"The old man, obviously, can't come up. He has to say he can come up!" Wei Yunshu stood beside Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng with some resentment and said.

"Ha!" Lin Feng was startled. Looking at Wei Yunshu who suddenly appeared, he took a step back and said, "how did you get up?"

"There is a transmission array in the corner of the second floor, which can be transmitted directly to the fourth floor. Don't you know?" Wei Yunshu's voice was quiet and he looked up and down at Lin Feng. However, from Wei Yunshu's eyes, Lin Feng still saw the cunning in Wei Yunshu's eyes. After seeing the good story in Wei Yunshu's eyes, Lin Feng sighed. Things here have been very clear. This girl is clearly watching his good play.

"Well, now that we're here, let's move on." Lin Feng turned and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought to himself that although he didn't get much on the third floor, there were some differences in the black beads used to decorate the array. If he thought so, he also had a harvest.

"I can't get in." Wei Yunshu pointed to the front, "you see, there is a door in front of us, which blocks us."

Wei Yunshu looked at Lin Feng with a little annoyance on her face. She entered here one step ahead of Lin Feng and didn't let herself in. She turned to look at Lin Feng. Wei Yunshu's eyes were somewhat provocative and said:

"Aren't you great? Leave it to you. "

"You're a shopkeeper who wants to follow in!" Lin Feng shook his head and went to the gate to look at it carefully.

The gate is very simple. There are some dragon patterns carved on it. These patterns come together, but there is a missing piece where it should be the leader.

"Eh?" A surprised voice sounded in my mind. Qianlong's figure appeared around Lin Feng, looked ahead and said, "how can there be this thing here?"

"What is this?" Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng's mind moved and turned to look at Qianlong with some curiosity in his eyes. Since Qianlong knows something, it must be something terrible.

"It's a fake." After a while, Qianlong said, "just say how it can appear here."

Then Qianlong was silent. Lin Feng looked ahead and shrugged. Wei Yunshu suddenly turned her head, looked at Lin Feng with burning eyes and said, "who were you talking to just now?"

"No!" Lin Feng shook his head, "just talking to himself. Let's go first. I know how to crack it here." With that, Lin Feng's true Qi gathered in his palm and directly impacted on the place where there was no faucet.

The gate trembled. It trembled. I didn't understand.

"I've tried. It's useless." Wei Yunshu shook her head, sneered and said, "maybe there's something missing. Do you know if there's any treasure in this place?"

"Didn't you go to the treasure pavilion? If you want to pick up the baby, you must have picked it up! " Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the front with a slight frown, but his mind continued to chat with Qianlong.

"Are you really sure this can open the door?"

"Yes, this is a fake. If you have more strength, you can rush away." Qianlong's voice was a little impatient. He muttered and was silent again.

Lin Feng paused for a moment and increased his strength. The huge spiritual power training rushed towards the gap on the stone gate again.

Shimen trembled. This time, there was a tiny crack.

"Oh!" Wei Yunshu jumped up, his eyes lit up immediately, pointed to the stone gate in front and said, "you dead bastard, he can open it, but I can't open it. What's your meaning?"

"Increase your strength and rush through the spiritual power training with one brain." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "come on, let's open the door early and let's go in early."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu suddenly fell silent, stood there, looked at the stone gate in front and muttered, but the voice was very small, and Lin Feng didn't hear it.

Lin Feng turned to look at Wei Yunshu. Wei Yunshu turned her head and didn't speak.

"What's the matter? I said, aunt, didn't you open it just now? Why did you turn back at this time? " Seeing Wei Yunshu suddenly playing with his temper, Lin Feng asked with a helpless face.

"Coming!" Wei Yunshu muttered, raised her head and glared at Lin Feng, then stood beside Lin Feng and directly hit the door. Seeing Wei Yunshu's hand, Lin Feng shook his head. This girl is really

Lin Feng's spirit power training followed closely. The attack of the two people fell into the groove of the stone gate. Soon, the stone gate began to tremble. With the trembling and trembling of the stone gate, a door appeared in front of the two people.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the opening in front of him with a comfortable smile on his face.

This guy really took a little thought out of him.

"Go in!" As soon as the stone gate was opened, Lin Feng took Wei Yunshu's hand and directly rushed in. The next moment, the originally opened stone gate immediately closed, and the whole four floors trembled. The two people stood together. In front of them, there were lingering clouds. In the clouds, a series of spiritual power competition passed by the two people. Soon, the clouds dispersed, Two figures appeared in front of them.

"How did you get in?" Qin Yi's voice was gloomy. He looked at Lin Feng and his face was gloomy. Around him, spiritual exercises were constantly pestering. Around him, these spiritual exercises protected him strictly.

Opposite Qin Yi, there was a woman in a water red dress, holding a long sword and winding a head of green silk at will. She was surrounded behind her, with bright eyes and a gentle smile on her mouth when she looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes naturally focused on the woman in front of him at the first moment.

After spending so long time and walking so many places, he finally found the person he lost.

Wei Yunshu looked around, glanced at Lin Feng and Li Yutong. The two people's eyes were tightly corrected. They were entangled together and wanted to talk back, which made people's mind wander.

This bastard, color wolf, asshole!

Wei Yunshu bit her lips and her eyes were slightly red. This guy is really hateful. He knows to flirt everywhere!

"Sister Yutong..."

For a while, Lin Feng shouted carefully.

"Lin... Lin Feng." Li Yutong's body was trembling and shaking. A pair of eyebrows and eyes looked forward to Lin Feng. The momentum of his whole body went down in an instant. He rushed to Lin Feng's side and hugged Lin Feng tightly.

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