Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian with a bit of banter in his eyes and said, "why, don't you dare? Are you afraid of finding your own flying robbery? Tut Tut, young master, I said, "you are an old man, so don't come out and take care of these messy things. Now you come out and tie your hands and feet. Is that funny?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Daotian's body paused for a moment, his blood color surged up, and his face was gloomy and terrible. However, Lin Feng was nothing. Standing there, Mo Daotian's momentum had no impact on Lin Feng.

Dinghai Shenzhu radiated a faint blue light in Lin Feng's body. A gray breath slowly emerged from Lin Feng's feet and directly merged into the twelve yin-yang rotation array.

Little guy, this is the first time I use you. You must strive!

Lin Feng whispered silently in his heart. The gray breath gathered between Lin Feng's and disappeared into the array. Lin Feng was relieved after playing several gray lights.

A breath suddenly rose above the twelve yin-yang rotation array. With the rise of this breath, the whole array suddenly ran faster. In particular, the strange smell in the array was a bit murderous, which made the human and monster in the array panic.

Especially the youyou Tianming Jiaozu. After all, Lin Feng's trouble this time is mainly aimed at them.

Mo Daotian's breath changed. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

"Boy, what did you inject into the array?" Mo Daotian's face was gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes twinkled with a dark light. A black spirit training in his hand directly threw it at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng cleverly avoided Mo Daotian's attack. Mo Daotian's attack burst out behind Lin Feng. A black space crack appeared behind Lin Feng. In the crack, the space turbulence kept whistling and scraping on his face like a knife on his face, and the pain reached to the bottom of his heart.

Ji Lan's body retreated towards the back again.

A ray of light appeared around Ji LAN and directly shrouded Ji Lan's body. Lin Feng looked down at Mo Youluo, sneered and said, "I admit your ability is good, but... It's just so!"

Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian and rushed directly towards Mo Daotian with Fengtong sword in his hand.

Mo Daotian's body hid in one side, but the next moment, Mo Daotian's eyes looked at the Feng Tong sword stabbed at him with some surprise. How did this boy do it?

The power of his space application has already reached the peak. Few people can surpass him on the yanxuan continent, but the boy in front of him can see through his space orbit?

Mo Daotian stood there with his fingers gently. Feng Tong's sword stood half a meter away from him. Mo Daotian looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes.

"Lao Zu!" Seeing that Mo Daotian suffered a loss in Lin Feng's hands, Mo you luodun stood beside Mo Daotian and looked at Lin Feng, but his heart was a little more frightened. Who is this boy?

Even Lao Zu suffered a loss in the hands of this boy.

Mauro stood a little farther.

"Come back!" Mo Daotian blew his beard and stared at Mo Youluo. His face was gloomy and said.

Mo Youluo's body trembled. He trembled and stood honestly beside Mo Daotian. Mo Daotian snorted coldly, which was obviously more dissatisfied. Seeing the appearance of his ancestors, Mo Daotian's body trembled. He trembled. What evil did he do?

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo stood beside Mo Daotian.

"Ancestor, this boy just wants to take Mo ruo."

Mo Youluo's words were somewhat helpless. He should not have stopped the boy from taking Mo ruo. Mo ruo was the demon of his youyou Tianming Jiao after all. Even if Mo ruo left, she would not embarrass youyou Tianming Jiao for her own sake. In particular, once this array was started, there were many youyou Tianming Jiao in the original case, They have been killed under the majesty of the array and Mo Daotian.

These are the backbone of youyou Tianming Jiao!

He can not be touched by these disciples. However, if a family does not have these backbone forces, it will be difficult to go a lot in the future. What's more, there are three sea demon families outside, eyeing them!

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo's careful liver trembled. He trembled and looked at Lin Feng. He was helpless for the first time.

"Lao Zu, our disciple, has lost a lot." Said moyoro again.

Mo Daotian's body trembled and looked around. Sure enough, there were many disciples' remains behind him when he and Lin Feng both sent.

"These are the disciples of our family who can turn into shape. We travel around tianmingjiao, not the Bijing Bayu Terran. It's still difficult to cultivate an excellent disciple."

Mo Youluo's voice was very low. The original joy of the old ancestors had disappeared, leaving only a helpless face and said to Mo Youluo.

"So?" Hearing Mo Youluo's words, Mo Daotian knew clearly in his heart, and there was a little more clarity in his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Lin Feng smiled, looked at Mo Daotian and said, "my ancestors, we have nothing big to do this time. We just want to reunite the original family. As for your wandering tianmingjiao family, we have no evil intention. As long as my ancestors are willing, we will leave now with Mo ruo, We guarantee that it will no longer have any impact on youyou Tianming Jiao clan. "

Lin Feng's face was sincere. Standing there, looking at Mo Daotian, he said.

After all, Mo Daotian is the peak of Mahayana. It is much more difficult for a monster with a full peak to reach such a point than human beings. Therefore, the attack power of the monster is also much stronger. Previously, Mo Daotian oppressed him only because he has the ability to fix the sea god pearl, so he can bear it calmly, but if he really wants to change his own hand, Lin Feng knows, He is definitely not Mo Daotian's opponent.

Even if he can escape in the end, the consequences are not what Lin Feng wants to bear.

After all, his primary purpose is for Mo ruo.

It would be best if we could not solve the immediate problem without bloodshed.

"Boy, you know, oh, what we pay attention to is strength. I don't bully the small. As long as you can catch my three attacks with all your strength, I'll let Mo ruo leave with you. What do you think?"

Mo Youluo raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with a little high in his eyes. He sneered, looked at Lin Feng and said.

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