Hearing Mo Daotian's words, all the elders were silent, kneeling there, lowering their heads and shrinking their mouths.

Seeing the appearance of several elders, Mo Daotian groaned with satisfaction and said, "I know you are dissatisfied. Mo ruo Li and they are all here today. Well, you six old men take turns to fight with Mo ruo. If you lose, you will obediently listen to this arrangement."

Mo ruo immediately stood up and turned his whole body.

The six elders looked at Mo ruo and felt Mo ruo's terrible breath. They shrunk their necks. None of them dared to come forward.

Seeing the look of these elders, Mo Daotian sneered and said, "I thought you were some great experts. Why, you don't have the courage to face a younger generation?"

The six elders did not speak.

Nonsense, who is this aunt?

An expert who has already broken through the Mahayana period. Who dares not find happiness in front of this little aunt and grandmother? Isn't that looking for death?

The six elders knelt there and didn't speak. Instead of not speaking, they didn't dare to speak at all. If they wanted them to fight with Mo ruo, wouldn't it be that they were beaten in front of this aunt for nothing?

Lin Feng pulled Raji Ruolin's hand. Ji Ruolin ignored it and stood up.

"Old ancestor, I think it's good. Why don't I do it? I'm willing to compete with my level youyou Tianming Jiao." With a smile on Ji ruoli's face, he glanced at the six elders and said with a smile, "if I win them, the six elders can't embarrass me. They can do things for me honestly in the future."

Hearing Ji ruoli's words, Mo Daotian paused. Mo Youluo also raised his head in surprise and looked at Ji ruoli.

Ji ruoli stood there with a gentle smile at the corners of her mouth. A green silk hung behind her head at will. Although she said it was very mature, the green astringency on her face could not hide anyone. The little girl in front of her was still a child.

Mo Youluo shook his head. How can such a young child experience combat? Where will you know the hardships of fighting?

However, Mo Youluo had not yet opened his mouth. All the six elders raised their heads with a smile on their faces and said, "OK, this feeling is good, that's it!"

A group of old men with a smile on their faces heard Ji Ruolin's words, with a look of ecstasy, not because Ruolin gave them a step of gratitude.

Lin Feng frowned, but when he thought that the heads of these monsters were always simple, he restrained his mind. These monsters respected martial arts and asked the six elders to deal with Ruo Li. These six elders certainly couldn't do such a thing. Even if they wanted to compete with Ruo Li, they must be monsters of Ruo Li's peers. Lin Feng believed that those monsters, Are not above ruoli.

"Who made you look up!" Mo Dao snorted when it was cold. The six elders immediately lowered their heads, but the smile on their faces did not decrease at all. Is the little girl still trying to be a hero?

"Ruo Li, you are the later patriarch. Where did you get this kind of fight?" Mo Daotian took Ji ruoli's hand, looked down at Ji ruoli, looked serious and said.

"Old ancestor ~" Ji Ruolin leaned on Mo Daotian's side, his eyes narrowed into a slit, probably because Mo Daotian endured pain and cut love and gave Jiao blood to Ji Ruolin. Ji Ruolin was not unfamiliar with the old ancestor in front of him, but he had some more acquaintances. Ji Ruolin turned his eyes and looked at the six elders below, saying:

"It's different. It's just a competition between the same families. Everyone won't hurt me. Besides, since I want to inherit the position of patriarch and show my ability, it's also right."

Ji ruoli said with a smile, turned to look at the six elders and said, "elders, since the matter has been agreed, then you go to find young talents to fight with me."

Ji ruoli's words made Mo Daotian's heart pressed. Holding Ji ruoli's small hand, he only felt that his previous decision was the best. Now that he has such a baby around him, Mo Daotian only felt that he would be much more comfortable in the coming decades.

"Not yet!" Mo Daotian shouted again. The six elders got up and went outside. Mo Daotian sat there with a very bad face. Ji ruoli was not worried at all. He sat there smiling and making faces at Lin Feng.

Seeing Ji ruoli's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. This girl is still a little too young.

Soon, the six elders brought back some favored sons of the youyou Tianming Jiao family. Obviously, they had just turned into shape, and their breath could not be stabilized. Even some parts retained the appearance of monsters.

"Oh, you look good!" Ji ruoli glanced at several people, looked at one of the women with two small horns on her forehead, smiled and said, "next time I'll try and leave two horns for myself. Maybe the master will praise me for my beauty!"

"Where's the wild girl? Can you touch Miss Ben?" With a wave of her hand, moya'er directly knocked Ji ruoli's hand off and sneered. Her whole body's momentum was raised in an instant and rolled towards Ji ruoli.

Seeing Mo ya'er's words disagreed, Ji ruoli's face sank in an instant, his foot stamped, the Tianluo umbrella opened in front of her and blocked Mo ya'er's attack. The Tianluo umbrella was shining brightly. Ji ruoli snorted coldly, turned the umbrella handle, trained with spirit and greeted Mo ya'er directly.

Ji Ruolin is naturally not a bully. Generally, her gentle character is because no one provokes her. Moya'er starts when she doesn't agree with her words, which obviously annoys Ji Ruolin. Ji Ruolin holds the Tianluo umbrella in his hand, and the light of the Tianluo umbrella is great. All kinds of spiritual skills penetrate the past from the Tianluo umbrella and greet moya'er.

Ji ruoli's shot was very cruel. Moya'er didn't react for a while by Ji ruoli's sudden fierce attack.

"Help!" Moya'er shouted, and the teenagers behind him immediately came together. They stood together and looked at Ji ruoli. The corners of their mouths were gloomy and greeted Ji ruoli directly.

The time between the two sides is neither fast nor slow, but it just disrupts the time here. When Mo ruo and Ji LAN react, Ji ruoli has fought with these so-called young talent demons.

"Ruo Li!" Seeing this, Mo ruo's face changed and he was about to make a move. Ji LAN grabbed Mo ruo and said, "believe that our family is Ruo Li, not to mention the small troubles in front of us. Even if it is a big trouble, Ruo Li can solve it."

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