Feeling that all the disciples of Baiyu sect had withdrawn, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed a little, and looked down.

Without our disciples causing unnecessary riots here, Lin Feng's whole mind is much more comfortable as long as he can handle these Dharma protectors and guard Qin Yanran and Li Yutong.

The five Dharma protectors of Black Hawk sect are still in the array, constantly attacking the array. The array is shaky, but they are still holding on.

that's enough!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. With a wave of his hand, the whole array suddenly opened. The five Dharma guardians were happy and were just about to come out.

"Boom!" There was a roaring sound in the sky. Then, a bucket thick mine rushed directly towards this side. The speed of the mine was very fast. The mine had rushed to the front before there was a response.

"Boy, you deserve to die!" One of the Dharma protectors shouted, and the thunder robbed the five Dharma protectors directly. All the five people were stabbing and emitting black smoke. The black eagle logo on their arms began to weaken, and their breath began to weaken.

These things are afraid of robbing thunder.

Looking at the five guys who were embarrassed under the thunder, Lin Feng's smile was very bright.

The five people raised their heads and saw Lin Feng's appearance. They trembled. This time, it seemed that all the people, including the door owner, would be planted here.

Five people, look at me and I'll look at you. This is the thunder during the robbery period. It's not something they can spend at all!

"Tut Tut, no way." Lin Feng stood aside, saw the appearance of these people in black, shook his head, tut tut sighed, and said, "I said you need to practice well."

The body of the five Dharma protectors paused.

They're sick enough. They didn't expect this guy to make things worse outside!

This is unbearable!

The five people turned to look at Lin Feng. Their eyes turned red. They stared at Lin Feng and tried to mobilize the real Qi in their body, but it seemed to be blocked by something. The real Qi could not be mobilized at all!


The thunder completely suppressed the power of the black eagle. In the face of such heavy thunder, the black eagle didn't come out at all!

The main power of the five Dharma guardians comes from the black eagle. Without the power support of the black eagle, their ability is similar to that of ordinary people. Before they react here, they directly greet the attack there.

"Boy, let us go!" The five people were robbed by another thunder, and their flesh and blood flew. They looked very embarrassed. They raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng with some prayers in their eyes.

At this time, the five Dharma guardians, like a bereaved dog, stood there and looked very uncomfortable.

Lin Feng shook his head.


The third thunder came down, and the body of the five Dharma protectors trembled. There was a very weak white light on their arms, which shrouded the five people and barely escaped the thunder.


Lin Feng's whole mind was raised in an instant, and his eyes scanned from around. A black wind passed, and the thunder seemed to shake. Li Yutong's whole body flew into the sky and was right with the next thunder.

The second thunder came down and greeted Qin Yanran,

The second daughter's breath is fairly stable. In the early stage, the power of robbing thunder is not big. In addition, there are five Dharma guardians to help divide the robbing thunder. The second daughter doesn't feel any trouble at all.

At this time, a black cloud flashed in the sky and robbed the coming thunder.

"Now that you're here, isn't it strange to do such a sneaky thing?"

Lin Feng smiled and fought with a spirit power training towards a corner of the sky. It seemed that something was broken in the corner, but there was no one in it.

Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

"Lin Feng, just go. Don't worry. Yanran and I can deal with things here." Li Yutong looked down at Lin Feng and said softly.

"Well, you go. We're here. These five guys have no strength to tie the chicken first. As long as we like, we can hang them every minute. You don't have to worry about us." Qin Yanran bowed her head, with a gentle smile on her mouth, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng paused and looked up at her. She stood there with soft eyes and a smile that made Lin Feng feel at ease.

These two girls

Seeing the appearance of the second daughter, Lin Feng paused for a moment, softened somewhere in his heart, and turned to go directly outside. The whole mood was better.

He was lucky to have two sensible women around him.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded, "don't worry, it's just a small mole ant. I can solve it soon." With that, Lin Feng's body flew directly over the minefield.

A robbery thunder fell, and a black figure flew into the sky. The field of sword bloomed at Lin Feng's feet, and the white feather sword greeted him directly there.

The speed of the white feather sword was very fast. The man in black thought he was safe, but he was startled by the suddenly stretched out long sword. His whole body kept retreating. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, he gritted his teeth and greeted Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng and the palm of the man in black are right together.

"Bang!" When the two collided, it seemed that something exploded in an instant. One black and one blue spirit power competition directly exploded in the sky. Lin Feng's face changed. His whole body kept retreating, looked up at the man in black, and vomited blood.

What a powerful force!

The man in black looked up at Lin Feng. Although he didn't retreat as far as Lin Feng, his palm was still shaking.

The boy's flesh. Body strength, very powerful!

Jing Shenglong raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His pale face was more ruddy. Instead, he sneered and said:

"Boy has some skills. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant and unkind to our five Dharma guardians." Jing Shenglong glanced at the five Dharma protectors, and his eyes coagulated instantly.

"Lord, Lord, save us!" As soon as Jing Shenglong appeared, the eyes of the five Dharma protectors immediately lit up, looked at Jing Shenglong one after another, and said loudly with a bright light in their eyes.

"Door master!"

"Door master!"

The whole spirit of the five Dharma guardians rolled up. At this time, they instinctively felt that he could live. After all, Jing Shenglong is the sect leader of the Black Hawk sect. As long as Jing Shenglong is willing, they can be saved!

Jing Shenglong's evil eyes moved away from Lin Feng and looked at the five Dharma protectors.

When the five Dharma guardians saw Jing Shenglong's eyes, their whole body suddenly trembled.

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