Lin Da didn't let Lin Feng's wine go for nothing. Although this guy is young and only wanders around the city every day, he knows a lot.

After hearing Lin Da's nagging words, Ouyang Bai, who was originally dismissive, had a bit of an accident in his eyes.

"Hello, Linda, do you know the relationship between Shi Ningxue and Shi Youde?" Ouyang Bai stood aside, looked at Lin Da, and asked with a look of gossip.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? Don't everyone in this whole space know?" Lin Da smiled and flashed a hint of unknown meaning in her eyes. "Miss Shi is very beautiful. It is said that she has married the Holy Son of some Nebula holy land. Tut Tut, but unfortunately, Shi Ningxue can't marry out."

Hearing Lin Da's words, Ouyang Bai's eyebrows picked up, and Lin Feng stopped Ouyang Bai.

Ouyangbai retreated a little unhappily.

"How about the strength of the Shi family now?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Da and asked with a smile.

"Hei hei, Shi Youde occupies half of the resources of the Shi Family in order not to soar. The older generation of the Shi family is really good, but the younger generation of the Shi family can't get a few good disciples except Shi Ningxue, and the older generation is not good either."

Lin Da shook his head. Lin Feng was not in a hurry and poured wine for Lin Da.

"Where were we just talking about?" Lin Da raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, half lying on the table.

"Shi Jiazhu!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, the master of Shi family. The master of Shi family is only in the early stage of Mahayana, and the highest of several elders is only in the middle of Mahayana. Only a few supreme elders are successful in Mahayana, but those supreme elders are ready to fly."

Lin Da waved his hand. "Some time ago, I saw the supreme elder constantly looking for resources. Those resources are for flying."

Lin Feng sat there thinking.

He finally understood why Shi Ningxue's woman wanted to solve Shi Youde.

Shi Youde has indeed done a lot of great things for the Shi family, including discovering this space. For thousands of years, the Shi family has successfully ranked among the top reclusive families in yanxuan mainland without external disturbance.

The so-called success also has virtue, failure also has virtue.

Shi Youde has always occupied this position and is unwilling to give up, which has caused the trouble of the Shi family.

Lin Feng almost knew why Shi Youde wanted to stay.

"Have a good sleep." With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, Lin Da lay on the table, snoring very sweetly.

Lin Feng turned and walked upstairs. Although the Shi Family disciples outside were looking for him, Shi Ningxue was secretly helping. Lin Feng had a natural and happy life in this crescent restaurant.

"Master, can you take what the boy said seriously? Shi youdeming knows he has a family. How can he stay and drag down the family! Besides, his accomplishments are so high that he can go out and find resources by himself. "

Ouyangbai followed Lin Feng and talked endlessly.

"Shi Youde's cultivation has long exceeded the scope that the yanxuan continent can bear. He stayed here with the help of the power of this space. He must not go out."

Lin Feng shook his head and said firmly.

"Then why didn't he go?" Ouyangbai wondered and asked.

"For this space." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. There were no clouds or sun in the sky. This was the case every day in this space. There could be life in it, but if the gap in the space was not opened, there would be such a day everywhere.

"Space?" Ouyang Bai frowned, "isn't this space all Shi's?"

"To be exact, Shi Youde wants to take this space for himself." Lin Feng paused for a moment and said softly, "if you refine this space, it will certainly help him play a great role in the fairy world."

"Madman!" Ouyangbai muttered.

"Let's go and talk about the situation these days." Lin Feng skipped this topic. Of course, this space is good, but if it is to be refined, it is still a little worse for Lin Feng.

He has chaotic lotus seeds in his hands. Although he doesn't know what chaotic lotus seeds can bring him after all, in the end of the law era, this kind of thing that has been regarded as a legend will certainly be no worse than this space!

If not, he still has divine water space!

"There's still no news, master. Are you mistaken? I can't find this person all the time!" Ouyangbai followed Lin Feng and said bitterly.

"I won't make a mistake. I said if there was this person, there must be this person." Lin Feng's answer was very firm“ Don't worry, I've left clues in the novel. If she reads it, she will find the main city of Shi family, but before that, you have to pay close attention to the outside situation. "

Lin Feng looked at Ouyang Bai and said softly.

"Yes!" Ouyang Bai nodded.

Ouyang Bai had little objection to Lin Feng's words.

"Go out to work, but cultivation can't be delayed." After a pause, Lin Feng looked at Ouyang Bai and said.

"Yes, master, don't worry. I won't hold you back. The master..." Ouyang Bai licked his face and looked at Lin Feng. Hehe smiled and said, "master, why don't you help me? What kind of skill or secret script can you get? "

"There is no secret script of Kung Fu, but there is this." Lin Feng put a bottle of dead water on the table.

Ouyang Bai sucked his nose, and his whole body shook. A bright light twinkled in his eyes. Looking at Lin Feng, his saliva splashed down.

This is a baby!

Although ouyangbai doesn't know what Lin Feng is holding, the joy from the depths of his soul can't be covered up.

This is the monster's instinct!

I also told ouyangbai that this thing is a good thing!

Good thing!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Bai's whole body was shaking constantly.

Seeing ouyangbai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head, pushed the bottle in front of ouyangbai and said, "do good things, good things can't do without you."

"Yes, thank you, master." Ouyang Bai took it with a smile. He didn't wait to go out. He drank it directly in front of Lin Feng. This is a good thing. If you take it out, it will inevitably be missed by other monsters!

Lin Feng sat there and saw ouyangbai's appearance and shook his head.

At the entrance of the stagnant water, Ouyang Bai's whole body trembled, and a huge shark whale appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Master, I can do it soon!" Ouyang Bai raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. He roared. The momentum around him began to change.

This boy!

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