These things can't be dealt with by people!

Lin Feng spat, looked at the front and saw that there were no puppets coming. He just breathed a sigh of relief and directly stepped on the third floor.

"Hoo Hoo!"

As soon as he stepped on the third floor, wind blades like knives greeted Lin Feng. The whole third floor was red.


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise and his feet lifted. The whole person appeared in the array. The breath around Lin Feng suddenly changed. In front of him, a huge tiger rushed towards Lin Feng.


Feeling the attack, Lin Feng immediately opened his body and rushed directly towards the tiger with Fengtong sword in his hand.

"Roar!" The big tiger let out a low roar, and the whole body kept retreating. A pair of blood red eyes stared at Lin Feng tightly, and their eyes were gloomy.

Seeing the appearance of the big tiger, Lin Feng smiled and said, "I thought it was something. It turned out to be a little tiger in the array. Little tiger, don't you know, your grandpa, I'm an array master?"

Then Lin Feng's body shuttled through the array. The next moment, Lin Feng directly stood at the center of the array and pressed his hand. The whole array stopped in an instant. Lin Feng's eyes were looking around for something.

This is an ancient relic.

Since this array can still work, there must be something wonderful in it. Lin Feng looked around and looked around.

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw some dark black beads inlaid on the wall. After seeing those beads, Lin Feng's eyes immediately lit up. Tut Tut, these are good things.

Lin Feng's body buckled directly on the wall, and then buckled the column on the wall directly, holding the column in his hand. After playing, Lin Feng's look became more and more beautiful. With these beads, the things he wanted to solve must be simpler.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Boy, what are you doing?" After Lin Feng buckled a few beads, a voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear.

"You're stupid. These pillars are good things. They are very precious in modern times. It's a pity to have so many here. I'll take them out for use." Lin Feng smiled and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a figure appeared in front of Lin Feng and blocked Lin Feng's way.

The visitor had white hair and wore an old long shirt. He looked down at Lin Feng, took a smoke from the corners of his mouth and said, "boy, this is the array to maintain the third floor of the small tower. You can't take it away."

"I said, you old man, why are you so stubborn!" Lin Feng pulled out a few again and shook his head. "This has long been a relic, that is to say, unless the relic is opened, others can't come in. Since no one can come in for thousands of years, I take them outside to shine. Isn't it very good?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man just looked at Lin Feng with a serious face.

Lin Feng remained unmoved and wanted to fight.

The old man waved his hand, and the walls of the small tower seeped out a series of spiritual exercises, which rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Go!" A cold voice sounded. Qingling appeared in front of Lin Feng, looked at the old man in front of him and sneered.

"Who are you?" Seeing this guy suddenly appeared, the old man's body quickly retreated towards the back, with an incredible face.

"Who am I, don't you see?" Seeing this, the figure paused, turned and rushed towards the old man. The old man's body appeared suddenly, but there was nothing to hide in front of Qingling.

"You... Are you an instrument spirit?" The old man suddenly stopped his body, pointed to Qingling and said in a sharp voice.

"If he likes what's inside of you, give it to him. Anyway, it's a waste for you to keep it." Qinglington said, "this relic has not been opened for thousands of years."

"That's not..." the old man paused and turned his head. "If I hadn't slept for some years, this relic would appear every hundreds of years."

"This is good. Do you want to be a guest at our Baiyu gate?" Lin Feng looked at the old man with a smile and said, "I didn't say that there is really no place in the whole yanxuan continent other than my white feather gate. You see, there is still a lack of spiritual power here. Our white feather gate has three spiritual veins, and one can grow. Isn't it good!"

Lin Feng looked at the old man with a smile and said, "think about it, the three spiritual veins pregnant with your little relic. It won't take hundreds of years, it can appear once in decades!"

The old man looked at Lin Feng. He clearly saw that there was a tail behind the human. At this time, it was shaking constantly. He was a little dazed.

"No!" The old man snorted and said.

"Then kill it, and then we'll move the ruins." Qingling looked at the guy in front of him and said seriously.

Lin Feng stopped. The green spirit over there had stabbed the old man directly.

"Oh, my aunt, my relic doesn't grow here. My relic exists in space. It always floats in space and appears randomly." The old man said loudly while avoiding the attack of Qingling.

Hearing the old man's words, Qingling turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng had put away all of them, hehe smiled and said:

"Well, let's go up first, finish the tower early, and go to find sister Yutong!"

"Are you looking for the girl doll?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man paused and looked at Lin Feng with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"What?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him with a gentle smile. "Do you know where sister Yutong is?"

The old man looked a little strange. He looked up and down at Lin Feng. Lin Feng suddenly realized it, waved his hand and said, "I forgot. You are the spirit here. You know it's normal. Then tell me where sister Yutong is now?"

"The secret... Don't reveal it!" The old man suddenly smiled proudly and said, and his whole body disappeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng shook his head. He didn't expect the old man to promise him, so he didn't take it to heart at all, but went directly to the fourth floor.

The old man appeared in Lin Feng's previous position. Looking at Lin Feng's back, he was a little more curious in his eyes. It seems that these four floors are going to be lively.

Thinking so, the old man's figure also swam towards the fourth floor, but just at the entrance of the stairs, an invisible screen directly knocked the old man back!

"Fuck you!" The old man shouted, turned and went straight away.

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