"Dad, what happened to that boy?" A young man followed the owner of the Huang family. He looked up at Lin Feng and asked.

"At the beginning, this boy took our sacrifice and locked us in the altar. If the Dragon tomb hadn't been loosened, we couldn't come out of it. You should take care of the people below first. I doubt that everything here has something to do with this boy."

Huang's breath directly locked Lin Feng across the sky. Lin Feng just sat there, smiled gently at Huang, and then nodded.

The Lord of the Huang family was stunned by Lin Feng's actions. He looked down at Lin Feng carefully and found that Lin Feng was very tall. He sat cross legged there with a gentle smile.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the owner of the Huang family was silent.

"Boom!" The periphery of the buried bone city began to fall towards the inside. Countless people were washed down and howled everywhere. The figures of these people fell one by one, and even some people held the people who wanted to fall. As a result, they fell with them the next moment.

"I don't want to die!"


At this time, countless people finally saw Lin Feng and Qianlong shuttle, looked at Lin Feng one by one, and prayed in their eyes.

"Please, help us!"

"Take us out!"

"Let's live with it. We want to live!"


Countless people knelt down to Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng, the hope for survival in his eyes became stronger and stronger. Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Feng sighed and said, "it's not that I don't want to save you. You also see that you can't come out and I can't go in!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, all the people with hope disappeared their prayers and pity. They looked at Lin Feng one by one with resentment, as if Lin Feng was the one who didn't save his life.

The city continued to fall, and the crowd began to crowd. Lin Feng glanced around the people, and finally saw several familiar figures in the corner. The people of Jinling firm were also among them.

Sure enough, it's for business. I don't hesitate to give up everything.

Lin Feng sighed and turned his back.

"My Lord, can't these people really be saved?" Huang San walked up to Lin Feng, bent slightly and asked softly, "in fact, their nature is not bad, but everyone is used to calling it the killer's paradise, so this is what happens here."

Hearing Huang San's words, Lin Feng was silent for a moment and said, "the array here is a nine level array. Few people can unlock this array on the whole brother yanxuan continent, so even if I want to deal with it, it's impossible."

Lin Feng paused and said, "moreover, this array is selective. Do you see that those who are not bloodthirsty have not fallen down."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang San looked down carefully. All those who were not bloodthirsty were still standing in a safe area. As for those who were bloodthirsty, they all fell down, especially the disciples of the Huang family. At this time, almost all of them had been sent down except the owner of the Huang family and the people he protected.

"It's ok if it's solved here. The countless girls are finally liberated!"

Qin Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"Bang!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, and some people were directly bounced out by the array. The rest fell into the abyss with the last building of the buried bone city. The abyss merged slowly, and a black land appeared here, emitting the fragrance of soil, as if the buried bone city did not exist, Only the faint breath is still dissipating.

"What's going on?"


The ignorance of those who were bounced out, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at the front. After seeing the things in front, their faces were filled with ecstasy. Finally, there was a little more joy. They were not swallowed!

The joy of the rest of life made a group of people cry and laugh together, completely abandoning the gratitude and resentment of the past.

"Thank you, thank you!"

After returning to God, all the people looked at Lin Feng and knelt down towards Lin Feng.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Lin Feng sighed and said, "I didn't save you. It's all your own result. Leave early. Here, I'll wait for you to reclaim. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone began to disperse one after another. A girl looked back at Lin Feng standing on the cloud, slightly bit her lips, and her eyes were a little more stubborn.

"Shall we go?"

Qin Yan asked softly.

"Wait, you see, it's dawn." Lin Feng pointed to the gradually changing clouds in the sky, hugged Qin Yanran and Qianqian, and said, "let's see the sunrise here."

Yao Ziyi stood in the back and saw this scene. She bit her lips slightly. There was a little more indifference between her looks.

Lin Feng's mind has begun to deepen with the passage of time, especially when Lin Feng took her out of Hu Zhi's hand.

If at the beginning, she just sprouted, now it is the one deep into the bone marrow. However, Yao Ziyi dare not expose her feelings. She can only hide in the last corner and look at the man in front of her.

This is her best friend's husband.

Yao Ziyi turned and walked towards the back. Qin Yanran's mind moved and sat up a little straight. However, she soon became silent. She looked back at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng didn't seem to care. Yao Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Maybe Yao Ziyi is not the type Lin Feng likes.

Here, old man Huang sat next to Deng Jiajia and looked at Deng Jiajia with a bit of anxiety in his eyes. However, he didn't say anything at last. He just kept Deng Jiajia and was alert around.

Lin Feng looked back and saw old man Huang. He was stunned. Instead, he continued to watch the sky rising slowly and hugged his second daughter. He was not happy.

Suddenly, Lin Feng took out the ingredients and boiler, burned the fire, cooked a pot of LingMi, then picked a Lingyu, removed the scales and bones, sliced the fish, put it into LingMi and cooked it together, making a pot of fish porridge.

The fragrance spread on the Qianlong shuttle. The sun finally rose into the sky. The spirit of everyone was shocked. Deng Jiajia also opened his eyes and looked at the pot.

"Come on, everybody try it." Lin Feng took out a bowl with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. One person filled a bowl. The delicious fish porridge hung everyone's intestines and stomach. Everyone swallowed their saliva and stared round. This is a good thing!

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