Xiao nishang stopped there when she was still walking. She turned to look at Lin Feng and smiled.

"Lin... Lin Feng, long time no see." Xiao nishang waved to Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng with a smile that made Lin Feng feel very strange.

When is crazy girl so polite?

Immediately stood there and looked at Xiao nishang.

Feeling Lin Feng's eyes, Xiao nishang's smile was stiff and stood there like a puppet.

Something's wrong, very wrong!

Crazy girl is not afraid of God!

Lin Feng stood there and looked at Xiao nishang.

Xiao nishang stood there with her head down, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Crazy girl." Lin Feng shouted again, with some doting in his words.

Hearing Lin Feng's spoiled voice, Xiao nishang, who was still stiff, trembled. The next moment, she cried out.

Xiao nishang fell into Lin Feng's arms.

"Sobbing, Lin Feng, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it."

Xiao nishang was like a child, crying all the time in Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng gently patted Xiao nishang on the back, like coaxing a child, and let Xiao nishang cry in his arms.

Xiao nishang cried for a long time. The friars around looked curiously. When they saw Xiao nishang with gray head and gray face, they all walked away.

"Don't cry. Look, the way you cry has become ugly." Lin Feng looked down at Xiao nishang and whispered.

"Yes... Sorry." Xiao nishang stood there with her head down, just like a child who had done something wrong. She raised her head and looked carefully at Lin Feng. After seeing the smile in Lin Feng's eyes, she lowered her head again.

Feeling Xiao nishang's appearance, Lin Feng sighed, gently took Xiao nishang's hand and said, "well, what happened?"

When she saw Xiao nishang, Xiao nishang always said she was sorry. She couldn't match the image of the crazy girl in the past. Lin Feng frowned.

"It's Yang Yang's business." Xiao nishang bit her lips slightly, carefully raised her head and looked at Lin Feng, then quickly lowered her head and cried again.

"Lin Feng, I really didn't mean it. I also regard Yang Yang as my own child."

"I know, I know, you tell me something first." As soon as he heard Yangyang's name, Lin Feng's mind also raised it.

Although there were many women around him, he didn't have many children. Qin Yanran, Li Yutong, Xiao nishang and Zixia didn't have children for themselves. After hearing the child's name, Lin Feng's heart also raised it.

He just hoped that the child would be fine.

"I... I didn't mean to. I promised to let Yangyang come after I saw that it was convenient for both sides to transmit all kinds of things. But I didn't know that this array suddenly seemed to be attacked by something. The whole array began to change. Finally, Yangyang... Yangyang..."

Xiao nishang bit her lips slightly, and tears swirled in her eyes.

"What happened to Yang Yang?" Lin Feng's look suddenly cooled down.

The child

"Yang Yang was brought into the turbulent flow of space. I wanted to go in, but the whole array decided me outside. I had to block the array. Lin Feng, I'm sorry, sobbing. I didn't mean to."

Xiao nishang's body trembled again.

Lin Feng's eyebrows also frowned, of course not because of Xiao nishang.

His children knew that they had inherited their adventurous character, so after hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng just patted Xiao nishang on the back and said:

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. Yang Yang has a high IQ and good accomplishments. He has a lot of babies. Even if he goes into any place by mistake, there will be no problem."

Lin Feng pursed his mouth and whispered to Xiao nishang.

"It's all my fault. If only I had refused him to come at that time, Yangyang would be fine." Xiao nishang continued to shake her head and cried.

"It has nothing to do with you. Even if you don't let him come, he will come. Moreover, flesh and blood are connected. I can feel that Yangyang is fine. He is just wandering somewhere. Maybe he has fallen into other space like you."

Lin Feng paused and said softly.

"Really... Really?" Xiao nishang looked up at Lin Feng, tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, but the expression on her face was obviously better.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded affirmatively.

The child is a piece of meat cut off from him. Lin Feng believes that if the child really has any problems, as a father, he will feel nothing at all. Since he doesn't feel anything now, it shows that Yang * * is all right.

Maybe he just went to another continent.

Lin Feng doesn't worry about the safety of Yangyang at all. The child's IQ is superior. He's always the only one who plays tricks on others, and he won't be played with at all!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "don't worry, Yangyang is the first person in IQ on the earth. Do you think others can bully him?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao nishang with a smile and said.

Xiao nishang bit her lips, hesitated, shook her head and said, "I don't think so."

"That's it. Well, let's go first." Then Lin Feng took Xiao nishang and walked inside.

Xiao nishang raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. Instead, she laughed and suddenly recovered the crazy girl's former appearance. Looking at Lin Feng, she said, "how did you find me?"

"Of course I found it through novels!" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "I published my name in the novel. You didn't find it. I'm really disappointed."

Lin Feng looked pitifully at Xiao nishang and said.

"Then I didn't see it?" Xiao nishang tooted his mouth and was a little unhappy, "I thought it was brought by others from outside. At that time, I was anxious to find out who was plagiarizing my achievements, so I..."

Xiao nishang didn't say anything later. Lin Feng naturally knew it. She simply went to the door and saved Lin Feng a lot of thought.

"So you rushed over, but since you rushed over, should you comfort me?" Lin Feng stood there and looked at Xiao nishang. Xiao nishang smiled.

"I want to make up for it. Well, kiss it." Lin Feng pointed to his mouth and said with a smile.

Xiao nishang looked around. There were friars in the hall. At the moment, all friars looked at Xiao nishang. When they entered the door just now, they only saw a unkempt girl crying. Now when they entered the door and saw her facial features, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

Beauty, absolute beauty!

Even compared with Shi Ningxue, it is not bad. If Shi Ningxue is the kind of charming beauty, the girl in front of her is the kind of heroic beauty, a bit free and easy, a bit random, a bit frank, and even a bit neutral beauty.

Goddess, absolute goddess!

All the monks' eyes were on Xiao nishang.

The next moment, the friars saw that the girl kissed the man next to her directly.

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