At this time, the disciples of the Black Hawk sect just reacted that they are now on the yanxuan continent. The disciples slowly loosened and raised their heads. When they saw Lin Feng, their whole body trembled. They suddenly fell and sat on the ground. Several people were together, and the fear on their faces was very obvious.

This is the man who locked them up just now!

Several people's eyes were somewhat unbelievable. Looking at Lin Feng, the whole body was trembling slightly.

"Well, since they are all here, don't look like this. I have something to ask you now. You'd better answer my question obediently, otherwise..." Lin Feng's hand patted gently, and a breath of dead water passed by several people.

The disciples of the Black Hawk sect trembled even more. It was this thing just now, it was this thing!

They were taken away for some reason just now. That's it!

The expression on the faces of several Black Hawk disciples changed instantly. Looking at Lin Feng's hands, his body was like chaff. Everything in front of him became a virtual scene.

They still have a deep memory of this thing!

Just now they were in a mysterious space. They felt that their bodies were completely imprisoned and could not move at all. Under them, black water was flowing continuously. Those water had a very dangerous smell, which made them very afraid.

In particular, the water was still rising, and they saw with their own eyes that one of their partners fell into the water for no reason. The friend's body was directly turned into water, and his bones didn't exist. They saw the partner's painful expression, but it was too late to shout, so he didn't have it!

It's this terrible thing!

Several disciples of the Black Hawk sect held together, pale and purple lips.

"Ding..." there seems to be a sound, like a gurgling brook, flowing continuously.

However, this place is clearly a deep mountain area. Where did the stream come from? Finally, his eyes turned and finally fixed on one of the Black Hawk disciples.

The Black Hawk sect disciple's body shook more and more in his eyes, a smell of urine came, and the second daughter turned her head.

"Shh, Shh..." seems to be inspired by something. Several other disciples began to Shh and Shh continuously. The ground in front of them soon became wet, which means a little endless.

"Well, stop shaking. I'll ask you a few questions." Lin Feng waved his hand, waved it, and practiced with his spiritual power. He wrapped several people in it and isolated the surrounding atmosphere.

The smell of urine is a little too bad.

"Yes..." one of the disciples raised his head and saw the look of Lin Feng and his party. He was very unhappy. He didn't want to, but he couldn't control his bladder at all!

"Where did you come from and why did you come here?" Lin Feng stood there, looked down at the Black Hawk disciple, raised his eyebrows and asked,

"We... We..." several disciples of the Black Hawk sect bowed their heads. The disciple who took the lead in speaking was unwilling to speak.

"Go and get a monster. These disciples raise well anyway. I guess they also like to eat their meat very much." Lin Feng stood there, looked down at several disciples and said with a smile.

The laughter spread to the ears of several Black Hawk disciples, and it was just magic sound through their ears.

This guy is so terrible!

They'll get along in such a shady way!

Thinking of this, their bodies trembled. Shaking for a moment, they looked up and saw Lin Feng standing there with a smile. Beside Lin Feng, a beautiful tiger was standing there, his eyes flashing with excitement, looking at them.

What is this?

Is it equivalent to the demon beast beautiful tiger in the period of turning God?

"Say it or not, if you don't say it, little tiger will speak. I didn't mean to find it. He doesn't like dead human flesh. When eating meat, he must be alive. With people's constant screams and pain, his blood vessels will spray out, and the flesh and blood will have a light temperature..."

Lin Feng said very quietly, but the disciples stared round.

How could there be such a way to eat? It's more terrible than the torture of their Black Hawk sect!

"We come from other continents. The Lord of the Shiyin sect sent us here. He just told us that this will be our territory in the future, so we wantonly killed, killed and surrounded the human beings here."

A disciple of the Black Hawk sect took the lead in opening his mouth and raised his head. At this time, he was completely frightened. Looking at Lin Feng, he shouted, "Sir, we are just little disciples. We... We don't know anything!"

"Really?" Lin Feng looked down at the disciple in front of him with a smile on his face and a smile on his mouth. "But I know a lot about how I think of you."

Lin Feng waved his hand, the tiger walked a little ahead, opened his mouth slightly, looked at several Black Hawk disciples, and his saliva dripped on the ground.

These disciples of Black Hawk sect have no doubt that Lin Feng will not let the tiger eat them. Lin Feng just killed almost half of their disciples of Black Hawk sect!

This is a plague!

There is nothing that plague dare not do!

"Sir, just ask, just ask. As long as I know, I will tell you everything..." several disciples of Black Hawk sect immediately shouted when they saw this scene.

"We are going to occupy this continent for ourselves. Lord Black Eagle is now working for the corpse Yin sect. The corpse Yin sect said that as long as we take this continent, the Lord Black Eagle wants to enter the demon world. The Lord of the corpse Yin sect can solve it for Lord Black Eagle."

The disciples kept talking. Lin Feng stood there and nodded when he saw the appearance of several disciples. Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death are easy to do things. These disciples of Black Hawk sect didn't need Lin Feng to say anything more, so they cleaned up their own background.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the second daughter with a little more excitement in her eyes.

"Where is your black eagle now?" Li Yutong, with beautiful eyes, walked to the front and asked in a low voice.

"Lord Black Eagle can't come until tomorrow night. However, the sect leader representing Lord Black Eagle is baptizing the disciples of juwuzong in a small sect called juwuzong. Only after the baptism can he accept the preaching of Lord Black Eagle and completely become the disciples of black eagle sect."

Li Yutong nodded to Lin Feng. With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng lost his sword Qi directly. Several disciples fell to the ground before they had time to wail. They stared round their eyes and opened their mouth slightly before they died.

"Let's go." Lin Feng took a look at the disciples. Qin Yan nodded, took the tiger, and the three walked towards the front.

Over there, some disciples of Black Hawk sect came, and their accomplishments were good!

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