"Boy, I'll kill you!" Jing Shenglong looked at Lin Feng with open teeth and claws. His eyes were angry and cold. He rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's body retreated a little. Jing Shenglong followed him closely and didn't give Lin Feng time to react at all.

"You killed my Dharma protector, and I'll pay for their lives!" Jing Shenglong stared at Lin Feng with a pair of eyes and said loudly.

"Really? In fact, we all know that the five Dharma guardians die like this, isn't it better? " Lin Feng said with a smile, "I think they don't want to bear the feeling that the soul is swallowed by life!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jing Shenglong paused, but then continued to rush towards Lin Feng. At the moment, he had only one idea, that is to kill the boy!

The boy must die!

In the spiritual power training, a powerful power is constantly dense. If you let the power hit you, Lin Feng knows that even if you have dragon scales to protect yourself, you may not be able to hide!

Jing Shenglong's strength is far above him, and his strength depends not only on the black eagle, but also on his own cultivation.

The five virtual shadows suddenly broke in an instant. Naturally, they also heard the dialogue between Lin Feng and Jing Shenglong. At that moment, the five virtual shadows seemed to have a little sense of gratitude.

Lin Feng's expression changed a little. Seeing the five virtual shadows that had almost become gray, he breathed a sigh of relief. His body kept retreating, raised his head, and suddenly aroused a strange smile at the corners of his mouth.

Jing Shenglong was surprised by Lin Feng's strange smile, turned to sneer and said:

"Boy, do you still have a way to reverse it? It's just a small mole ant who has just entered the Mahayana. It's just time for us to wave our hands if we want to crush a mole ant like you!"

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled and waved his hand. The white feather sword greeted Jing Shenglong from behind. After Jing Shenglong felt the attack behind him, his face changed. His whole body kept retreating and looked up at Lin Feng, but he saw Lin Feng's mouth with a strange smile, and his whole body suddenly disappeared in front of Jing Shenglong.

The law of space?

Jing Shenglong's body retreated towards the back, raised his head and looked at the position where Lin Feng disappeared. Lingli Peilian threw himself into the air and didn't greet Lin Feng at all.

Jing Shenglong's face changed in an instant, this damn boy! Mingming is just a boy who has just entered Mahayana. How can he master the laws of space!

Jing Shenglong looked up at Lin Feng. His eyes were unbelievable. It was absolutely impossible to exist!

Jing Shenglong's body flew up and rushed towards the place where Lin Feng disappeared. He believed that Lin Feng's hand was at most a treasure that can be used as the law of space!

Thinking so, Jing Shenglong put down his hanging heart a little.

Law is no better than other things. Many friars can fight higher than others because of their skills, fighting consciousness, etc. but law must be understood before they can have it. Lin Feng's breath during the Mahayana is not very stable, so Jing Shenglong can be basically sure that this boy has just entered the Mahayana.

This boy can't master the law of space in such a fast time!

You know, even the guy who changed his state in the corpse Yin sect took three months to master the fur of the law of space! If you are an ordinary person, you may not realize this Law for decades!

Not every monk entering Mahayana can have the law of space.

Moreover, Lin Feng's means just now are clearly the epitome of space laws, which is absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Jing Shenglong gave himself a tranquility pill. It's just a little guy with a low-grade interface. Even if it's strong, so what? A low-grade interface is a low-grade interface. Resources are still skills. It's much worse than their interface!

With a wave of Jing Shenglong's hand, a colorful whip appeared in Jing Shenglong's hand and pulled it directly in the direction of Lin Feng's disappearance.

The whip shuttled through the layers of space, and there was no Lin Feng everywhere!

This boy, how can it! How could the whole body disappear?

Jing Shenglong's body trembled. He trembled. A flash of panic flashed across his face. He raised his head and looked around. The whole body trembled. It was impossible to happen!

Jing Shenglong's body was there. He looked a little shocked. This boy really mastered the law of space?

No, this is not the law of space!

The space law should swim and walk between spaces. His breath will be left between each space node. The broken empty whip is tracked according to the breath, but now, the broken empty whip obviously can't track the breath!

This cannot be the law of space!

Is there anything wrong with this boy, baby? Yes, the possibility of this boy mastering the law of space is very small. At most, there is such a powerful baby!

This baby is almost at the level of spirit tool!

Only the spirit can take this boy to shuttle through the space.

At the thought of the baby, Jing Shenglong's eyes lit up immediately. He didn't expect to get such a wonderful baby after he took the job of opening up a new territory!

This is a big baby!

Jing Shenglong's whole body trembled.

Lin Feng hid in the dark and saw Jing Shenglong's appearance. A touch of light ridicule was aroused at the corners of his mouth. This old thing still had the mind to think about his baby at this time?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's body paused, and Qingling's figure appeared behind Lin Feng. Some reluctantly took Lin Feng's figure through the layers of space.

Lin Feng has just entered the Mahayana period. Although he can use the power of space, he has not just stepped into the space law. As for his ability to walk in space so calmly, he has completely relied on the power of Qingling.

The green spirit is an instrument spirit. Although the cultivation in the lower world is severely pressed, the use of space is naturally natural without any problems.

"Hard work, Qingling." Lin Feng's body shuttled through the space, avoiding the attack, and said softly.

"Solve this trouble early, hum!" Qingling snorted coldly. After hearing Lin Feng's apology, he looked a little better than before.

Obviously, the girl was just getting angry.

Feeling the relief of the breath behind, Lin Feng relaxed his breath, looked at the front with a gentle smile and narrowed his eyes.

Jing Shenglong has been attacking for so long, it should be his turn!

Lin Feng waved his hand and the white feather sword flew out from behind Jing Shenglong.

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