"Don't worry!" Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng paused and said, "it's also ruoli's family. Even if they treat ruoli badly, they haven't sent demons to chase ruoli for so many years. Moreover, ruoli still needs them."

Lin Feng didn't say that if he left the seal on his body, although these monsters had a simpler head, if they were pointed out, these guys would not start the price by sitting on the ground. What Lin Feng Zui hated was to start the price by sitting on the ground.

Qingling pursed her mouth in some displeasure. Seeing Qingling's appearance, Lin Feng sighed. This girl is not reassuring at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Don't always take the thick earth tablet out. After all, the soul seeds of the four ghosts and Zhao wanwan are still raised in the thick earth tablet. Excessive consumption of the power in the thick earth tablet will only affect them."

Lin Feng paused for a moment, looked at the thick yellow earth monument in Qingling's hand and said.

The thick earth monument appeared when Qian Qian fought with Shi Ningxue. Later, Qian Qian returned the thick earth monument to Lin Feng, because there were the souls of four ghost generals and Zhao wanwan. Lin Feng gave the thick earth monument to Qingling to guard and let Qingling keep these souls together.

It's just that the four ghost generals are too evil after all. Although they have returned to the original state, their murderous spirit and cause and effect are still there. I don't know when to wash away that part of cause and effect.

Lin Feng looked at the thick earth monument in front of him. Now, if you think about it carefully, this thing is clearly a thing that can be seen and can't be used. There is a strong power hidden. As a result, all those experiences are empty.

Qinglington took a look and put away the thick earth monument.

Mo Youluo sat opposite and looked at the two people in front of him talking as if there were no one else.

Mo Youluo's face was black and terrible. Looking at Lin Feng, Mo Youluo wanted to kill and had no choice. Mo Youluo wanted to slap himself, especially Lin Feng in front of him. He looked ugly and cheap. Mo Youluo's chest kept fluctuating.

It's really embarrassing... No, Jiaolian.

"There's a bit of dragon blood, but it's much worse than a real dragon." Lin Feng didn't want to fight. Although Qingling was in a bad mood, he rushed over by himself in the end. He just stood there with a calm face. His mood didn't look so beautiful.

This guy is really hateful.

Thinking of this, Qingling looked at youyou Tianming Jiao and said.

"Well, it's not bad. You know, in yanxuan continent, youyou Tianming Jiaozu is also one of the overlords on the sea. Not all places have such powerful youyou Tianming Jiaozu." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qingling hummed and didn't speak again.

"It's absolutely impossible to let go of Mo ruo. Mo ruo is a demon of our family. Since she made a mistake, she has to bear the result of her mistake. Therefore, this is the punishment she deserves!" For a while, Mo Youluo looked up at Lin Feng, bit his teeth and said.

"I said, we're too good to be monsters. Why bother the monsters? I'm not a murderous person. "

Lin Feng sighed and looked at Mo Youluo. The Feng Tong sword in his hand was shaking. Lin Feng sighed and had a little more helplessness in his eyes.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Youluo suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, especially after seeing the joke in Lin Feng's eyes, Mo Youluo's body trembled.

This time, Lin Feng seemed determined to win.

If that woman

Mo Youluo looked a little gloomy. He was completely worried about Mo ruo. He was clearly the eldest lady of youyou Tianming Jiao family, but Mo ruo stubbornly fell in love with a human and separated part of his blood from the child.

At the beginning, Mo Youluo took charge of Mo ruo to go home and admit his mistake. After all, Mo ruo at that time was engaged to his son.

After many years, his son has had a new love, but Mo Youluo still can't forgive Mo ruo.

This woman is destined to be locked up in an endless abyss all her life, reflecting on her mistakes over the years every day, every night, every moment and every moment!

Mo Youluo sat there with his face constantly changing. His expression told Lin Feng that there should be a lot of hatred between Mo ruo and Mo Youluo. In other words, Mo ruo was imprisoned and had something to do with Mo Youluo in front of him.

This is trouble.

When I came here, I didn't have a good understanding of this secret. At this time, I was completely looking for something to do for myself.

Lin Feng sighed and looked at Ji LAN. Ji LAN now looks very ugly. Ji Ruolin, who is lying in the Dinghai god pearl, is also. If it weren't for the divine water constantly repairing her body, Ji Ruolin might have been killed by Mo Youluo on the spot.

"Moyolo, you old man!" A sharp voice sounded in the sea. Mo ruo's voice suddenly became sharp. The originally quiet sea rolled again, and countless sea water roared back towards this side.

No wonder this woman has always been very quiet and emotional. She is preparing for this big move.

"Tut Tut, the strong are different." Lin Feng stood aside and saw Mo Youluo's face so black that he could paint the wall. With a full face of banter, he pulled Ji LAN back to a safe corner.

After the sea water reached the two people, it immediately broke up and covered the whole towards moyoro.

A powerful spiritual force was mixed in the sea water. It was like taking life and directly attacked Mo Youluo. Mo Youluo's face changed. He looked up at Lin Feng and his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

This guy got in touch with that woman!

In the spiritual power, Mo Youluo felt Lin Feng's attack, especially the purple and black lightning mixed in the sea. If there is no such thing, it can only be Lin Feng's.

"Boy, you've gone too far!" Mo Youluo, with a gloomy face, looked at Lin Feng and said with cold eyes.

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and stood there with a smile. The expression on his face should be as bad as possible.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the sea water suddenly retreated towards the back. The world was quiet for a moment. Several thunder lights flickered around Mo Youluo, and then retreated.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was stunned. His mind contacted the other side, but he went into the sea like mud without any response.

What happened to Moro?

Of course, the cooperation with Mo ruo was not what Lin Feng's mind could do. Qingling personally went to negotiate with Mo ruo. With the virtual shadow of Ji LAN and Ji ruoli, Mo ruo naturally agreed without hesitation and used his whole body to attack Mo Youluo directly. However, the attack came and went too fast.

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