
Lin Feng gritted his teeth and insisted, feeling the real Qi constantly washing his body. Lin Feng's face is very bad now. It's really not an ordinary trouble to solve this thing!

Lin Feng's true Qi was constantly released to the outside, and his spiritual strength was trained in front of Lin Feng, so as to block the unstoppable attack in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng struggled to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, looked at the front, and his eyes were serious and serious.

He doesn't believe that he can't solve such a small trouble!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and suddenly increased his strength with both hands. He pulled out Feng Tong's sword from it. Feng Tong's sword returned to Lin Feng and gave a reluctant whisper, shaking in Lin Feng's hands.

"Good, let's do it later!" Lin Feng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, operated the skill, and the flesh directly greeted him.

Lin Feng's move was very rapid. There was no response there. Lin Feng's whole body momentum had been raised and attacked directly here. Lin Feng's face was serious, and his eyes looked at the front with a faint blue light.

Mo Daotian suddenly felt a breath locking himself. Before he could react, the breath rushed directly towards him.

"Bang!" A slight explosion sounded, and Mo Daotian's look changed.

Then, Mo Daotian felt that countless explosions sounded around, and Lin Feng escaped his bondage!

Mo Daotian raised his head and looked incredible. Although his attack is not a top-level attack, it is more than enough to deal with the strong in the middle of the Mahayana, but the boy in front of him is clearly just crossing the middle of the robbery

This boy

Mo Daotian's face was gloomy and terrible. Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, he was more alert when he saw Lin Feng's appearance.

Although this guy looks harmless to humans and animals with a smile on his face, Mo Daotian has to admit that he is a master. He is young and promising. He is even better than those boys who are listed as geniuses by ordinary people.

Such a pervert must not stay, otherwise it will leave future trouble for youyou Tianming Jiao family!

Thinking of this, the joke on Mo Daotian's face disappeared. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were serious.

This boy is worth taking seriously!

"It seems that you can't. You still need good exercise." Lin Feng stood there with a smile, looked at Mo Daotian and said, "the attack just now was just tickling me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Daotian suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there with a calm face, and his clothes didn't wrinkle a little.

"Boy, you..."

Mo Daotian saw Lin Feng's appearance. An unknown anger suddenly rose from his heart. With a wave of his hand, a strong wind directly passed through Lin Feng. After feeling this strong wind, Lin Feng's look changed.

This strong wind is really a little strong.

Lin Feng's body penetrated from one side, looked at Mo Daotian, smiled and said, "I said you are also the ancestor of youyou Tianming Jiao. Is it wrong to attack people so quietly?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Daotian snorted coldly and waved his arm. A handle of jade Ruyi appeared in Mo Daotian's hand. Mo Daotian looked down at Lin Feng and slowly hooked up the corners of his mouth.

"Then come and accept my second move!" Mo Daotian's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, his hands trembled. Yu Ruyi suddenly magnified, and a gentle breath wrapped Lin Feng directly.

"This is a baby I got in my early years. The baby becomes a space. There is a vigorous wind I collected in my early years. As long as you come out of this vigorous wind alive, the second move, I will admit that you win."

Mo Daotian looked at Lin Feng and said with a sneer.

Looking at the jade Ruyi above the sky, Mo Daotian's face was somewhat satisfied. His jade Ruyi was the weapon he was most satisfied with. Although it is useless now, in Mo Daotian's view, it is more than enough to deal with Lin Feng.

"Hehe, it's just a vigorous wind. Do you think I'll be afraid?" Lin Feng's body shook slightly, and a breath wrapped Lin Feng directly. Lin Feng's body disappeared into Yu Ruyi.

"Lao Zu, is this really OK?" Mo Youluo stood in front of Mo Daotian, looking at the look in front of him and asked softly. Lin Feng's attack power is so powerful that such a small thing without murderous spirit can deal with Lin Feng's boy?

"Don't you trust me when I do things?" Mo Daotian lowered his head, squinted at Mo Youluo, sneered and asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I've always been very relieved when my ancestors do things. Don't worry, my ability to do things for you is absolutely admirable!" Mo Youluo shook his head hurriedly, stood there with his head down, smiled and said with a silly face.

Mo Daotian turned his head and looked at Mo Youluo, and then looked ahead. He didn't look at Mo Youluo any more. Mo Youluo touched his nose and stood there laughing.

"After this time, you'd better go back and practice in isolation. Your blood power is not bad. Letting you take charge of Hanhai city these years has delayed your cultivation."

For a while, Mo Youluo looked at Mo Daotian and said faintly.

This is, are you going to exile yourself?

Mo Youluo was stunned and looked at the sea in the distance. It was cloudy and sunny.

He has lived in Hanhai city for many years. He doesn't remember when he went to land from the sea. Every place here is worthy of his nostalgia. He will travel to the home of tianmingjiao family in Hanhai city and organize it very well.


If there is no Moruo, all this should be perfect.

Thinking of Mo ruo, Mo Youluo looked a little more dull and looked in the direction of the endless abyss.

The endless abyss was quiet, but Mo Youluo knew that Mo ruo must be thinking of all ways to escape from it.

Mo ruo grew up looking at him. He should have known the girl's character best.

Mo Youluo looked at the three halberd fork in his hand and sighed. This is Mo ruo's thing. He has used it for more than ten years, but he still doesn't take it. It seems that today, maybe this thing will return to his original master's hand.

"Yes, old ancestor, as soon as the matter here is handled, I'll leave immediately." Mo Youluo stood there with his head down, his voice was a little tired, and he was as old as a teenager in a moment.

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