to deal with the Zhao family leader who was a treasure all over her.

But when Qianqian mobilized the aura around her, she clearly felt a friendly breath, which came from the thick earth monument.

Although he didn't know what the thick earth monument was, at this critical moment, Qian Qian didn't care. He directly greeted the thick earth Monument and attacked the Zhao family leader in front of him.

The master of Zhao's family looked very embarrassed. Under the greeting of the thick earth monument, he was embarrassed to avoid.

Seeing this, Qianqian's mouth lifted a faint smile, his fingers gently, and a spirit training directly greeted Zhao's master.

"You wicked woman!" The Zhao family leader shouted, and the whole body was thrown into the sky. The Zhao family leader's look changed. Taking advantage of this time, he quickly retreated for ang and wanted to leave. Who knows that he hasn't reacted yet, and the whole body was sent back.

The owner of Zhao's family suddenly widened his eyes. Lin Feng stood at the edge of the sky, looked at the owner of Zhao's family, with a gentle smile on his face and said:

"Have you forgotten that you have set up a no air array here!"

The master of the Zhao family turned around and saw Lin Feng standing there. His whole body trembled. He trembled for a moment, and his eyes became gray. How could this boy appear here?

The head of Zhao family smashed the corner of his mouth and retreated towards the back. The gloom in his eyes became more and more severe. He hasn't responded yet. Why did this guy appear here.

"You..." the corner of Zhao's mouth hard highlighted your son. Fengtong sword directly cut off Zhao's head. Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "I'm sorry. What I don't like most is the woman who is bullied by others."

With that, Lin Feng's body fell towards the bottom and stood beside Qin Yanran. The field of sword expanded, and Feng Tong's sword stabbed Shi Ningxue.

Lin Feng's appearance is very abrupt. Shi Ningxue hasn't responded yet. Lin Feng's long sword has pierced Shi Ningxue's heart. Lin Feng's mouth evokes a faint smile and says:

"Tut Tut, Miss Shi, it seems that you can't escape this time."

"Poof!" Shi Ningxue vomited blood, looked up at Lin Feng, with a gloomy face and said: "Lin Feng..."

Lin Feng's words Shi Ningxue jumped out of the gap between his teeth. Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face. His whole body twitched, and suddenly turned into bursts of smoke and disappeared into the air.

"Eh, this woman?" Old man Huang stood behind Lin Feng and looked at the disappeared Shi Ningxue with an incredible face.

"It's just a separation. Shi Ningxue's separation is more powerful than her own. Her own spirit weapon has never appeared again in my hands. This separation is probably made by Shi Ningxue after spending a lot of thought. Tut Tut, it's finally solved."

Lin Feng looked at the blood on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's Hu ah, the farmers and everyone were silent. Qianqian and Qin Yanran stood beside Lin Feng. Yao Ziyi paused and put away her ice field.

Her ice field covers a very wide range, which is best for group warfare. However, in addition, the cultivation of these disciples is not high, so Yao Ziyi is the most relaxed of the three women!

"I kill!" A voice in the crowd was shouting. Deng Jiajia, holding a weapon, shuttled among the disciples and shouted. The attack seemed careless. On the contrary, there were many wounds on his body, and his hair stood up. It looked very funny!

"Deng Jiajia!" Huang pulled his head, and Deng Jiajia's body trembled. After shaking for a while, he quickly appeared next to old man Huang. He smiled and said, "Oh, master, you solved it!"

Deng Jiajia returned to old man Huang. When she saw Lin Feng's joking little hot face, she immediately broke her bracelet, smashed the corner of her mouth, smiled, stood there and lowered her head.

Seeing Deng Jiajia's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. This guy can disguise himself, or sell well.

"Well... I... I tried my best." Deng Jiajia bowed his head and said with a dull face.

"I know. Let's leave now. I've arranged a small array here to help Houtu guard the place here. In the future, our Baiyu sect disciples can enter here every year for experience."

Lin Feng paused, looked back at the thick Earth Dragon tomb and breathed a sigh of relief.

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