"Just a bunch of useless waste!" Jing Shenglong sneered, waved his hand and attacked the five Dharma guards directly, "it's better not to lose the face of my black eagle sect!"

"Ow!" The five Dharma protectors did not react, and the attack directly greeted them. The five Dharma protectors' bodies were extinguished in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

Jing Shenglong's face was gloomy, and finally his eyes focused on Lin Feng.

Jing Shenglong's skin is pale, and his black clothes look very heavy. Almost all the exposed places are engraved with the shape of a black eagle. From hands and feet to feet, there are black textures everywhere. These black textures are slightly different from Jing Shenglong's white skin.

Jing Shenglong stood there, his whole body emitting a smell of evil, and the surrounding air was cold for several degrees.

A so-called sect leader of Black Hawk sect who only knows how to scare others!

Seeing Jing Shenglong's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

Although the breath of Jing Shenglong is as powerful as that of Da Yuanman in Mahayana, it is still far from those Real Da Yuanman in Mahayana. It is at most a medium-term appearance.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng put his heart down a little.

After Lin Feng's death, a lightning bolt struck the second daughter directly. The second daughter drank and met the lightning bolt.

The rest of the Black Hawk sect disciples in the array trembled.

After they entered the array, Lei Jie didn't greet them. A group of Black Hawk disciples shrank in the corner, trembling and shaking. At the moment, when they saw Jing Shenglong's hand, the fear on the faces of a group of disciples became more intense.

Qin Yanran and Li Yutong, two terrible women who are crossing the thunder robbery, are enough to make them afraid. But at this time, the door master came and the door keeper meant that the door master killed them!

The door master killed them and took their souls to strengthen their strength!

A group of Black Hawk sect disciples looked at the position of the five Dharma protectors.

The five virtual shadows slowly flew out of the place where the five Dharma protectors were located, stopped in the air, and then flew towards Jingsheng dragon.

Lin Feng raised his head and his eyes coagulated when he saw the five guys.

We can't let this thing be absorbed by Jing Shenglong. This thing from the disciples of Black Hawk sect may improve Jing Shenglong's cultivation!

Sooner or later, Lin Feng's whole body rushed up, and a purple and black lightning in his palm shook directly towards the five virtual shadows. Among the lightning, there were... Milk... White flames. It was burning around the lightning, and the surrounding air stagnated for a while. The milk... White light crossed the sky and directly rushed the five virtual shadows.

"Boy, dare you!" Jing Shenglong's look changed when he felt Lin Feng's move. Lin Feng was originally close to the five Dharma protectors. Just now, his move was naturally intended to absorb the power of the five Dharma protectors to deal with Lin Feng, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to realize his intention and take the lead.

Although Lin Feng seems to have only the cultivation achievements in the early stage of Mahayana, his meat and body strength is very powerful, which is not comparable to ordinary people. In addition, he seems to be a matrix mage and can not only array methods. Jing Shenglong knows that if he wants to win 100%, his strength is absolute!

Jing Shenglong dare not take the risk!

However, Lin Feng seemed to see through his idea, and even directly greeted the virtual shadow of the five Dharma protectors. He must not let this boy destroy it!

Jing Shenglong's body rushed directly towards Lin Feng. A black spirit training directly greeted Lin Feng and wrapped the space around Lin Feng with bursts of breath that frightened Lin Feng.


Lin Feng's look changed for a moment, and he retreated.

Then Lingli Peilian seemed to know Lin Feng's intention. He didn't let Lin Feng go at all, and even stepped up to greet Lin Feng.

This damn thing!

Feeling this, Lin Feng's look changed. Looking around, he was surrounded by Lingli training everywhere. He had no escape route with Ben.

"Boy, surrender obediently. You kill my five Dharma protectors, I kill you, and we'll be even." Jing Shenglong stood there and looked down at Lin Feng. Jie smiled and said loudly.

Hearing Jing Shenglong's words, Lin Feng sneered.

He has everything in Lin Feng's dictionary, but he doesn't have the word surrender!

Lin Feng's mind moved, and the position of his heart trembled. On the next auricle, strong breath directly wrapped Lin Feng's body. The surrounding spirit training seemed to feel something terrible, and the breath was slightly weakened.

The dragon scale covered Lin Feng's whole body and protected Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned his hands into a pair of giant claws and grabbed it towards Lingli.

"Click, click, click!" When Lingli peak was caught and broken, he made a faint sound. The next moment, Lin Feng grabbed it directly towards the virtual shadow of the five Dharma protectors.

Never let them merge!

Jing Shenglong's power is strong enough. If he integrates the power of the five Dharma protectors, even if Lin Feng has so many treasures, he can't guarantee that he can completely defeat Jing Shenglong.

What's more, the two women are still crossing the robbery.

He must not let the second daughter have something to do!

Such a mind insisted on Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked ahead and his eyes were firm. He even ignored Jing Shenglong's attack and directly grabbed the virtual shadow of the five Dharma protectors.

Fast, fast

Looking at the five virtual shadows close at hand, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth slightly aroused some, and he could soon crush the five virtual shadows.

Lin Feng looked at the front with serious eyes. Now, he was only half a meter away from the virtual shadow of the five Dharma protectors.

"Go!" Lin Feng whispered. The inflammation of the earth's heart wrapped five virtual shadows with purple and black robbery thunder.

In the virtual shadow, you can also see the appearance of the five Dharma protectors. At the moment, they are in the middle of the virtual shadow. They keep kneeling and worshipping Lin Feng, and the corners of their mouth keep moving. Lin Feng doesn't need to move. They know that these guys are begging for mercy.

These guys

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of contempt. It was obvious that the five Dharma protectors were begging for mercy for themselves. These five things were just pretending to be tiger power at ordinary times. At this time, they were still thinking of begging for mercy.

"Zizi... Zizi..."

The fire virtual shadow makes a clear Zizi sound, and the five virtual shadows are constantly desalinating. This is the soul power. Under the greeting of the inflammation of the earth's heart, it soon doesn't look like it.

Jing Shenglong arrived one step later than Lin Feng. Seeing the virtual shadow wrapped by the inflammation of the earth's heart, the whole look was ferocious for a moment. The next moment, an attack rushed directly towards Lin Feng. Lingli Peilian paused beside Lin Feng, and then wrapped around Lin Feng.

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