"Lao Zu, it's been half an hour. The boy hasn't come out yet." Outside, Mo Youluo stood beside Mo Daotian and whispered.

Mo Daotian stood there with a faint smile on his mouth. He seemed very satisfied with what he saw now. He nodded and looked at the jade Ruyi glittering in the sky. He was a little more satisfied.

Yuruyi was a weapon he got unintentionally in his early years. Although he didn't use it for so many years, he still kept it on his body because yuruyi accompanied him through many years of ups and downs.

"Well, although this weapon is not high-grade, it is naturally formed. It is better than ordinary spirit tools. It's natural to use it to deal with a few boys." For a while, Mo daotianfang nodded with satisfaction on his face and said with a smile.

Hearing Mo Daotian's words, Mo Youluo smiled and looked at Yu Ruyi in the sky with a little more joy in his eyes.

Obviously, he was also interested in this jade Ruyi.

Mo Youluo looked back at Mo Daotian. Mo Daotian stood there with a little satisfaction and pride.

Seeing Mo Daotian's appearance, Mo Youluo's abacus tilted, and finally swallowed all the words at his mouth. Obviously, Mo Daotian was very satisfied with the jade Ruyi.

At this time, suddenly, yuruyi Guanghua made a great work.

"Lao Zu, you have to deal with it!" Mo Youluo immediately put a smile on his face and looked at Mo Daotian with a bit of flattery on his face.

Mo Daotian's expression changed instantly. A pair of eyes stared at Yu Ruyi in front of him. Seeing Mo Daotian's appearance, Mo Youluo's heart clicked. Just now he was eager to express his state of mind like his ancestors. It seems that he forgot that this thing is still there!

Mo Daotian's footsteps retreated towards the back.

This thing, this thing

"No!" Mo Daotian suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted.

Click, click

Yuruyi, who was still emitting light, suddenly made a crisp click, and a small crack appeared on yuruyi.

Mo Daotian vomited out a mouthful of blood and retreated towards the back. He raised his head and looked at Yu Ruyi in the sky. His eyes were red and said, "how is it possible? How is it possible? This is clearly my Yu Ruyi. This is the baby I have been using in the later stage of Mahayana. How is it possible!"

The crack of yuruyi in the sky is getting bigger and bigger. The original, milky and white light began to fade a little, and a powerful momentum bloomed directly from the inside. The breath of Lin Feng wrapped the whole yuruyi.

"Click, click..."

Yuruyi's voice is still breaking, bit by bit, slowly breaking. Mo Youluo looks at the front, and his eyes are a little more frightened. What kind of person is this boy? Even yuruyi of the old ancestor can be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo fell down in his chair, with a little loveless on his face.

"Lao Zu, let's give Mo ruo to him. Anyway, we are also the people who travel around Tianming Jiao. I believe that even if Mo ruo leaves, Mo ruo will certainly not bite the hand that feeds us."

Mo Youluo is completely resigned. Looking at the cracks still cracking in the sky, he has a little more helplessness in his eyes.

"There's a third way. Do you expect me to lose?" Mo Daotian sounded like a bell in Mo Youluo's ear, looked down at Mo Youluo, snorted coldly and said.

"I... I didn't." Mo Youluo stood there with a bitter face and embarrassment on his face, "old ancestor, you know, I'm not that kind of person!"

Mo Dao snorted when it was cold and looked ahead with gloomy eyes.

The jade Ruyi in the sky is still blooming with bright light. Finally, the bright light fades directly. With a thin sound, the whole jade Ruyi jumps to pieces in an instant.

Lin Feng stood in front of Mo Daotian, with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, hehe smiled and said, "I said, old man, you are still a little unreliable!"

"Boy arrogant!" Mo Daotian snorted coldly, but his hands behind him couldn't stop shaking. He shook for a while. Although Lin Feng's hand was very simple and not fast, just now, Mo Daotian's view of Lin Feng improved again.

The vigorous Qi in Yu Ruyi was brought out from the turbulent flow of space at the risk of dying. Even the strong in the early stage of the general Mahayana period had only soft legs in the face of the vigorous Qi. However, Lin Feng really got away from the vigorous Qi. The most important thing is that he couldn't feel the breath of the vigorous Qi.

Thinking of this, Mo Youluo's face stinks. This boy is really not a fuel-saving lamp!

In other words, the boy had no plan to save fuel since he was ready to come and find trouble!

"Boy, what do you want?" Mo Daotian looked at Lin Feng and his face was still gloomy. He brought Lai ang up and down. Lin Feng sneered and asked.

"Not so much. Naturally, I'll take your three moves well." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Mo Daotian. Xiuao said, "didn't you say that as long as I take your three moves, you will let Mo ruo and Ji LAN leave?"

Lin Feng stood there and looked at Mo Daotian with a calm face.

Mo Daotian looked down at Lin Feng. After a while, he swallowed his saliva, sneered and said, "the dream is perfect, and the reality is very cruel, but since you have such an idea, come."

Mo Daotian put his hand in front and waved it, and the aura around him gathered over there.

"Boy, this is an attack I realized at the peak of Mahayana. This attack is not a powerful attack, but it is not so easy to crack. Boy, I said that I was ahead. I can't control this attack. In the end, there are only two results, one is that you survive, the other is that you have no bones. Think about it, Do you want to take my third move? "

Mo Daotian stood there with a gloomy face, looked at Lin Feng, sneered and said.

"Connect!" Lin Feng's answer was very positive. He looked up at Mo Daotian, nodded and said, "although it's coming, since the first two moves have been caught, do you think I'll be afraid of your third move?"

Lin Feng sneered and stood there with his whole body on alert. The real Qi was constantly running in his body.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Daotian sneered and waved his arm.

Lin Feng only felt like the spring breeze in March. It seemed that something passed by her. Lin Feng blinked. The next moment, a palpitation from the depths of his soul completely occupied Lin Feng's whole body and mind.

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