After hearing Lin Feng's request, Xiao nishang looked around and felt the worship and admiration of the monks. Xiao nishang was still very happy.

Which beauty doesn't want the eyes around to focus on herself?

But this guy asked her to kiss her in front of so many people?

"Let's... Let's go inside." Xiao nishang said cautiously. Her face climbed up two small red clouds. Here? Oh, it's too shy here!

"But I just want to be here. What should I do?" Lin Feng looked down at Xiao nishang with a smile in his eyes.

This son of a bitch, absolutely on purpose!

Xiao nishang gnashed her teeth.

"Are you afraid? Tut Tut, is there something crazy girl dare not do? " Lin Feng looked at Xiao nishang, and there was a flash of play in his eyes. He knew Xiao nishang's character very well, so Lin Feng only gently stimulated him, and Xiao nishang's look changed immediately.

"What dare you? I'll kiss you now!" Then Xiao nishang kissed Lin Feng's lips directly.

Lin Feng's lips were a little hot. Xiao nishang, who was still frightened, felt as if she had been electrocuted after touching Lin Feng's lips. Her body trembled and deepened the kiss.

A little farewell is better than a new marriage. As for the rest, NIMA is bullshit!


The eyes of a group of monks immediately widened.

Where is this ugly guy who dares to kiss their goddess?

Too much, too much!

Countless friars stood up and stared at Lin Feng with anger burning in their eyes. Who's this insignificant boy?

"It's like flowers on cow dung!" One of the monks was very angry and shouted.

The friar is quite good-looking and clean. Naturally, there are many beautiful women in his small circle, but those beautiful women are worse and far from Xiao nishang in front of him!

So after seeing that someone was kissing his goddess, the man was not calm at all. He stood up directly at that time.

He is so handsome that he is not favored by the goddess. Why can you be a hairy boy!

Too... Too angry.

"Yes, let go of my goddess, toad, don't fantasize about eating swan meat!"

"Boy, don't think you can do whatever you want with high cultivation. The goddess is ours. As long as we work together, you boy will wait for our anger!"

The monks in the whole hall began to make trouble. With the trouble, countless monks joined them.

"Miss, I said this is not a good man at once!" Qinghe stood beside Shi Ningxue, looked at Lin Feng below and said fiercely.

This man is... Is

For a moment, Qinghe couldn't think how to say that word. He glared at Lin Feng fiercely. When he saw Lin Feng, the woman around Lin Feng didn't pay attention to him. But the young lady still took such a fancy to this guy!

"Since ancient times, heroes love beautiful people, and beauty loves them. Naturally, they are also heroes!" Shi Ningxue covered her mouth and smiled, looking at the scene below, with a bit of interest on her face.

Shi Ningxue is very happy about Lin Feng's current situation.

It turned out that Lin Feng would have such a situation.

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue had a little more starlight in her eyes.

"Go to the theatre. If Lin Feng is a good man, where can we stand here and say the tasks we need to complete? It's good because he's not a good man. Everything looks easy."

Shi Ningxue raised her head slightly, looked down at Lin Feng and said softly.

Qinghe is not talking.

At the same time, in the hall, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, stood there, looked at a crowd below and said, "I said, are you really stupid or fake stupid? Do you think my woman can be taken away by others?"

"Boy, I think you're clearly a toad wanting swan meat. You're still here imagining that all this is yours!" When a disciple heard Lin Feng's words, he snorted coldly and said.

"Yes, is there a toad like you eating swan meat?"

Xiao nishang stood aside and laughed wildly when he heard these friars' dialogue. Lin Feng seemed to be unpopular with others when he went out.

Seeing Xiao nishang's appearance, Lin Feng turned his eyes. This girl has always been like this. I don't know when I can restrain.

"I said whether you are a real fool or a fake fool. You said, if flowers are not inserted in cow dung, will they be nutritious?" Lin Feng couldn't turn his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he directly froze and remembered the attack in the dark.

The attack of those disciples was blocked by Lin Feng. His face changed. He retreated towards the back and looked up at Lin Feng. His face was incredible. This boy was so powerful.

For the eyes of these boys, Lin Feng didn't care, waved his hand, turned and walked directly upstairs.

Xiao nishang followed Lin Feng and was very happy to see the disciples below. Ha ha, these guys are really not ordinary fun!


Thinking of Lin Feng's dark mockery just now, Xiao nishang is in a very good mood.

Along the way, Lin Feng didn't speak, but just walked directly to the front. Xiao nishang followed Lin Feng with a happy smile on his face.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Feng immediately closed the door, raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao nishang and said, "I said, girl, are you interested in bullying me?"

Xiao nishang's body took a step back. Lin Feng now looks like Uncle wolf. It's still not hot.

Xiao nishang's eyes are constantly turning, looking for a way to escape Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't give Xiao nishang the meaning to escape at all. He directly fastened Xiao nishang's whole body, with a bad smile on his face, and said: "now that the flowers have been inserted into the cow dung, otherwise, let's cultivate our feelings and let the cow dung moisten the flowers now?"

Lin Feng smiled at Xiao nishang and said.

Xiao nishang coughed, looked at Lin Feng and said, "that Lin... Lin Feng, let's change the day. This is a new moon restaurant. There are many people below!"

Xiao nishang stretched out her hand and blocked Lin Feng's body.

"I'm not afraid. There's a sound insulation array. Even if it's earth shaking, you can't predict what's up below." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"But... But I'm a girl. Do you think girls will like such games?" Xiao nishang bit her lips slightly and said softly, "I'm shy!"

"Really?" Lin Feng looked down at Xiao nishang, raised his eyebrows and said, "but I don't see that you are shy, I just see..."

Lin Feng looked up and down at Xiao nishang, and his mouth was as hot as a fox.

Feeling Lin Feng's fox like smile, Xiao nishang's body trembled slightly. The next moment, Lin Feng directly clasped Xiao nishang's body.

This crazy girl needs a good punishment.

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