"Don't fantasize. The space is so hidden, and the space is running stably all the time. It's impossible for you to have."

Said qinglington, with some indifference.

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, turned to shake his head and said:

"Little girl, you don't understand. This is a realm, you know? I tell you, not everyone has such a realm. Such a realm can come out only after good cultivation. "

Qingling turned his eyes and said he didn't want to pay attention to this guy. Maybe only such a guy would regard some impossible things as what realm!

"IQ is too low!"

The green spirit sneered and said.

"What IQ do you know, little girl? Find a way to get in. We can't spend our whole life outside."

Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at the front. His whole heart was itching. Since it was what Lin Feng liked, Lin Feng believed that he could get it from the East!

Lin Feng looked ahead. With the passage of time, he could also gradually feel the existence of this spatial node, but this spatial node was obviously much stronger than ordinary nodes.

I can't break this space node at all!

In particular, this place is between the sea and the sky, and the general air breaking array cannot be arranged.

"Isn't that guy Qianlong very handy in the face of such things?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qingling turned her eyes and said.

Lin Feng paused for a moment and turned to ecstasy.

Yes, why didn't I think of the guy Qianlong!

Lin Feng hurriedly passed Qianlong shuttle out. Qianlong seemed to be sleeping. He felt Lin Feng's breath and turned a circle around Lin Feng.

"Master, what do you want me to do?"

Qianlong surrounded Lin Feng. He looked in a very good mood. With a smile on his face, he kept turning around in front of Lin Feng.

"Come on, there's a space node here. You're like a way to bring me in." Lin Feng grabbed Qianlong and said.

"Oh, master, I can't help this space node." Chihiro paused and said.

"If you can't think of a way, think of a way for me. The spirit stone is not a problem. You can do it yourself." Lin Feng waved his hand and didn't talk to Qianlong about anything else at all.

Lin Feng felt Qianlong shuttle tremble.

"Master, really... Really?" Lin Feng heard Qianlong swallow his saliva.

"When did I cheat you? As long as you can solve this problem, Lingshi is not a problem at all." Lin Feng glanced and said.

"Master, please wait a minute. Although this space node is very stable, it is not completely without a solution. It's just some trouble. The required spirit stone may need about 30 million."

In Qianlong's words, it's hard to hide xiaosatisfied and said to Lin Feng.

"Fifteen million, if you don't open the space node, you know." Lin Feng frowned and said faintly.

"Master, just now you said that the spirit stone was not a problem..."

Qianlong is very hurt. Obviously, the master said that the Lingshi is not a problem. Now the master is repenting. He is also very sad!

Lin Feng didn't speak, but just stood there, quietly, coughing for a while.

Feeling Lin Feng's attitude, Qianlong calmed down and turned his body to study the space node.

Lin Feng and Qingling stood watching. Qingling saw Qianlong slacking off, turned his eyes and said, "I want a spirit stone, too."

"There are 100 million here. Take it and play first. Don't worry. The spirit stone is not a problem." Lin Feng dropped a storage bag and said.

Qingling's careful liver trembled and his mind moved. There was indeed a hundred million spirit stone in it.

Lin Feng is so generous?

"So much, i... I don't need it." Qingling took the spirit stone, muttered and said softly.

"Don't worry, just use it at ease. I have plenty of Lingshi. It's not bad. You can use as much as you want. Just use it. You don't need to save me flowers."

"Well, Qingling girl, you don't want it. I want it. Otherwise, you can give it to me." Qianlong gathered up in front of Qingling and said with a smile, "how bad it is to waste so many spirit stones. I'll spend them for you."

Qingling quickly put away the storage bag.

"Get busy!" Lin Feng kicked the past, and Qianlong flew away when Lin Feng's feet fell.

"Ignore this guy. Just say it if you want a spirit stone." Lin Feng smiled and said.

"OK." Qingling nodded, not vague at all.

Lin Feng looked to the front. Qianlong was seriously measuring. The whole virtual shadow floated in the sky. The white spirit stone was thrown out, and the whole sky became bright.

"Fortunately, this place is quiet and there are no monks." Seeing this scene, Qingling said softly.

"That's not necessarily. There are friars coming over there!" Lin Feng pointed to the east direction and moved his mind. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. It seems that he is still very familiar with this guy.

But Lin Feng couldn't say who it was for a moment.

"It's an acquaintance. Come back first." Lin Feng's hand waved, Qianlong's body immediately became invisible, and Qingling returned to Lin Feng's body and hid in the Dinghai God bead.

The figure in the distance was getting closer and closer. After seeing the visitor clearly, Lin Feng's face didn't know how to change for a time.

It's ouyangbai!

"Master!" Seeing Lin Feng from a distance, ouyangbai's body rushed over immediately, gathered around Lin Feng with a smile on his face, turned around Lin Feng and said, "master, how did you come to this place?"

"Shifu, are you here for something? Master, why don't you say hello in advance? I'll tell you, master, this is basically a place for our hunting activities. Although there are not many people, we will come to this place to rest every year when we move. "


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng didn't know how to answer.

This guy is just too enthusiastic.

"I'm looking for something here, Xiaobai. Do you know that this place has a separate virtual space?" Lin Feng pointed to the light in front, frowned and asked.

"Space? No, master, are you kidding? We have lived here for thousands of years. There is no space in this place. "

Ouyangbai shook his head and directly affirmed Lin Feng's statement. Their shark tooth family has always been looking for food in this area. It is impossible to have the spatial node mentioned by Lin Feng in this place, otherwise their ancestors would have occupied it for themselves!

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