"Hey, hey, it seems that we have some big guys this time." Lin Feng licked his lips and looked ahead. The smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the little shrimp left. Although there were a large number of little guys, the cultivation was really not enough to see. It was only a matter of time to deal with it. He was most happy to face these big guys now.

It takes patience to deal with small shrimps. Although these big guys have high accomplishments, they have a small number of people and are much easier to deal with.

What's more, the small ones are basically cleaned up, and only these large ones are left, indicating that the number of Black Hawk sect should be small.

Pinch your fingers and kill so many black hawk disciples. If there are any, it seems a little unrealistic.

Now seeing these big guys rushing over, Lin Feng's spirit is perked up again. After these big guys are handled, he can safely take Yanran and sister Tongtong home.

Lin Feng stood there, his body trembled, and the smile on his face was very bright.

The Black Hawk sect disciples who came over saw Lin Feng's smile from a distance. Although their cultivation was in Lin Feng's IQ, after feeling the smile, their bodies trembled and trembled, and a bad premonition occupied their hearts.

This guy seems... Strange.

"There are several accomplishments during the robbery period." Li Yutong frowned and whispered, "there are several good disciples. Among them, several are much more powerful than Qin Sheng."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "well, I know, although these black hawk sects have a high level, their cultivation is not good at all, so we don't need to worry too much. Since they came from the corpse Yin sect, there must be the shadow of the corpse Yin sect behind these black hawk sects. Let's solve the Black Hawk sect first, Go and look for those little bastards of the corpse Yin sect. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Feng rushed directly towards the disciples of black eagle sect.

"Kill!" A violent drink sounded in the sky, and the disciples of Black Hawk sect rushed directly here as if they were crazy. These disciples of Black Hawk sect were fierce and full of murderous spirit. The whole was like a black cloud.

"It's time for dawn!" Lin Feng raised his head and took a look. With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, Feng Tong's sword trembled and trembled on Lin Feng's hand. Li Yutong and Qin Yanran were also shocked. They looked at the disciples of Black Hawk sect and looked gloomy.

They are very disgusted with the disciples of these cults, especially those related to the corpse Yin sect!

If it hadn't been for those bastards of the corpse Yin sect, they wouldn't have left their hometown for so long!

The momentum of Li Yutong and Qin Yanran was also raised. Although they were only three, their momentum was no worse than that over there!

The momentum of the three people gathered together and directly aligned with the people over there. Several people looked at each other. After seeing this scene, their eyes immediately changed. Lin Feng stood in the front, and the field of sword and potential energy position were unfolded at his feet. Qin Yanran followed closely. Li Yutong finally held a long sword in his hand, and his eyes were cold.

"When this batch is processed, I guess it will be almost the same." Li Yutong looked at the approaching signal bomb and said softly, "the disciples of Baiyu sect come very fast. According to our current speed, we can almost clean up today."

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng nodded. These weak disciples of Black Hawk sect were killed by them. The rest were dealt with by Baiyu sect. As for these powerful ones, since they came at one time, it also saved them the thought of looking for them.

"When it's done, we can go back." Qin Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, looked ahead and said softly.

The closer she is to her hometown, Qin Yanran finds that her heart becomes more and more heavy, and she thinks more and more in her heart. What she wants most now is to go back to see her mother instead of staying here!

"Soon!" Lin Feng took Qin Yanran's hand and said softly, "don't worry, I promised aunt Ping and you, and I will do it."

When he left, he promised aunt Ping that he would safely send Yan Ran to her hand, and he would think of it!

Thinking of the woman who silently managed Dasheng city for him on the earth, Lin Feng couldn't help but look forward to and have attachment.

That's his woman

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qin Yanran smiled, nodded, held Lin Feng's hand back and said, "I know, but we still have to solve these black hawk disciples in advance. Both corpse Yin sect and Black Hawk sect know that the earth exists. If they are allowed to enter the earth, it will be the biggest trouble."

Lin Feng nodded. The three people turned into three lights and rushed directly towards the disciples of black eagle sect.

"Jie Jie, just three boys!" The Dharma guardians of the Black Hawk sect standing behind saw the three people rushing over with a disdainful smile on their faces. "Those boys really ate and drank in the sect. They have cleaned their bodies and bones over the years, but a few small things also boasted. I said that the sect leader was bad. All kinds of cats and dogs had to be brought in. I lost the face of my black hawk sect."

"The third is right. Those rubbish are a disgrace!"

There are five disciples of Black Hawk sect standing behind. Their accomplishments are all above Qin Sheng. They look like the sixth phase in the middle of Mahayana. The five people stand together with connected breath. If they don't feel it carefully, they can only feel the breath of one person!

These five disciples are the five Dharma guardians of the black eagle sect and represent the strongest strength of the sect leader of the black eagle sect.

These five people are divided into five people, but because they have practiced the same skill and their cultivation ability is at the same level, the five people naturally formed their current skill after a long time of running in.

These five Dharma protectors are also famous people in the territory of Black Hawk sect. The five people unite together to catch up with the peak of Mahayana!

"It seems that this time the trouble is a little big!" Feeling the appearance of these five people, Lin Feng smiled. He didn't mean to be afraid. Instead, he became more and more excited. He wanted to see how powerful the Dharma protectors of the five black hawks were!

Since he got the dragon blood of thick soil, Lin Feng has been in latent cultivation. He hasn't shown his ability well. It seems that he has a chance this time.

Lin Feng licked his lips. The excitement on his face was not concealed at all. What he wanted was this effect!

Countless black eagles hovered in the sky. After hovering, the virtual shadow of these black eagles directly entered the arms of five people. An invisible wave slowly lingered around, with a bit of moisture and uncomfortable smell.

Qin Yanran and Li Yutong frowned, and their faces were a little more disgusted.

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