It's dangerous!

Lin Feng almost reacted at the first time. The spiritual consciousness never spread around Lin Feng, but there was no danger around.

Where does the danger come from?

In Lin Feng's eyes, there was a flash of confusion, and his spiritual consciousness was constantly scouring his body and surroundings.

Mo Daotian stood in the distance and saw Lin Feng's appearance. A faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

He knows that no matter who he is, he can't escape his net! This is the peak of Mahayana. He created an attack when the peak was full!

This is the ultimate killing move that can be understood by every strong person who is full in the Mahayana period when he is about to rise, and integrates space, divine consciousness and several body forces.

Originally, in the face of Lin Feng, Mo Daotian didn't mean to use his own killing move at all. After all, this is his own killing move, which is really superfluous to deal with a boy in the middle of the Mahayana.

However, Lin Feng is really a little weird. Although his cultivation looks like the middle of the robbery, he doesn't look like the middle of the robbery at all.

Therefore, after Lin Feng broke his two moves in a row, Mo Daotian finally used his killer mace.

At the moment, Mo daotianzheng looked at Lin Feng excitedly, laughed and said, "boy, don't fight tenaciously. This is an attack that has gathered my strength for life. Ordinary people can't crack it at all."

Mo Daotian stood there, looked down at Lin Feng, paused for a moment, his eyes were satisfied, and said: "boy, you should be proud to die at the top of a great circle in a Mahayana. Under the strongest blow of the peak, after all, not everyone can have such a privilege."

Thinking of this, Mo Daotian looked more calm, and his whole body and mind relaxed.

He didn't believe that in the face of such an attack, the boy could still be alive!

Even if the strong man comes in Mahayana, he can only kneel down in the face of his attack!

"Thank you for helping me out!" Hearing Mo Daotian's words, Mo Youluo stood there, bowed, smiled bitterly, and said with a humble face.

If Mo Daotian asked him to go back to seclusion just now, he was still a little unconvinced. At this time, Mo Youluo was convinced to see Mo Daotian's sacrifice for the family.

After hearing Mo Tiantian's words, Lin Feng, who was still looking for danger, calmed down instantly, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Feng's body slowly sat down, the whole cross legged sat there, and the momentum of the whole body seemed to be silent.

The black air slowly floated out of Lin Feng's body, and then entered Lin Feng's body. In this cycle, it wrapped around Lin Feng and formed a thick net around Lin Feng's body.

Seeing these black gases, Mo Daotian's smile became more and more satisfied. He sat on the chair prepared by Mo Youluo, glanced around the people of the youYou tianmingjiao family on the beach, and frowned.

"A group of boys who haven't practiced well will practice in the endless abyss for three months after they are solved here."

"Thank you, grandpa!"

"Yes, grandpa!"

The disciples below knelt down on the ground trembling, and even some directly exposed the plasma. They wanted to enter the sea. However, the twelve yin-yang rotation array was running continuously, and they couldn't go out at all.

Thinking of this, the following disciples began to stir up, but the stir was only a moment. After feeling Mo Daotian's serious eyes, all the disciples of youYou tianmingjiao clan calmed down and looked at Lin Feng who crossed his legs like a silent.

Lin Feng's body began to be illusory, and the surrounding space was constantly changing. A series of spatial turbulence appeared around Lin Feng.

"When his body is completely transparent, he will enter the turbulent flow of space and never come back." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Mo Daotian said faintly and turned to sneer.

He thought he was some peerless genius, but now it seems that it is just so.

This space turbulence, but the real turbulence, he doesn't believe that this boy can resist so many turbulence. Even in the turbulence, there will be a lot of vigorous Qi.

"Go!" Suddenly, Lin Feng's mouth whispered. The sword Qi reflected the dazzling light under the light. At the next moment, these sword Qi directly entered the black Qi and tangled with the black Qi.

These black gas seemed to have life. It wrapped around Lin Feng and didn't want to leave at all.

Mo Daotian stood up and stared at the scene in front of him.

This boy, how could

Mo Youluo is a little confused. This boy is clearly going to enter the turbulent flow of space. How did he get out?

At this time, Lin Feng's mind was also boiling. He felt that he had become a youyou Tianming Jiao, swimming carefree at the bottom of the sea. He began to practice, from a small youyou Tianming Jiao to becoming a disciple of the family. During the test, his blood directly reached the king level blood, and he became an elite disciple of youyou Tianming Jiao family, What resources are the best.

Such days passed little by little, and Lin Feng's whole mind was immersed in them, as if he had really become a wandering Tianming Jiao, flying carefree at the bottom of the sea.

If only we could go on like this.

Lin Feng's heart suddenly had such a sigh, but the sigh was only a moment. Soon, Lin Feng's body froze and sat there cross legged.

At the position of Lin Feng's heart, the heavily shackled heart suddenly trembled and trembled.

A little red slowly flowed into Lin Feng's body. The next moment, Lin Feng only felt that his whole body seemed to become hot. Lin Feng's brain instantly recovered Qingming. The original unrealistic ideas disappeared from Lin Feng's ideas in an instant.

I came to youYou Tianming Jiaozu this time to help Ruolin take Mo ruo back. Only by taking Mo ruo back can I unlock Ruolin's blood prohibition. Ruolin can start continuous cultivation and break through the boundary wall of the human demon. Maybe Ruolin will go better.

Lin Feng kept repeating this word in his mind. The dormant black gas in his body began to evaporate slowly from his body under the circulation of blood.

Lin Feng's body sat there, and his whole skin became fiery red. In this fiery red, suddenly, a roar sounded. Then, a golden young dragon hovered on the top of Lin Feng's brain.

With Bruce Lee circling, Lin Feng's whole body began to emit golden light. Lin Feng's whole body was like a God's residence, and everything around him seemed to become violent.

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