Qianlong shuttle appeared in the buried bone city at the fastest speed. Lin Feng just wanted to control Qianlong shuttle. Old man Huang grabbed Lin Feng's hand and said, "boy, it's not normal!"

"Huh?" Lin Feng's look moved and looked down. There was nothing below. As usual, there were wars on the street, and countless people were fighting in this small street in order to survive.

A weak figure walked out of the buried bone city with a backpack on his back and looked back at the city. Huang San held the token in his hand. He breathed a sigh of relief and yearned more in his eyes. As long as he got out of the buried city, the adult said that he could join his sect. In the future, he no longer needed to draw blood for a living and walked steadily all his life.

Lin Feng turned to look at old man Huang. Old man Huang paused and said, "the smell of the buried bone city is different."

Lin Feng paused and felt it carefully. Sure enough, the smell of the whole buried city has indeed changed a lot.

"Hey, hey, this boy!" Lin Feng bowed his head and saw Huang San leaving the city. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. His mind moved. A spirit training directly clasped Huang San's body and pulled Huang San onto Qianlong shuttle.

Huang San was overwhelmed by Lin Feng's actions and shouted. His whole body was struggling. When he fell on the entity, Huang San's head turned left and right. Seeing Lin Feng's smiling face, Huang San stood up.

"My Lord!"

Huang San's words were all excited. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with respect on his face.

"How did you get out of town?" Lin Feng was surprised and asked with a smile.

"The old man told me. The old man told me to come out and make a living. Don't stay in the bone burial place in the future. I can live well outside." Huang San, with a shy smile on his face, looked up at Lin Feng and said shyly. As he spoke, he spread out his hand, pointed to the flying leaf blade in his hand and said:

"Look, this is a gift from the old man. He said it was a spirit instrument!"

Lin Feng looked down at the blade in Huang San's hand. The blade stood quietly in his hand. It was indeed a spirit tool, and he still recognized Huang San as the main spirit tool. Although he was thin, he had a lot of luck.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was a little envious, he didn't have much. After seeing that it had been quiet here, Lin Feng put all his mind on the buried city.

There is an array in the sky of the whole buried bone City, which vaguely controls the whole buried bone city. It seems to restrict the people in the buried bone city from leaving. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng frowned.

"I have lived in the buried bone city for many years. I am the most familiar with the buried bone city. Some things here seem to have changed."

Lin Feng nodded, stood there and looked at it with a bit more exploration in his eyes. Under the guidance of old man Huang, Lin Feng had seen that the breath here was constantly changing. Although such a change was very slight, he still felt it.

"Let's stand still first." Lin Feng nodded and looked more serious. Instead, he sat there and looked down at the city below.

The city of buried bones walked from day to night. At night, the carnival of the whole city reached the peak in an instant. The lights of the whole city of buried bones were bright. At this time, the city of buried bones suddenly trembled and trembled.

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and looked at the buried city below.

There was a colorful light shining above the buried bone city. The disciples of the buried bone place raised their heads one by one and looked at the sky, and became more and more happy.

"I felt that just now the whole bone burial place seemed to tremble. It trembled. Did it tremble?" Qin Yanran stood beside Lin Feng, her voice was very soft, frowned and asked.

"Yes, trembled. Trembled for a while, and now it is still slightly trembling. Trembling, you see, some people are reveling, some people have felt it, and are running towards the gate of the buried city."

Lin Feng pointed down and whispered.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran looked in the direction pointed by Lin Feng's finger. Sure enough, she saw a lot of people rushing towards the city gate. Their faces were frightened and directly hit the city gate.

Then when the night came, the gate could no longer be opened.

At this time, everyone who was still reveling reacted and rushed towards the city gate one by one.

Seeing the appearance of these people, old man Huang sighed and said, "these guys were very arrogant and proud at the beginning. At this time, I finally know."

Old man Huang said with a bit of schadenfreude and a smile.

"Yes, perhaps in their hearts, this is an eternal happy city, but now, this happy city will disappear forever." Lin Feng sat there, looking a little silent. Although most of the Anle city are unpopular with him, there are still some people who are kind in Lin Feng's heart.

However, kindness can't seem to save them.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed. He can't change anything. Just like his previous constitution, if the thick soil doesn't arrange all this, he will destroy the city.

This city has been isolated from the world for too long. It must not appear in the city. Once it appears, it must be a very serious problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The vibration below became stronger and stronger, and the whole bone burial place continued to tremble. It trembled, and some merchants who had not yet had time to leave were also put into it. There were many monks who came from hunting names. These people followed the people of the bone burial place to the city wall. However, the whole bone burial place was like an iron link and could not leave at all.

"Let the array mage come and crack the array!" In the crowd, some friars flew into the sky and shouted. In turn, countless array mages flew up. These array mages frowned one by one as they kept checking around.

"Line up and hit the city gate one after another. Don't rush all over like this. We are bound to escape all before the buried city is absorbed by the crack!" Some disciples dressed in yellow came out. One of them looked up at Lin Feng with evil in his eyes.

Lin Feng paused for a moment. That was the owner of the Huang family.

Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment, and then he remembered that when he was buried in the city of bones, he took away a group of women from the Huang family. Those women are still among the sea god beads.

Because I was too busy before, I forgot this thing.

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