A bad feeling occupied Shi Ningxue's heart. She always felt that some bad people appeared here.

This feeling made Shi Ningxue very uncomfortable. Some parts of her heart suddenly began to beat, and a name suddenly appeared in Shi Ningxue's heart.

"All the people are on guard for me. No matter what the trouble is, you have to tell me, you know?" Shi Ningxue's voice was cold and said loudly to the disciples below.

"Yes!" All the people raised their spirits in an instant. Shi Ningxue took a look at these disciples, and his mind spread around.

It was quiet and there was no change.

The spiritual power in the sky just barely dispersed. The pure spiritual power has no blessing.

Is there really any genius treasure?

However, it doesn't look like it's in space.

Shi Ningxue's body flew directly towards the outside. A glorious time flashed past. Lin Feng stood on the top of the mountain and shook his head.

"That woman is really in trouble!" Ouyang Bai stood there, looked at the distant figure, sighed with relief and said.

"Come on, let's go to the city first." Lin Feng glanced at the distant place and turned to walk in another direction.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ouyangbai immediately followed Lin Feng, hehe smiled and said, "master, anyway, we are idle. Why don't you teach me the one that has become powerful?"

Ouyang Bai stood in front of Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Work first. You go to a crowded place first. I'll walk around in this small space." Lin Feng waved his hand and walked straight ahead.

"Master!" Ouyangbai shouted.

Lin Feng's figure disappeared in front of ouyangbai.

"Master, you didn't tell me what to inquire about!" Ouyang Bai kuha looked at Lin Feng with a pitiful look on his face. Looking at Lin Feng, he said pitifully.

"Then I'll ask casually." Ouyangbai turned and walked towards the other side.

Qianlong shuttle took Lin Feng around the whole small space.

"Master, this small space is good and meets our appetite. If there is such a small space, we can all come out and walk around in the future." The former dragon head stood beside Lin Feng with a smile and said, "but it's much worse than your chaotic lotus seed."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng's mind moved.

The chaotic lotus seed on him has always been on him. After being happy with sister Tongtong, the chaotic body that should have been formed has never been seen. However, Lin Feng's heart is still vaguely confused.

Sister Tongtong is a pure Yin body. According to the records in the Dinghai god pearl, it should be like that.

"Speaking of this, I'd like to ask you a question. Sister Tongtong is a pure Yin body. After I'm happy with sister Tongtong, why don't I have the one left by sister Tongtong?"

Lin Feng put Qianlong beside him and asked.

"This..." Qianlong hesitated and said, "I don't know. It may be related to other forces on you, for example, another force that generates and overcomes this force."

"Really?" Lin Feng's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was inevitably a bit more exploration in his expression.

Like sister Tongtong, there is only Zixia.

Is it difficult to have something to do with Zixia?

Looking at sister Tongtong's appearance, it seems that you can feel Zixia. Lin Feng has basically understood the relationship between Zixia and sister Tongtong, but sister Tongtong is unwilling to say, so Lin Feng doesn't ask about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

Forget it, you can think of other ways in the future.

"Master, there seems to be something wonderful in front of me. Shall we go and have a look?" Qianlong was in a good mood. He flew in front of Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Huh?" Lin Feng looked at it and it was quiet.

"Oh, master, there are some things that not everyone can see. Let's go. Let's go. I'll take you there." With that, Qianlong went directly to Lin Feng and to the front.

Two people climbed over mountains and mountains. For half an hour, they came to the place mentioned by Qianlong.

Lin Feng is more and more satisfied with this small space. This small space is large enough. If all his family come to live, it is enough!

Lin Feng wiped the corners of his mouth. Grandma is a bear. It seems that Shi Ningxue's family is really rich and occupies such a huge space. No wonder any family has no way to take them. It's impossible to find the location of their family!

Tut tut

"Master, I have just clearly felt that there are strong people who surpass the peak of Mahayana in this place. Master, I think we'd better plan again in the future. Maybe not now."

Qianlong's voice was very thin and said to Lin Feng.

"Then why did you come here just now?" Lin Feng looked at Qianlong and looked unhappy.

"Of course, it is the guardian of this space, the spirit of space." Qianlong rolled his eyes and said.

"The spirit of space?" Lin Feng frowned and moved. Something about the spirit of space appeared in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng took a breath.

"You mean, there is the spirit of space?"

"Yes, there are, and it's also a great spirit of space. It's very powerful!" Qianlong whispered, "unfortunately, the guardian of the spirit of space is too powerful."

The so-called spirit of space is a consciousness formed in this space over a long period of time. When the consciousness gradually grows up, it forms the spirit of space.

Once a space forms the spirit of space, it is very likely to form a separate world in the long process of evolution.

"Let's go and have a look!" Lin Feng smiled and walked towards the front.

"No, master, it's very powerful!" Seeing Lin Feng in the past, Qianlong grabbed Lin Feng with Lingli and said loudly.

"Don't be afraid. It's all here anyway. Just go and have a look. It's too wasteful not to go and have a look!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "let's go. Since we're all here, don't miss such a good opportunity."

Lin Feng is very moved. This is the spirit of space. If he can abduct himself, he will be a person with space in the future!

"What are you afraid of? We have so many babies. We can do it!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong paused.

"Master, it's not easy to form this consciousness. The Shi family must have provided for thousands of years. Even if they eat your good things, they may not follow you. Even if they follow you, they will come back."

Qianlong looked at Lin Feng with a positive face and said.

"I can't go without seeing it. Go and see it first, or I'll be itchy." Lin Feng smiled, his eyes shining with light, and the little abacus in his heart kept playing.

The spirit of space is a good thing!

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