Crescent restaurant.

"Master, what can I do for you?" Ouyangbai was very comfortable in the main city of Shi family. When Lin Feng called him over, he looked unhappy. Looking at Lin Feng, he looked a little unhappy.

"Haven't you always wanted to see the latest chapter of the ethereal journey? This is the latest chapter of the ethereal journey. Here you are. " Lin Feng gave Ouyang Bai the jade disc engraved with the next plot of the novel.

Ouyangbai immediately picked it up with joy.

After reading it, Ouyang Bai shook his head and said, "master, I've seen this. This space has just been updated."

Then ouyangbai gave the jade plate to Lin Feng and said, "master, you are reading it, too. It's strange to say. In the past two years, you've suddenly become popular with novels. What's the fairy inverse and the legend of mortal cultivation of immortals? It's so beautiful. Master, do you know what I like to see most? I like Han Li in the biography of mortal cultivation of immortals best. That guy is really great. "

Speaking of the novel, ouyangbai immediately said it with great interest.

The rise of novels in the eastern yellow kingdom is very fast, but it is a little slower in other places. In particular, ouyangbai has been wandering outside until he came into contact with novels some time ago.

Once he came into contact with the novel, Ouyang Bai's whole world outlook was refreshed. At this time, Ouyang Bai found that there were still such beautiful things in the world.

"I see." Lin Feng took a look at the latest chapter of xianni, relaxed his breath, copied another part on it and said, "this is the latest, you see."

Lin Feng automatically filtered ouyangbai's nonsense. He has long been used to this.

Every monk who has just entered the novel world is the same as Ouyang Bai!

"Oh, master, the plot is not astringent at all, and it is very coherent. Master, you are so powerful!" Ouyangbai took the jade dish, his eyes shining, looked at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Am I the kind of person who can cheat?" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"So, did you write this ethereal journey, master? No, master, aren't you looking for the man who wrote this book? " Ouyang Bai shook his head and didn't know how to face Lin Feng for a moment.

"Is the man who wrote the book a part of the master you accidentally discarded?" After reading more novels, Ouyang Bai looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes and said, "does the cultivation world really exist? Can the skill divide people into many parts? I remember it was recorded in the biography of mortals cultivating immortals! "


Lin Feng's face is a little black. There are too many problems for this boy.

Seeing that Lin Feng's face was black, ouyangbai immediately stopped asking, paused and said, "don't mind, master, i... I'm just asking. I'll release the original novel."

Hearing that ouyangbai was finally on time, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The boy's brain circuit was so strange that he finally knew that business matters.

Ouyangbai went out with the novel manuscript.

"The latest chapter of the ethereal journey, a total of 100000 words, is a top-grade spirit stone. Do you need it?" Ouyangbai shouted, and immediately more than a dozen disciples looked at ouyangbai.

"Boy, do you really have the latest chapter of the ethereal journey?" A friar rushed to ouyangbai first, stared at ouyangbai and asked loudly.

"There is not only the ethereal journey, but also the immortal cultivation biography of mortals and immortals, etc. as long as you have a spirit stone, I will try my best to get it for you."

Ouyangbai smiled and said.

He just watched the master write 100000 words of "the journey of the ethereal world". Although he didn't believe it was written by the master, at least, he knew that as long as he looked for the master, he could get the novel!

Ouyang looked at the disciples below happily.

"I'll buy it!" A spirit stone was thrown.

Ouyangbai immediately made a copy.

"It's a real trip!" The disciple's eyes lit up immediately and left happily with the novel in his arms.

"Really, I want it too!"

"Give it to me, give it to me!"

"Remember me!"

As soon as they heard that it was true, the following disciples became agitated. This is the most popular novel in this small space. Although the way of cultivating immortals in this novel is different, it is really very good-looking!

"Oh, oh, I knew the plot was like this, but is it strange?" Some disciples stood together and discussed in a low voice. One by one, the whole hall became lively in an instant.

Ouyangbai continues.

When the business of crescent restaurant was done, ouyangbai began to do business in other places.

After a circle, most of the disciples in the city bought the latest chapter of the ethereal journey from ouyangbai. There was a sudden upsurge of novel fever in the main city of Shi family.

With the passage of time, the novel manuscript began to go out.

Lin Feng's spiritual focus is on the dissemination of these novels.

"This time the author really found out his conscience. He added so many manuscripts at once."

"Hey, hey, it's not. This time, you can see enough!"

Ouyangbai sat in the hall. After hearing the discussion of these monks, he gave out Jie's laughter. These guys probably don't know that this was not written by the original author, but by his master!

However, the other one is sitting. Why hasn't he come out yet?

Is the master wrong.

Ouyangbai was drinking a little bored.

I've been wandering around the city for three or four days. There's no news about the so-called original author at all.

Master, did you make a mistake.

Ouyangbai is very depressed.

Returning to the crescent restaurant, Lin Feng is pushing a cup and changing a lamp with a disciple called Lin Da. Both of them have smiles on their faces. Lin Da doesn't know whether it's really big hearted or pretended. He is very carefree with the name of Lin Feng's brothers these days.

"Xiaobai!" Seeing ouyangbai, Lin Da immediately smiled and waved, "come and have a drink together. This wine is really delicious. Sprite plus red bull plus beer. It's the first time for me to drink such a wine! I haven't heard of Sprite red bull before! "

Ouyang Bai rolled his eyes and passed by.

This guy is not old enough to take Joe in front of him!

"Leave him alone. Let's go on." Lin Feng smiled and poured another glass of wine for Lin Da.

"Hello, brother Da Sheng, I'll tell you, brother, in the main city of Shi family or this space, as long as you want to know, you can ask me, whether it's Shi family or others, there's nothing Lin Da doesn't know!"

Lin Da patted his chest, hiccupped and said.

"Thank you very much!" Lin Feng nodded with a smile. His fingers trembled gently on it. That's what he wanted!

"Hey, hey, I know the whole thing." Lin Da grunted and drank a glass of wine again. The whole person was confused. Lin Feng paused and spoke slowly.

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