"Yes." Lin Feng agreed without hesitation. Looking at Mo Daotian, he put away his breath, nodded and said, "however, you swear with your flying robbery that as long as I catch your three attacks, you will let Mo ruo leave, and I can rest assured."

Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian with a smile, his body perked up, and his momentum was adjusted to the highest point. He looked at Mo Daotian with a gentle smile on his face.

He was worried about these monsters and antiques and couldn't persuade them. Now it seems that they are not entirely.

Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian and breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little more calm in his eyes.

"Hehe, boy, do you think our demon clan is your hypocritical human beings?" Mo Daotian sneered, "I will do what Mo Daotian promised when I touch the sky!"

"But I'm human. I have many colorful intestines in my stomach. If you don't swear, I don't trust you." Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. "I said, it's just an appointment of three moves. This oath is just a guarantee. Whether I can take the three moves or not, doesn't it have any impact on you?"

Lin Feng shrugged and said with an innocent face.

"What if I disagree?" Mo Daotian sneered and looked at Lin Feng. He thought too much about this little girl!

"Then you can try to go out!" Lin Feng smiled, sat there and said, "I'm just a little worried. You can't go out!"

Mo Daotian paused and looked at Lin Feng, but his mind slowly integrated into the twelve yin-yang rotation array. In the array, the breath of Tao kept pestering. Around his spiritual consciousness, a thunder sounded in his mind the next moment.

Mo Daotian's body trembled. He felt that it was his flying robbery!

His flying robbery, at this time, how could he come in advance!

"Old ancestor, have you made up your mind?" Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian with a smile.

"OK, I swear!" Mo Daotian pursed his mouth, stretched out his hand and lived for a lifetime. Mo Daotian didn't expect to be defeated by this boy in the end.

"Boy, I have made the oath. Next, be more careful yourself." Mo Dao snorted when it was cold, and his face smelled incomparably.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm serious!" Lin Feng said with a smile. The Feng Tong sword in his hand came out of its scabbard and gave a light sound.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Daotian sneered. He didn't know who gave the boy the courage. At this time, he dared to find boring here!

Mo Daotian looked at Lin Feng, waved his hand and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Mo Daotian's finger was a little, and a small black spot slowly flew towards Lin Feng. When the black spot was close to Lin Feng, it suddenly enlarged and wrapped around Lin Feng with a cold breath like a knife.

A feeling of danger came from Lin Feng's feet. Lin Feng raised his head and saw the smile of Mo Daotian's mouth. Lin Feng kicked his foot and Feng Tong's sword crossed in front of him.


When the two collided, they suddenly burst into brilliance. Lin Feng stepped back a few steps, and Feng Tong's sword suddenly became red and hot.

Lin Feng felt that there seemed to be countless flames burning his body and Fengtong sword around him. The sweat was left along Lin Feng's head. Lin Feng's hand holding Fengtong sword was shaking. The handle tightly held by Lin Feng turned red in an instant. A light smoke floated out of Lin Feng's palm, and a burning smell with meat flavor spread in the air.

Your grandmother!

This old thing!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and insisted. His eyes were red and looked ahead. He didn't believe it. He couldn't solve the random blow of an old thing!

"Boy, admit defeat. This is the peak of my Mahayana. Not everyone can bear the attack of the strong one!" Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Daotian smiled and said.

Mo Daotian is ready to finish the work. As long as Lin Feng says a word, he can stop the attack. As a master at the peak of Mahayana, Mo Daotian is still very satisfied with his cultivation.

"You are also an expert, and this palace doesn't want to lose an expert like you on the yanxuan continent. So, boy, stop, put down the father and daughter of the Ji family, and you can go. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Mo Daotian's voice was very gentle. Looking at Lin Feng, a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

Ji Lan's body retreated towards the back. It's not because of Lin Feng, but because of Mo Daotian's eyes. The Yin and prey in Mo Daotian's eyes at the moment makes Ji LAN very uncomfortable.

"Drink!" Lin Feng's cheering came from the light, and the light became more and more prosperous. Lin Feng's mouth took a touch of light ridicule, ha ha, smiled and said: "old man, save your little mind, I won't admit defeat!"

Lin Feng's eyes were full of affirmation. He he smiled and said.

"You!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Daotian's eyes became gloomy for a moment, pointing to Lin Feng's direction. His eyes were all gloomy. After a while, he sneered and said, "boy, don't toast and don't eat and punish wine. You'd better be clear. I'm not so easy to bully when I travel around tianmingjiao clan!"

"Old man, I think you're stupid. You and I have been dating each other for a long time. Don't you see that I didn't mean to leave from beginning to end? Do you really think I'm killing here today? Do you mean to let me go?"

Lin Feng's body turned over in the spirit training, and shuttled back and forth with the spirit training. Feng Tong's sword was still in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng's mouth was a little light blood, but the smile in his eyes did not decrease at all.

Since he promised ruoli, he must do it!

Seeing Lin Feng's tenacious resistance, Mo Daotian sneered. Not everyone can resist his attack!

Lin Feng, a boy, really regarded himself as a great task. He even dreamed of using his cultivation in the middle of the robbery period to deal with his Mahayana peak. The peak is perfect. This is a big joke.

However, at the next moment, Mo Daotian's look converged.

A light blue light appeared beside Lin Feng and helped Lin Feng block the attack in front of him.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Dao snorted in the cold, and his hand trembled with a crutch, but the next attack still didn't go out.

The light around Lin Feng became bigger and bigger. Mo Daotian sneered, put his hands behind him, slightly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. He wanted to see how Lin Feng would crack his attack!

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