Lin Feng's breath is spreading around, and the innate noble breath envelops the whole array.

"I... I'm so cold!"

"No, no, what's the matter with me?"

Countless monsters crawled down their bodies. Even Mo Youluo was half kneeling on the ground, his hands supporting the ground, and there was bean sized sweat falling from his forehead.

"Old... Old ancestor..." Mo Youluo gritted his teeth and insisted. He didn't forget to say hello to Mo Daotian.

"This is..." Mo Daotian stared round and looked at the scene in front of him. His whole body retreated towards the back. Taking advantage of the little dragon in his eyes, Mo Daotian's body was constantly shaking.

This boy

The expression on Mo Daotian's face changed again and again. If you look carefully at the past, it's still a little funny

"Help... Help!" The monsters who were still curious finally couldn't bear this power. They collapsed on the ground one after another, looked at Lin Feng's direction and knelt down.

When the king comes out, the world will take him.

Mo Daotian's body trembled and burst into laughter.

Just after this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and his whole body hid into the space in an instant.

Innumerable space tangled around Lin Feng chose to retreat because he couldn't find an object to attack. Lin Feng breathed a sigh, walked out of the space, looked up at Mo Daotian, and said with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth:

"I took your three moves. Can I take Mo ruo away now?"

Lin Feng looked at Mo Daotian with a gentle smile, shook his body and said with a smile,

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Mo Daotian never spoke, but stood there quietly with a face. After a while, he sighed, waved his hand and said, "well, it's fate to meet. Since this is the evil fate of our youYou tianmingjiao family, it's done."

Mo Daotian waved his hand with some helplessness in his eyes.

"Old ancestor!" Mo Youluo wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Mo Daotian. He looked a little frightened and looked at Lin Feng like a monster.

Mo Youluo knew that if he could, he was absolutely willing to take Mo ruo out at the beginning. The boy in front of him was a little too scary.

"You go first. I'll deal with things here. Go back and shut up. If you don't break through at your age, there's no hope of flying all your life." Mo Daotian paused on Mo Youluo and said faintly.

"Yes, ancestor!" Mo Youluo nodded and walked away without any nostalgia. He knew that his ancestors were taking responsibility for him.

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng smiled faintly.

With a gentle smile on his face, Mo Daotian made a gesture of invitation and said, "little brother, please come inside. How about a cup of light tea? I've let you Luo pass. Soon, Mo ruo girl can come. "

Mo Daotian's look has changed a hundred and twenty degrees from just now to now. Mo Daotian stood there and looked at Lin Feng. He had a gentle smile on his mouth and showed kindness on his face. It was not the peak of the Mahayana that he had just killed Lin Feng. The strong man was obviously just a kind grandfather.

"Thank you, ancestor mo." Lin Feng arched his hand, without affectation, and walked inside with Mo Daotian.

Mo Daotian looked back at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng really followed him. He breathed a sigh of relief. This boy is a big trouble. Now he has finally figured out what the trouble is. Mo Daotian breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if my little brother can let me see Ruo Li's girl?" Mo Daotian suddenly turned his head, looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile, "speaking of it, I'm also the ancestor of the girl. But I've been practicing all these years. Have you seen the girl? It's rare to have time today. How about I meet her?"

Mo Daotian sat on the top, looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Lin Feng's mind moved. Ji LAN appeared beside Lin Feng. Although Ji Lan was still seriously injured, he was obviously much better than before. He stood behind Lin Feng with a respectful face.

"This is the human boy that Muruo girl likes?" Mo Daotian smiled angrily, looked at Ji LAN and said.

"In next season LAN, I've seen my ancestors." Ji LAN hurried forward, arched her hands and said with a serious face.

"It's okay, you sit, you sit, Ji LAN, right?" Mo Daotian smiled and asked Ji LAN to sit down. He smiled a chrysanthemum on his face. His eyes turned slowly, completely cunning.

Seeing Mo Daotian's appearance, Lin Feng couldn't cry or laugh. First, he was told how upright other monsters are. Mo Daotian is worthy of being the guy who is about to rise into a big demon. What Lin Feng has to admit is that even ordinary humans can't have it at all!

"Ji LAN, over the years, you and ruoli have suffered, but you blame me for wandering among the Tianming Jiaozu?" Mo Daotian suddenly sighed, looked at Ji LAN and asked.

Ji LAN turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng shook his head imperceptibly.

"Ji LAN has no complaints. She just hopes that the three of our family can be reunited. Ruo Li can do something for the family and not waste her excellent blood." Ji LAN paused for a moment and said seriously, "although I don't have a strong family background now, I can't compare with such a big family as youyou Tianming Jiao family, but I'm willing to work hard to let them practice without worry for the sake of Mo ruo and Ruo Li."

Ji Lan's voice was not loud, but it was loud.

These are what they have said earlier.

Originally, Lin Feng was going to play a warm card to take Mo ruo away. As a result, these guys didn't appreciate it, but now this way of handling is also good.

Lin Feng sat there, breathed a sigh of relief, swept away the turbid air in his heart, and his spirit perked up.

"Good, good." Mo Daotian took a look at Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's relief, his heart fell down, stroked his palm and said, "it's so good. I'll give you the girl of my family."

Mo Daotian's eyes turned on Lin Feng, smiled and said, "if you leave, it's good to be my younger generation. Why are you worried that I won't do it to her?"

"If you're outside, you'll come right away!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded to Qingling. Qingling reluctantly took Qianlong shuttle out. Soon, Ji ruoli slowly came in, looked at Mo Daotian sitting above and looked at Lin Feng.

"Tut Tut, this girl is good. She has inherited the girl's appearance. It's very good, very good!"

Ji ruoli didn't speak yet. Mo Daotian smiled, stroked his palm and said.

Seeing Mo Daotian's enthusiasm, Lin Feng's mouth smoked. The old man suddenly changed his sex?

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