The highest floor of crescent restaurant.

Shi Ningxue poured Lin Feng wine himself.

"Mr. Lin's white feather gate spirit wine is the most popular in the whole yanxuan continent. I don't know how my wine compares with Mr. Lin's wine?" Shi Ningxue's eyebrows were fine tuned. Danfeng's eyes were filled with a smile, her red lips were slightly tooted, and her slim body was pasted on Lin Feng with a bit of heat.

This is clearly a goblin.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart. He is a person who has seen the world. Although he likes beautiful women, Shi Ningxue's means obviously can't get into his eyes.

"Miss Shi Ningxue, if you have anything to say, I Lin Feng is not a stingy person. As long as you like, I am naturally willing to help you." Lin Feng smiled, looked at Shi Ningxue and said.

Shi Ningxue paused.

"Or Mr. Lin knows me!" Shi Ningxue sat opposite Lin Feng, took up the glass and drank it all at once. She was a little confused in her eyes, and her face was full of powder. She said, "Mr. Lin has seen our great ancestor."

Lin Feng sat there, waiting for Shi Ningxue to continue to speak.

He had already seen that Shi Ningxue had some opinions about his so-called Taizu.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that Shi Ningxue would bring it up at this time.

"You escaped his attack and escaped from him. As long as you like, I'm willing to help you. If you kill Shi Youde, I can give you half of the Shi family. If you want to get the spirit of space, go ahead and I won't rob you. How about it?"

Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng and said.

"What's the relationship between us? As long as Miss Shi Ningxue's words, everything is easy to say, but Miss Shi Ningxue's request is really beyond my scope." Lin Feng smiled and said.

This woman is very cunning. Lin Feng doesn't believe this woman will have any kindness!

Shi Ningxue bit her lips and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there unmoved.

Shi Youde is a strong man beyond the Mahayana period. Lin Feng doesn't guarantee that he is the opponent of that guy. Therefore, the best way is not to say anything and wait for Shi Ningxue's following!

"I'll take care of it. At that time, he will be seriously injured. It's easy for you to kill him." Shi Ningxue bit her lips slightly and said.

"Miss Shi Ningxue wants to kill and cut. I'm here. Let's fight back and forth for 300 times. However, it's inappropriate to bully me like this."

Lin Feng smiled, sat there and poured himself a glass of wine.

He wants to see what medicine is sold in this woman's gourd!

"The Shi family belongs to the Shi family, not one person. Taizu's accomplishments can be guaranteed in the whole yanxuan continent. However, he has to pay too much to stay in this world. We Shi family still have so many disciples to take care of. It's definitely not a strong person who can keep the whole Shi family."

Shi Ning Xuedun looked at Lin Feng and said, "the future is still the world of young people."

Shi Ningxue got up and walked slowly to the window.

On the surface, the current Shi family is the only master of this small space. Only Shi Ningxue knows that other former trailing families are becoming more and more powerful. These families begin to seize the resources of the Shi family, become powerful, and start to establish their own independent transmission array to continuously strengthen themselves.

As for the Shi family, most of the resources are occupied by Shi Youde. Although it ensures the status of the Shi family, the rising stars of the Shi family have few resources.

This is not the attitude that a big family should have.

"Since they can't do it, I'll do it." Shi Ning Xuedun looked at Lin Feng and said, "I know you can do it. You can rest assured. I will give you half of this space at that time."

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "it's against our relationship. Since Miss Shi Ningxue said so, why don't we make a contract?"

Lin Feng smiled and was moved. He coveted the spirit of space. If he could put the little guy in his own hands, he would become stronger and stronger in the future.

Lin Feng's small dial was crackling.

"Good!" Shi Ningxue was very magnanimous this time. He directly made a blood contract with Lin Feng. Lin Feng accidentally looked at Shi Ningxue. Is there anything fishy in the middle?

This woman, I think, always plays the role of getting up early. How can she easily make such a blood contract with him?

"All of a sudden, I said it clearly. I can do it, but Shi Youde must be seriously injured." Lin Feng paused for a moment, looked at Shi Ningxue and said, "and you have to help in difficult times. Otherwise, don't blame me!"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you the time of action. At that time, Shi Youde's cultivation will definitely fall to the Mahayana period. Although the cultivation can be reduced, Shi Youde's understanding of space and others, I can't help you."

Shi Ningxue stood up, looked down at Lin Feng and said softly, "just stay here. Taizu is looking for you everywhere. This is the restaurant of the Shi family. He won't take photos."

With that, Shi Ningxue turned and went out directly.

"Master, this woman is a little unreliable." Qianlong said around Lin Feng's body.

"Well, but it's a good deal. Besides, when we can't beat it, let's run and push the responsibility on Shi Ningxue." Lin Feng said with a look of indifference.

"Is that really good?" Qianlong Suo trembled for a moment, and it was difficult to hide his joy in his words.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no, I mean, master, it just suits my appetite. I'll prepare it now?" Qianlong Suo immediately changed his mouth and said.

"Go and find the boy ouyangbai." Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

Qianlong nodded and flew out directly from the window.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. The next thing, no matter what he did, now it's the king's way to have a good rest!

Lin Feng closed his eyes and began to recover.

Shi Youde sat at the head of the Shi family's main city and the city master's house with a furious face, looked at the Shi Family master and the steward below, and said loudly, "I don't care what method you use, bring the boy out to me at the fastest time, or you'll wait to get out!"




It was the family owner and elders who looked serious, straightened their bodies and said hello loudly.

Shi Youde eased his look, glanced at the people and said, "where's the frozen snow?"

"Lao Zu, I'm here!" Shi Ningxue came out from the side with a gentle smile on the corners of her mouth. Her face was still flushed with wine. When she entered the door, she stumbled slightly, and Shi Youde's eyes lit up immediately.

"Come with me." Shi Youde lost his hands to the back and said.

The master of the Shi family wants to shout at Shi Ningxue. He is held by the elders around him. He can only watch Shi Ningxue go in with Shi Youde.

After Shi Youde left, the master of the Shi family was angry. He shook his sleeve and turned around and left. None of them was relieved!

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