Shi Ningxue stood outside and didn't seem to have much opinion about Lin Feng and Xiao nishang going in and not coming out for a long time.

"Miss, this guy is really hateful. We don't have to wait for this guy in this place, or let's leave now." Qinghe tooted his mouth, looked at Shi Ningxue and said.

"Wait, now that we are here, we must show our sincerity." The corners of Shi Ningxue's mouth wore a gentle smile, chuckled with a small mouth, and the brilliance in her eyes flowed, with a taste that people couldn't see through.

Qinghe paused and didn't speak again, but his face sank more and more.

Shi Ningxue didn't look back, but stood there quietly.

For a long time, Lin Feng and Xiao nishang just let go of their bodies. Xiao nishang snuggled up in Lin Feng's arms. His face was ruddy after the rain, and his round mouth glittered with waves. He looked up at Lin Feng and put his hands in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's mind moved.

"No, Shi Ning snow has been waiting for you outside!" Xiao nishang turned her head and said softly.

Lin Feng paused.

Shi Ningxue, the woman, doesn't know to leave early?

Lin Feng let go of Xiao nishang, got up and walked outside. Xiao nishang followed Lin Feng and dressed herself a little. The unkempt girl suddenly became very beautiful.

Lin Feng put Xiao nishang in the back.

Feeling Lin Feng's action, Xiao nishang's mouth immediately aroused a smile. This guy still cares about her!

Thinking of this, Xiao nishang's whole spirit was inspired.

"Mr. Lin." As soon as Lin Feng opened the door, Xiao nishang immediately turned to look at Lin Feng, with a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth and beautiful eyes flowing, = met Lin Feng and Xiao nishang, revealing an tacit smile.

"Shi Ningxue girl." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Lin, talk inside." Shi Ningxue made a gesture of invitation and took the lead in walking towards the front. Lin Feng paused and entered the box with Shi Ningxue.

"Lin Feng, why does this guy look a little abnormal?" Xiao nishang took Lin Feng's arm and said softly.

"Don't worry, this guy doesn't have a normal time, so don't worry. Let's go straight." Lin Feng's voice was very low and said softly.

Xiao nishang walked inside with Lin Feng.

Shi Ningxue was making tea, sent the tea cup to Lin Feng and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Lin found the person he needs to find. I didn't expect that the novels that have been popular in my whole small space these days were written by you, girl. It's really good!"

Shi Ningxue said as she looked around Xiao nishang.

"Thank you, Miss Shi, for your praise. Please correct the bad writing." Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Xiao nishang did not show weakness at all. She smiled at Shi Ningxue and said.

"What I have agreed with you is almost over." Shi Ningxue changed the subject, looked at Lin Feng and said, "I will do it in three days. At that time, I will inform you that you can go directly to the appointment. As for the situation, I believe you can distinguish it clearly."

With that, Shi Ningxue poured the last cup of tea into the cup.

A faint smell of tea lingered around, but the temperature of the room suddenly became cold.

Shi Ningxue only felt that her hair was going to stand up. She raised her head and looked at Lin Feng with an angry face. This boy contacted Shi Youde behind her back!

In addition to Shi Youde, Shi Ningxue didn't think that the second person could give her so much pressure!

Lin Feng and Xiao nishang also felt the pressure at the moment. Lin Feng grabbed Xiao nishang's hand and frowned. Their eyes were cold. The cold breath was a little familiar.

It is definitely not the power of Shi Youde.

"Lin Feng, you are too much!" Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng with anger in her eyes, "how dare you cooperate with Shi Youde behind my back."

"I don't, and the smell should be different from me and your Shi family." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

It seems that Shi Ningxue is genuinely afraid of Shi Youde. Otherwise, it won't be just a little different breath. Shi Ningxue will also have such a big reaction.

This woman is really very cruel.

"What is this?" Shi Ningxue frowned. After she calmed down, Shi Ningxue naturally felt it. This breath is not Shi Youde's.

It's another person who holds the power of ice.

Shi Ningxue shook her head and said, "the main city of Shi family is all the arrays arranged by our Shi family. These arrays are very powerful. Ordinary practitioners can't exert such a powerful force in the main city of Shi family."

Shi Ningxue looked up at Lin Feng and said.

"I don't know. I'll sit here with the crazy girl. If there's anything really going on, don't we all know?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Shi Ningxue frowned at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's Frank face is completely telling Shi Ningxue that this matter has nothing to do with him.

If it has nothing to do with him, who does it have to do with!

Shi Ningxue's lips bit together.

"Now that you've told me, I'll see you in three days. I'll appear where we appeared earlier and help you kill the person you want to kill."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue looked up at Lin Feng. Is this guy really driving people out?

Thinking of this, Shi Ningxue's look changed a little.

"OK, I see. See you in three days." After a while, Shi Ningxue stood up and walked outside.

Lin Feng sat there, saw Shi Ningxue's back and shook his head. This woman is an expert. Moreover, in this woman's heart, it is estimated that she will always be an expert.

What an extraordinary woman.

Lin Feng sighed a little more in his eyes.

"Shi Ningxue, if I were you, I would leave this space."

Lin Feng suddenly opened his mouth and said to Shi Ningxue.

Shi Ningxue's footsteps stopped in an instant. His whole body stood there, bowed his head and pursed his mouth without talking.

Lin Feng's words, she once considered that when she was unable to protect herself, her first step was to hope that she could be liberated one day, but with the passage of time, the real society was gradually displayed in front of Shi Ningxue.

Step by step, step by step, she has no way back.

Shi Ningxue sighed and said, "I will handle my affairs myself. I won't bother Mr. Lin to think for me." With that, Shi Ningxue got up and left directly.

Qinghe looked back at Lin Feng, bit his lips and left.

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