"What's going on?" Lin Feng's heart moved and asked.

"What's the matter? The poisonous fog in the blue valley is heavy. No one has managed it these days. The poisonous fog is getting heavier and heavier. Even ice orchid has no effect. Those people are still rushing in foolishly. I think those people are all fools, one by one, as if they were possessed."

A disciple sneered and said, "the road of cultivation is so long. If you don't even have life, what can you talk about getting the Tao to soar? What about immortality? "

"Hey, hey, what do you know? Our friars are fighting for heaven and life. How can they not go if they have risks?" Another disciple sneered and said, "but we've always been to the blue valley. We cleaned up all the treasures outside. As for there, now that the elite disciples of the four sects have gone in, it's not our turn to get the treasures. It's better to watch outside and make some money!"

"Yes, yes!"

Several people nodded in agreement. Suddenly, several people looked at me and I looked at you. One of them looked at the people and said, "who asked the question just now?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads one by one. Several disciples looked around at ghosts. They were surrounded by familiar sect brothers and sisters. There were no strangers at all!

Thinking of this, several people's bodies suddenly trembled. They trembled, and the whole fell to the ground. Looking at the entrance of the blue valley, several disciples looked at me and I looked at you. They stood up silently and retreated towards the outside, as if I were no longer involved.

"These guys." Lin Feng shook his head. Seeing the appearance of these guys, he couldn't cry or laugh. These guys are really... Not ordinary greedy for life and afraid of death!

Lin Feng inadvertently appeared from the place where several people stood before, and then walked towards the blue valley. Along the way, he also saw many disciples of Baiyu sect. These disciples were in the blue valley. Because there was no stop from the four sects, only some small sects dealt with them. They didn't have much danger. Occasionally, he went there and saw that some disciples couldn't support them, Lin Feng will also help secretly and throw away some ice orchids.

Along the way, Lin Feng walked all the way, listened to these disciples talk about the situation in the valley, and then went deep.

The whole blue valley is covered with blue fog everywhere. These blue fog have no smell, but once they smell it, these fog enter from the nose and directly go towards Lin Feng's limbs and bones, quickly wrap around Lin Feng's muscles and veins.


This guy can still do this?

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and his mind directly penetrated into these blue fog. These blue fog constantly entangled around Lin Feng. Around, it covered Lin Feng's muscles and veins a little bit, and compressed towards Lin Feng's muscles and veins.

Lin Feng's eyebrows wrinkled, and the Qi moved towards the fog pressure, but there was no response at all. These weapons were not afraid of Lin Feng's Qi at all. Even after Lin Feng's Qi entered, the fog would quickly devour Lin Feng's Qi.

"Good guy!"

Feeling this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up and didn't hurry to move, but sat cross legged in these blue fog.

Although the blue fog looks simple, silent and tasteless, it is definitely a sharp weapon for killing people, and it can kill people invisibly. If his spiritual consciousness was not born strong, he would really be caught by the blue fog.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind controlled the blue fog to slowly enter his body, and then transformed these blue fog into the power he needed.

This is a very long process. After entering Lin Feng's body, blue fog quickly went towards Lin Feng's limbs and bones, tightly entangled with Lin Feng's meridians, and didn't give Lin Feng too much reaction time at all.

These guys

Lin Feng gritted his teeth. Lin Feng's mind kept jumping up in his body, and there were more and more blue fog in his body, but these blue fog didn't mean to enter the Dinghai god pearl with his mind at all.

What a trouble!

Lin Feng kept experimenting and worked hard to get a little in the past.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He sat there and smiled bitterly. It's really... Trouble to solve these things.

"Master, why don't you use the demon smelting pot?" Qingling stood in front of Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng and said softly, "these blue fog have spirit. If you use the demon smelting pot, you can certainly take them back soon."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng's heart moved, hesitated and greeted the demon smelting pot. After feeling the smell of the demon smelting pot, blue fog began to escape.

good heavens!

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. The smell of the demon refining pot shrouded his whole body, and the blue fog began to run around in his body.

Qingling stood and looked at Lin Feng with strange eyes. He only said that Lin Feng had a high imitation demon smelting pot with a little smell of demon smelting pot, but he didn't expect that there was a real, congenital treasure demon smelting pot on Lin Feng.

Thinking of this, qinglington thought for a while, and her figure was hidden. These days, when she got along with Lin Feng, she also found out Lin Feng's character. Lin Feng's attitude towards herself has always been good. Even if the people below speak frankly, he is also very welcome.

"Why don't you throw your apprentice named ouyangbai in?" Qingling whispered, "the demon refining pot can refine the monster, but similarly, it can also help the monster closer. As long as you find the right way and survive from the demon refining pot, the monster can absorb the evil spirit in the demon refining pot and certainly be closer."

Qinglington took a look at Lin Feng secretly. The corners of Lin Feng's eyes moved, but most of the time, they still focused on absorbing these blue fog.

Qingling didn't speak again, but quietly sneaked into Lin Feng's body.

For a while, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, felt the blue fog in the God of the sea pearl, and a gentle smile came up at the corners of his mouth. Lin Feng's mind moved. A little blue fog appeared at his fingertips and lingered around. These blue fog seemed to have spirit and took the initiative to avoid Lin Feng.

good heavens!

Lin Feng continued to move forward without the smell of the demon smelting pot. Those blue fog gathered towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng followed suit and soon collected a lot of blue fog. The blue fog had spirit. After Lin Feng absorbed a lot, they seemed to be aware of this and avoided Lin Feng one after another.

"These guys, is it difficult that something in this valley is controlling them?" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's mind moved and stood there, and his spiritual consciousness spread towards the front of the valley.

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