"Let's go." Lin Feng turned around, took several women's hands and flew directly outside.

The three women followed. Old man Huang and Deng Jiajia looked at each other. They both followed. Standing on the horizon, Lin Feng paused and said, "go back to houtumen first. Let's discuss the next thing."

"What thick earth gate or not? It's okay. Don't talk about thick earth gate. Let's go back directly now." Old man Huang smiled, looked at Lin Feng and said, "boy, it will be your home in the future. You will be there when you want to go home."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at old man Huang. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. When did the old man become enlightened?

Seeing Lin Feng's suspicious look on his face, old man Huang coughed and said, "I'm not a bad man. This is mainly because... Or because... You are now the heir of Lord long Huang. Our Houtu gate exists for Lord Houtu. Lord Houtu said, let's help you, and we'll help you."

Old man Huang paused, looked at Lin Feng and said seriously.

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng smiled and said, "I know."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, old man Huang paused and looked up at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's gentle smile, old man Huang smashed his mouth and remained silent.

Seeing the appearance of old man Huang, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "don't worry. If you sincerely follow me, I won't treat you badly!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, old man Huang suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's gentle smile, old man Huang's mouth also opened a little. Avenue:

"It's almost the same. In this way, I won't waste my hard work all the way." Old man Huang turned to look at Deng Jiajia, but he saw that Deng Jiajia seemed to be immersed in the battle just now and didn't return to his mind.

Old man Huang paused and was about to pat Deng Jiajia on the shoulder. Lin Feng clasped old man Huang's arm and said, "don't hit him. This is his nature."

Hearing Lin Feng's smiling words, old man Huang paused and bowed his head. Only then did he find that the light in Deng Jiajia's eyes was flashing continuously. Behind him, the light of light earth yellow and color was constantly alternating.

Oh, my darling!

Old man Huang's body immediately retreated towards the back, and then carefully gathered in front of Deng Jiajia. Looking at Deng Jiajia's appearance, he had a little more joy in his eyes. Looking back at Lin Feng, his face became more and more grateful.

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his lips.

Old man Huang smashed the corner of his mouth, paused, looked at Lin Feng and said, "that... Boy, thank you."

Hearing what old man Huang said, Lin Feng shook his head, smiled and said, "I don't do much. What I did can help you, which makes me very comfortable. By the way, if you want to know Deng Jiajia's life experience, you can put Deng Jiajia in the place where you bury your bones."

Lin Feng suddenly thought of the scene he saw in the Dragon tomb. Looking at old man Huang, he whispered.

"The place of burying bones?" Old man Huang paused, looked down, pointed to the bone burial place and said, "in the future, there will probably be no bone burial place."

Lin Feng paused and looked down. The white bones on the bone burial ground had disappeared. The wind blew and the yellow sand was rolling on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng paused.

Before taking away the blood from the Dragon tomb, Lin Feng saw the soul of Houtu sleeping. Its soul power is too weak. If he is careless, it may be annihilated in the world forever. In order to protect the soul power, Lin Feng used the Soul Crystal extracted in advance on Houtu's body, and then Qingling nourished Houtu's soul with his body, I hope the soul of Houtu can wake up earlier.

Without the support of the Dragon tomb, the soul power on the bone burial place has basically been swept away by him. Now the bone burial place is worthy of its name.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't seem to have thought that there would be something like a dragon tomb in this bone burial place!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mouth lifted a gentle smile, and his whole body relaxed. He breathed a sigh of relief. Looking ahead, he breathed a sigh of relief. In turn, Lin Feng thought of the city of burying bones. If the things in the whole place of burying bones have disappeared and those bloodthirsty humans enter other places

Lin Feng's whole look was grim in an instant. He suddenly turned around and said, "go, you all quickly recover your aura. We're going to the buried bone city now. It's daytime. The buried bone city may not have known the situation on the buried bone land. We must not let those guys enter the outside world. Otherwise, the outside world will suffer."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the faces with victory joy were serious and nodded one by one.

Lin Feng offered Qianlong shuttle. Qianlong shuttle came out reluctantly and said, "master, isn't that guy who just gave you the thick soil shuttle? Why should we come out. The old man of Houtu must fly faster than us in this place! "

Hearing Qianlong's complaint, Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "don't complain there. Take us to the city of burying bones first. It's dangerous there!"

"Those humans!" Qianlong paused for a moment and said softly, "the old boy of Houtu originally wanted to imprison the most earth. The periphery of the bone burial place has never been accessible to ordinary humans, but with the migration of time, some practitioners did not hesitate to take risks for their own interests, so today's situation came into being."

"It seems that you know a lot!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows. This guy was silent and knew a lot.

"Hehe, once, when the old guy didn't sleep, he came to see it, ha ha..." Qianlong's voice was a little embarrassed, for fear that Lin Fengqiu would settle accounts later.

Lin Feng didn't mean to settle accounts. He knew that Qianlong was also for his good. If he knew too much about the situation in the Dragon tomb too early and he was ready to go, what he could get was certainly not as much as what he has now. On the contrary, Qianlong didn't say anything. Although he said something hard and unexpected in the past, Lin Feng knew, He got far more from these battles.

Especially those earth giants, who have helped his meat and body strength improve a lot, and even have vaguely broken through a big limit. His meat and body strength is definitely not comparable at the beginning!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stood in front of Qianlong shuttle with his back hand, moved his mind and said, "take good control of your Qianlong shuttle. I got a wonderful thing from the thick Earth Dragon tomb. You will take it and study it at that time."

Chihiro shuddered.

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