"If you think about it again, did you find anything different when you shark tooth people hunted in this place for thousands of years?"

Lin Feng frowned, looked at ouyangbai and made sure again.

"I don't know. If there's anything, I guess the elders of our family know. Otherwise, I'll go back and ask my father, master, can you wait for me here?"

Ouyangbai looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Master, I found it!" At this time, the voice of Qianlong sounded in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng's face was happy, waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, I know."

"Me and you, master." Ouyangbai smiled, gathered in front of Lin Feng and said, "anyway, Shifu is going alone. You can take me with you. Maybe I can cut and fight for Shifu. You know, my face is not white."

Ouyang Bai smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Your Face?

Lin Feng turned to look at Ouyang Bai and looked up and down.

Ouyangbai's appearance is really good. He is completely a little white face, which is thousands of miles different from his tough guy image, but who makes that shallow little girl like this greasy guy?

It seems that most people around me still have connotation.

Lin Feng praised himself in disguise.

Ouyangbai followed Lin Feng. Lin Feng really needed someone around. After thinking about it, ouyangbai agreed that ouyangbai followed him except for his little white face.

Qianlong shuttle, with Lin Feng and Ouyang Bai, hit the node directly.

"Well, master, we may need a little more. The main thing is that your strength is too strong, master. You know, if your strength is too strong, we have to go in and bear more pressure..."

"How many spirit stones do you want?" Lin Feng spoke directly and asked.

"Ten million, master, ten million is almost enough. I promise to bring my master in safely. " Qianlong said with a smile.

"Five million, if we can't go in, you'll wait to crush me to death." Lin Feng lost a storage bag.

"Master, if you don't take you, you will reduce five million at a time. I ^... I can't do it!"

"Three million!" Lin Feng stretched out a finger.

"Five million is almost enough." Qianlong said carefully.

"A million." Lin Feng spoke again and raised his eyebrows. It seems that Qianlong has set the price higher and higher.

"Master, two million, really can't be less, otherwise our follow-up ability is insufficient." Qianlong's voice was filled with tears.

Why did he meet such a master? Is it easy for him to make some money when the price is reduced again and again?

"1.5 million." Lin Feng directly lost a storage bag. Qianlong wanted to cry. Holding the storage bag, the whole shuttle body shook. Finally, he could only control Qianlong shuttle by his life.

Countless Lingshi gathered over Qianlong shuttle to form a huge Lingli river. These Lingshi were transformed into Lingli and entered Qianlong shuttle. The whole light of Qianlong shuttle was great.

An invisible wall stood in front of Qianlong shuttle. They collided with each other and made great achievements in time.

"Master, I've tried my best. If we go in, we'll be found by the people inside. I've felt the breath inside." Qianlong's voice was heavy, he said.

"It's all right. Let's go first. It's a big deal. We're all invisible!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

He doesn't believe that he has a congenital treasure. If he doesn't want to be found, who can find it!

"Then I'll rest assured!" Qianlong's light became brighter and brighter, directly penetrating the whole space node.

"Boom!" After a crisp sound, Qianlong shuttle directly penetrated the past.

"Ah, someone!" As soon as he entered, Qianlong shouted, and suddenly something like a white fog came out behind him. Instead, the white fog turned into a flower, turned into colorful clouds and bloomed in the sky.

Qianlong's body, with Lin Feng, has quickly hidden. He didn't go, but hid in the dark.

"Master, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, Ouyang Bai turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

Ouyang Bai's face was full of emotion. Although he didn't know what Shifu was doing, it was immoral... Bah, bah, bah, it was a great event!

"Wait and see, I just want to explore who lives in this space!" Lin Feng smiled and said softly.

"There's a baby!" A monk's voice came from a distance. Then, countless monks ran towards this side. These monks agreed to wear blue robes and fly towards this side with swordsmanship.

Behind these disciples, there is a big white word "Shi", which is very eye-catching.

It's really hard to find a place with broken iron shoes. It takes no time to come.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Obviously, this place is Shi's territory.

Lin Feng didn't even want to have a separate space to appear in this place. He knew that this place must be the site of Shi Ningxue.

It seems that in the last time, we should give him a chance to punish the woman well.

Lin Feng looked at the front, but his head was spinning.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Seeing this scene, Ouyang Bai asked with bright eyes.

"Look!" Lin Feng crept quietly and hid his breath.

Ouyangbai paused when he saw Lin Feng's appearance and did it like Lin Feng.

Soon, a woman in white and green flew over.

The role of a woman is very long, and it is difficult to hide her national beauty with light makeup.

"Master, it's Shi Ningxue's woman!"

"Shut up!" Lin Feng gave a low warning, and the breath compressed again.

"Miss!" Those disciples who were still excited about treasure hunting felt the breath, and all turned around and saluted Shi Ningxue in good order.

Shi Ningxue stood in the sky with a slight frown. The smell here always gave her a familiar taste. There was a bit of disgust in the taste, but she didn't know where it came from.

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue frowned and felt a little more annoyed.

"What are you looking for?" Shi Ningxue's eyes paused on several family disciples and asked softly.

"Madam, when we were patrolling here just now, we saw something strange here, so come and have a look. Madam, please first."

"See what?" Shi Ningxue raised her eyebrows, looked at several people below, sneered and said, "do you think there will be strange treasures in this place that belongs to the space node and has no grass?" Shi Ningxue raised her eyebrows. There won't be any strange treasure in such a place, but if someone breaks in

Shi Ningxue's heart beat.

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