"Take it easy, you boy. If it's her father Ji LAN next to you!" Lin Feng paused for a moment and gave a voice to Sima Haoran. The dead pig who was still looking was not afraid of the wind on Sima Haoran's face. The flow immediately converged, coughed and said:

"Uncle Ji, Miss Ji, we meet again!"

Seeing Sima Haoran's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. He saw that Sima Haoran was really a shameless guy. Oh, it was better than old man Huang.

"Door master!"


Ji Ruolin came up to Lin Feng with a smile on his face, hugged Lin Feng's arm, tooted his mouth and said, "master, you are so stingy. You have put Ruolin and sister Xiaoxiao at the Baiyu gate for so long. You don't come to see others. They really miss you!"

Hearing Ji ruoli's words, Lin Feng smiled, scraped Ji ruoli's nose and said, "in that case, have you practiced well every day? I've heard you say that you haven't practiced well during this period of time."

"They don't!" Ji ruoli snorted, moved his nose a few times, and said, "is he such a person? You see, I'm in the late stage of fit. It's because everyone says my cultivation is rising too fast and I need to relax. I went out and was taken by my father to kill monsters at sea! "

Hearing Ji Ruolin's words, Lin Feng's mind moved and looked at Ji LAN. Ji LAN bent slightly and said, "sect leader, although Ruolin is still small, her cultivation has reached the integration stage. If there is not enough sense of killing, I'm worried about her..."

Hearing Ji Lan's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "you're right. This servant girl really lacks combat experience."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji LAN suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's smile at the corners of her mouth, she seemed to relax. Although he was ruoli's father, Ji LAN did not dare to make decisions for ruoli in some things. First, the relationship between father and daughter was too short, which made Ji LAN always feel that she owed ruoli, Yes, ruoli has a powerful master. In general, he does better than himself.

Based on these reasons, most of Ji ruoli's problems are handed over to Lin Feng.

"Brother Ji LAN, it's hard for you. Take ruoli back to Baiyu gate first. I still have some things to deal with, but I'll go back soon. At that time, let's go back to Haicheng first. I should do what I promised you."

Lin Feng paused with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, looked at Ji LAN and said.

Ji Lan's application was stunned for a moment. In turn, his face immediately took ecstasy. His whole body was constantly shaking. Shaking, he raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. The corners of his mouth trembled a few times before he spit out a few sounds.

"Really... Really? May I go and take her home? "

Seeing Ji Lan's unbelievable face, Lin Feng nodded and said, "yes, you can take her home. In the future, your home is her home, and everything you have is everything to her. You can get together, and you will be a family in the future."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji LAN nodded, and the joy on her face became more and more obvious. Her father and daughter stood there, their eyes flowing, and the whole side seemed to twinkle with endless starlight.

"Let's go." Seeing the appearance of father and son, Lin Feng shook his head and turned to walk outside. Sima Haoran looked back at Ji ruoli and immediately followed him.

"Well... Can't we wait?" Out of the restaurant, Sima Haoran looked at the restaurant with some regret and asked softly.

"Don't wait, let them be happy for a while, and then go straight back to the Baiyu gate. If you are so strange from this girl, wouldn't it be bad if you followed me to the blue valley later?" Lin Feng shrugged, found a quiet corner and asked about Sima Haoran blue valley.

Lin Feng turns to go. Sima Haoran pulls Lin Feng's sleeve. Lin Feng turns to look at Sima Haoran.

"Well... Brother Lin, if you find her, can you inform me? After all, she is also a disciple of our Guiyun sect."

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded and offered Qianlong shuttle. Qianlong shuttle took Lin Feng directly through the moat of Guiyun city and headed for the blue valley.

Sima Haoran stood below. Seeing this, he smashed the corner of his mouth. This... This is so handsome! If only he could ignore this film and go straight out to Cloud City!

Sima Haoran swallowed his saliva and did not hide his envy in his eyes.

"Tut Tut, master, that boy is very obsessed with me." Qianlong's transparent body appeared in the sun, with a little wind around Lin Feng. Sao fiddled with his round body and shouted.

"Hurry up. Let's go to blue valley first." Lin Feng looked ahead, waved his hand and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's expression was instantly quiet. He went downstairs and muttered that he returned to Qianlong shuttle and accelerated the speed of Qianlong shuttle. There was no way. Who let the master have nothing, that is, there are many women?

More women, more trouble.

Qianlong accelerated his speed. Lin Feng stood at the end of the shuttle and looked at the scenery in front. Soon, more and more people appeared below. Somewhere in the sky, the blue fog rose directly into the sky.

"Qianlong, hurry up!"

The closer to the blue fog, Lin Feng felt that the familiar atmosphere around him was becoming clearer and clearer. It was here. Sister Yutong must be here!

Lin Feng couldn't help urging Qianlong to speed up. He stopped about three miles away from the blue valley. The only way to enter the blue valley is through the valley mouth. There is a kind of ice orchid at the valley mouth. After eating ice orchid, you can directly enter the blue valley.

"Master, be careful. This place is a little mysterious." Qianlong's cautious voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind and said.

"I know. Don't worry." Lin Feng nodded, glanced in the crowd, and walked towards several chattering people. These friars have been wandering around, obviously without going in, and looking at the clothes of several people, they should be people of the four sects.

Many of the disciples of these four sects must have gone in, so from these guys, you can certainly know what you need.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng paused with a gentle smile on his mouth, gradually introduced his body into the air and stood beside these disciples.

"It's been several days. I think the ancient relics in the blue valley are bullshit." A disciple sneered, played with the long sword in his hand and said, "fortunately, I just came out to have a look this time. I didn't intend to go in. Otherwise, I didn't get the baby. I have to be like those people in front. Even if I came out, it won't be cured."

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