Talk about feelings?

Lin Feng looked a little strange. Looking at Mo Youluo with a calm face in front of him, he coughed, laughed and said: "the elder may have misunderstood. First, Ji Lan's father and daughter have a good relationship with me. Second, Ji LAN is now in charge of our sect. I am not dissatisfied with Ji LAN and Ji ruoli. Therefore, between me and the elder, There are really no feelings to talk about. "

Lin Feng's words were a bit joking, and Mo Youluo's face turned red in an instant. Even if Mo Youluo didn't understand it anymore, he could see from Lin Feng's expression that Lin Feng didn't mean to sit down and talk calmly with him at all.

Lin Feng's expression was very clear. He wanted to take Mo ruo away.

However, how can Mo ruo be taken away by such a boy? Let alone Mo ruo's identity, even those festivals between Mo ruo and him are doomed. Mo ruo's best is to stay in the endless abyss forever!

In the four sea cities, the status of the four sea families is unshakable. Even if there is no Mo ruo, it is absolutely impossible for someone to fight against them, and the four sea families cannot fight against each other. Therefore, Mo ruo, it is the most correct thing to stay in the endless abyss forever!

Mo ruo, it's a shame for them to travel to Tianming Jiaozu!

"It's impossible to take Mo ruo away, but for your sake, I can not pursue these two people, but if they fall into the hands of my youYou tianmingjiao disciple, I can't blame them!"

Mo Youluo sneered and said with great certainty.

"What if I insist on taking someone away?" Lin Feng's eyes narrowed into a line. Standing there, his whole body exuded murderous spirit and said: "I don't want much. As long as Mo ruo, if you travel to Tianming Jiao family and send Miss Mo ruo out, maybe you can have another strong person in youyou Tianming Jiao family in the future, if you don't send it out..."

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, around Mo Youluo, faint lights suddenly rose, enveloping the whole area.

Countless lights appeared around. Among these lights, twelve pillars rose into the sky, enveloping all the territory of the youYou tianmingjiao family in Hanhai city.

The twelve yin-yang rotation array started in an instant, wrapping everything in this area, including humans and other sea demons and monsters.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise. A youyou Tianming Jiao, who was not very strong, was directly cut off by the array. His blood splashed on the beach and made a whine. His tail was still rolling, but there was no sound on it.

The blood sprinkled on the array seems to drive the array. The whole array is brighter and brighter, as if enjoying the bloodthirsty process.

Mo Youluo's face changed in an instant. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. After seeing the cold in Lin Feng's eyes, Mo Youluo took a step back, looked at Lin Feng with an incredible face, and his eyes were a little more frightened. This boy, this boy is clearly a ghost!

"Boy, what do you want?"

Mo Youluo's hands were held together. He knew that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him. To be exact, although the cultivation of the person in front of him was not above him, this guy was not only a matrix mage, but also his own combat effectiveness was very strong.

This is probably the legendary genius.

Just, when did such a genius appear in the four Haicheng, and he didn't know?

Mo Youluo looked at Lin Feng with some hesitation. He was constantly looking through the information in his mind, trying to clarify Lin Feng's identity.

"Of course it's about feelings." Lin Feng smiled, looked at Mo Youluo in front of him and said with a smile, "how can we say that we are also good friends now, aren't we?"

With a gentle smile on the corners of Lin Feng's mouth, he got a stool to sit on, then put it on the table, looked at Mo Youluo and said:

"Come on, come on, now that we're all here, let's talk about it. Otherwise, you can't go out, can you?"

Lin Feng's words were half smiling and half threatening, which made Mo Youluo's face look like eating shit. It was very ugly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Youluo's mouth pulled out and held a large moving sign in his hand.

Seeing Mo Youluo's action, Lin Feng paused for a moment, turned to sigh and said, "although this is the twelve yin-yang rotation array, I have done my hands and feet on the array. The general large movement symbol can't crack the array at all, so don't think about it."

Mo Youluo paused with his hand holding the moving symbol, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His body trembled.

"Go!" Suddenly, a faint light flew directly into the sky. Maureen held a small moving symbol in his hand, turned into a black light and went outside the array, but only went out a small part, which was immediately refracted back by the array and fell heavily to the ground.

"Poof!" Maureen vomited a mouthful of blood, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. After seeing the banter on Lin Feng's face, Maureen vomited a mouthful of blood again. He couldn't break through the whole array at all.

This Lin Feng is a bad star. Every time he meets this guy, there will never be a good thing!

Maureen was half lying there. His bottom was turned by the array. Now he can't move at all! When I first saw Lin Feng, Lin Feng was just as good as his accomplishments, but now Lin Feng is completely above him.

Thinking of this, Maureen's eyes were frustrated.

"This is not the twelve yin-yang rotation array of the black mountain old demon. Although the principle is similar, the array of the black mountain old demon is still a little poor. My one was created after some research and polishing. Therefore, even if you are a powerful monster, it is impossible to crack it."

Lin Feng sat there with a smile and looked leisurely at the countless lights rising in the sky. Those little demons who wanted to escape with the move sign finally landed on the beach. Some of them with low accomplishments were directly killed by blocking their waist, and the rest of them could only watch the array run dry.

No wonder so many monsters choose to run away when they see the array. This array is terrible!

The little demons had already been frightened, and lay there one by one, trembling and shaking.

Where did this come from? It's really scary. It's the first time they have met such a terrible person in their life. They don't think they have done something wrong at all.

The little demons looked at Mo Youluo standing there. At this time, all the youyou Tianming Jiaos put their hope on the elder Mo Youluo.

"Talk nonsense with them. Just kill them!" Qingling stood beside Lin Feng, holding a thick earth monument in his hand, with a gloomy face and a strong murderous spirit all over his body, said.

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