"Delicious!" Old man Huang nodded, swallowed his mouth, turned to look at Lin Feng and said loudly, "old man, I've been crazy for so many years. This is the first time I've eaten such delicious fish porridge!"

"Delicious!" Deng Jiajia also nodded. The teachers and disciples sat in the corner and watched the people in front eat with relish.

"Ziyi, have breakfast!" Qin Yanran shouted to Yao Ziyi, turned her head, but saw Yao Ziyi looking at a direction, stunned. Seeing this scene, Qin Yanran was stunned. After looking at it together, she didn't even eat porridge.

"Lin Feng, come and see, it's a mirage!"

Qin Yanran suddenly turned her head and shouted to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his head and took a casual look. At the next moment, he directly put down the stone puppet European bowls and chopsticks and stood beside Qin Yanran. With Qin Yanran, he looked at the past. It was a real mirage!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes finally fluctuated a little, his body trembled slightly, and one hand held Qin Yanran's hand tightly.

In the mirage of the sky, a figure is constantly turning. In the place near the sea, the figure holds a long sword and flies in the air. Under the ten thousand high cliff, countless people look at the flying woman with some worship.

Sword field, Fengtong sword, sister Tongtong.

Lin Feng's eyes stared round in an instant. He stared at the woman and didn't dare to move away at all.

"It's sister Tongtong!" Qin Yanran turned to look at Lin Feng, crying and laughing, and said loudly.

"Yes, it's sister Tongtong. We finally have news about sister Tongtong." Lin Feng nodded. The whole look reacted. He relaxed his breath, released Qin Yanran's hand and hugged Qin Yanran in his arms.

"This mirage is illusory. Even if you see it, you can't find the people in it?" Old man Huang turned to look at Lin Feng, sighed and said softly.

"No, it's true." Qin Yan shook her head and said seriously, "mirage is the refraction principle of light, so we just need to judge the place according to the orientation."

"Don't judge." Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, took Qin Yanran's hand and said softly, "there is Guiyun City, which is where we first came. If we see that place correctly, it should be the Guiyun gate of Sima Haoran. Let's go directly to pick up sister Tongtong home."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

It's really a broken iron shoe. There's nowhere to find. It takes no effort to get it.

Qin Yanran also smiled, nodded, relaxed, and said, "now we can all go home. Fortunately, we all fall on the yanxuan continent. If we fall elsewhere, it will cost you a lot of energy!"

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng nodded, took Qin Yanran's hand with a gentle smile and said, "well, when the things here are handled, we'll go straight home."

Qianqian stood beside Lin Feng. Lin Feng held Qianqian's hand. The eyes of the three people were a little more calm. When they thought of the things they were going to face, they were happy.

Qianlong shuttle seemed to feel the happiness of his master, accelerated his speed, flew forward, directly passed through the thick clouds and appeared in the thick earth gate.

The thatched cottage in houtumen is still there, but in front of the thatched cottage, there are still countless debt collectors. When they see Lin Feng and his party appear, they smile on their faces and say:

"I dare ask, brother, but I also came to ask old man Huang for debt?"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Lin Feng paused, turned to smile and said: "I don't know these Taoist friends, how much does the old yellow man owe you? Why did you come here one by one? "

"Not much, not much. We owe our family 100 top-grade spirit stones, but boss, we are a small business. You say, even if we break the sky, we can't earn these 100 Liang silver."

"Yes, yes, childe, you don't know. This little money is all our wealth." These disciples stood in front of Lin Feng one by one, looking pitiful and saying.

Hearing these people's words, Lin Feng was silent and looked back at old man Huang and Deng Jiajia. These two guys are both promoted. Obviously, these two guys are not suitable to appear at this time.

Lin Feng asked Qianlong Suo to send the two guys inside. Instead, he made an invitation gesture and said, "since everyone comes to collect debts, let's sit in and say it well. Maybe we can do some small business with a plan!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, those people look at me and I look at you. They all sat down one by one. Lin Feng took out the spirit tea. Qin Yanran hurried forward to make tea. The recycling was just seen by everyone. Behind Lin Feng, there were several women of extraordinary beauty.

These women are beautiful one by one. No matter which one is put outside, they will certainly become a fairy. But now, all these women follow the men.

The man in front of me

The hearts and minds of the people trembled.

Is it difficult that old man Huang offended some terrible people, so his enemy came to the door?

After seeing this scene, the businessman who first talked to Lin Feng wanted to slap himself directly. What and what is this? How does he feel that he seems to have been bitten by himself!

Thinking of this, the old man felt like crying without tears in his eyes and followed Lin Feng. He couldn't walk and didn't dare to speak, but his body trembled and trembled.

"My family is only running a small business. Don't panic. I just see everyone here, so my husband is ready to talk with you." With a gentle smile on the corners of Qin Yanran's mouth, she asked everyone to sit down and said softly, "everyone sit down. I think everyone is a native of Huangtu island. You must be familiar with this thick earth gate?"

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, they found that these people had come to Xie houtumen.

"Young master, madam, we know this thick earth gate. If it's thousands of years in the morning, it's also the top one and the top two sects in Huangtu Chau. Even hundreds of years ago, it was ranked top in Huangtu Chau. But when the thick earth gate came to the back, it was completely lost. When old man Huang got it, what could be sold, even the treasure of the thick earth gate, It's also sold. There's nothing here. "

"Yes, yes, I heard from my grandfather. He said that at the beginning, the whole loess continent was houtumen. All the thirty cities here followed the instructions of houtumen. At that time, as long as the disciples of houtumen went out, it was absolutely boundless scenery!"

You and I talked about the past history of houtumen. Lin Feng put his hand on the table and beat it Qianqian. He also had a simple understanding of houtumen.

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