"Now that we've finished it, let's go back first." Mo Daotian glanced at Ji Ruolin and didn't explain Ji Ruolin's promotion just now, but he couldn't hide his joy. The smile on his face was like a flower in February, which was particularly beautiful.

Lin Feng glanced at Mo Daotian. Mo Daotian made a gesture of invitation. Looking at Lin Feng with his hands on his back, his mood obviously looked very good.

This old man.

Seeing Mo Daotian's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. As the old man looked now, Lin Feng looked uncomfortable, especially the smile on his face. With the folds on Mo Daotian's face, he looked like a devastated old chrysanthemum.

If he hadn't experienced Qianqian's evolution, he really couldn't see that Ruo Li was evolution. However, Mo Daotian didn't want to say it, and Lin Feng didn't mean to point it out. After all, this is someone else's territory. It's better not to say it for the sake of Ruo Li's safety.

Lin Feng walked out with Mo Daotian. Mo Daotian was in a very good mood and said a lot to Lin Feng all the way.

Ji LAN took her daughter and wife and walked behind. The family gathered together and whispered, simple but not warm and sweet.

Mo Youluo walked in the back. However, he has become the most useless person now. Mo Youluo took a sad look at Mo Daotian in front of him. The old ancestor completely forgot him with Lin Feng.

"Lao Zu!"

"Old ancestor!"

On returning to the shore, all the six elders gathered together. When they looked at the three members of the Muruo family, they were obviously angry and very uncomfortable, "old ancestor, you are back. We have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Go, go, go inside!" Seeing the appearance of the six elders, Mo Daotian waved his hand and said something helpless. To solve a problem and fight, Mo Daotian was very happy, but to face these elders, Mo Daotian immediately had a big head.

"Yes, ancestor!" Several elders followed Mo Daotian towards the inside and saw that they were about to reach the conference hall. An elder blocked the way of Lin Feng and his party.

"Sorry, this is my private affair of youyou Tianming Jiao clan. Please avoid it." A thin elder directly blocked the way of Lin Feng and his party, raised his head slightly, turned his eyes on Ji ruoli and snorted coldly.

To inherit the position of clan leader, he must be the favored son of the Tianming Jiao family, rather than the little girl who is half human and half demon!

"Lao Qi, ruoli will be the patriarch of our youYou tianmingjiao clan in the future. She naturally wants to participate in the affairs here. As for Mr. Lin Feng, Mr. Lin Feng is our distinguished guest. Let him come in."

Mo Daotian stopped the seven elders, turned to look at Lin Feng and nodded.

"Old ancestor!" The seven elders have a sad face. Their family ya'er is not qualified to participate in such a meeting. How can this half human and half demon little girl!

"Why, I didn't listen. Are your wings hard?" Mo Daotian's eyes swept, several elders trembled and immediately made way.

Lin Feng directly led a group of people into it. Li Yutong followed Lin Feng, turned his eyes on the seven elders, and sat under Mo Daotian. Ji ruoli directly sat in the center.

"This time, I'm here to announce an important decision I've made. In the future, Ruo Li is the head of my youYou tianmingjiao clan. This is the tianguai of the head of my youYou tianmingjiao clan. I'll pass it to Ruo Li now." Mo Daotian touched the crutch in his hand, sighed and handed it to Ji ruoli.

"Ancestors, never!"

"Old ancestor, no, no, this girl is still half human and half demon. How can she become the head of my youyou Tianming Jiao family?"

"Yes, old ancestor, you can't be cheated by this girl. Since ancient times, it has been said that we have never had a little girl to inherit the position of head of our clan in the history of wandering around Tianming Jiao clan."

The six elders stood in front of Mo Daotian, with bitter ha ha on their faces, and said seriously.

As they spoke, the six elders looked at Mo Youluo standing behind Mo Daotian, hoping that Mo Youluo could stand with them.

Feeling their eyes, Mo Youluo sighed. He also wanted to stand out. However, standing in front of the living reality, Mo Youluo compromised. He knew that there was no demon more suitable for them to travel as the head of Tianming Jiao family than Ji ruoli. Ji ruoli was escorted by his ancestors. The most important thing was that he had excellent talent. This time he turned into a form, Let moyoro have nothing to say.

In Mo Youluo's opinion, Ji Ruolin's transformation can only be described as shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. There has never been a demon in the youyou Tianming Jiao family, which has done so.

Mo you Luo didn't stand out, just stood there, lowered his head and pretended not to see the eyes of the six elders.

"Mo Youluo, what do you mean? Our seven elders should have a common hatred. Now you stand there with your head down and don't speak. Have you been accepted by that woman?" An elder stood up, pointed to moyolo and said loudly.

Mauro still didn't speak.

What is he going to say? Does he want to tell the elders in front of him, ah, Ji Ruolin is an expert and has achieved great accomplishments at a young age. The most important thing is that Ji Ruolin has dragon blood?

"Mo Daotian, I think you are a hypocrite!"

"Mo Daotian, you don't deserve to be the elder of my youYou tianmingjiao family!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the six elders began to attack Mo Youluo. Lin Feng couldn't bear to look straight and turned his head. This group of old men have lived in vain for so many years, and their IQ is clearly still at the level of children.

"Shut up!" Mo Daotian's face was gloomy. Looking at the group of people in front of him, he snorted coldly and said, "if you say so, am I an old ancestor who announced that if I leave the girl to become the patriarch, I don't deserve to be your old ancestor. I should directly kick out of the youYou tianmingjiao clan?"

Mo Dao snorted when it was cold, looked at the group of guys in front of him, sneered and said.

As soon as Mo Daotian got angry, his bodies trembled. Shaking for a while, he immediately calmed down. One by one, he stood pitifully there. When he heard Mo Daotian say this, he quickly shook his head and said:

"No... it's not like this, ancestor, it's not like this."

While talking, the six old demons knelt directly in front of Mo Daotian, with a pitiful face.

Seeing the appearance of these old men, Mo Dao snorted coldly and said, "I made the decision. It has nothing to do with you Luo. If you are dissatisfied with ruoli and become the patriarch, you will come to me."

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