"The servant girl in the back is really annoying!" As soon as Shi Ningxue left, Xiao nishang looked at Qinghe and said with disgust on his face, "these two women are also very annoying. What else do you want to remind her of such an annoying woman?"

Xiao nishang tooted his mouth, looked discontented at Lin Feng and said.

"I think this woman can be a friend." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"No!" Xiao nishang immediately shouted.

Lin Feng turned to look at Xiao nishang and asked, what not?

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao nishang regretted. She felt Lin Feng's asking eyes. Xiao nishang bit her lips slightly and looked up at Lin Feng. Seeing the doubt in Lin Feng's eyes, Xiao nishang paused and said:

"I don't need you to finish these messy things for me. I hope you can do what you want to do." Xiao nishang looked at Lin Feng and said with a positive face.

"What does this have to do with just now?" Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng was surprised. Xiao nishang said it inexplicably. He didn't react for a moment.

Xiao nishang looked up at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face was full of questions, which made Xiao nishang very uncomfortable!

This guy obviously did it on purpose!

Xiao nishang snorted and said, "I'll just say that there are enough people in our family and enough people to serve you. Such women are not allowed to enter our house."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng was stunned first, then shook his head with a sad face and said, "I said what bad things are you thinking?"

Feeling Lin Feng's bewilderment, Xiao nishang groaned, turned his head and said, "although this woman is beautiful, she is too impetuous. She is not suitable for our family at all. If you really need someone to serve, you... You can find me!"

Xiao nishang lowered her head. The more she talked about the back, the lower her voice was.

This guy, don't you know her mind? She looked at this guy just to make her ugly!

Thinking of Shi Ningxue's woman, Xiao nishang's voice is still a little worried and very unhappy. The woman is so enchanting and beautiful. She doesn't look like a fuel-saving lamp. Won't she suffer a loss in the future?

Xiao nishang stood there, looking at Lin Feng with a straight face.

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. He didn't know what to say.

This guy, isn't this just deliberately looking for trouble?

Moreover, this way of finding fault is still a little strange, but it's really cute!

"Don't worry, Shi Ningxue and I have nothing else to do, just some simple things." Lin Feng held Xiao nishang in his arms and said softly, "but I can think about what you said just now."

Lin Feng said with a bad smile on his face.

"What... What?" Shi Ningxue bit her lips slightly and turned her head.

"What do you say?" Lin Feng smiled and took Shi Ningxue's hand. "Now that you've said it, should you let your husband feel it in advance? In this way, I can know your sincerity, can't I? "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang's careful liver protruded, stamped his feet, turned and ran outside, but his whole body was still in Lin Feng's arms. Lin Feng immediately felt unusual.

Feeling Lin Feng's reaction, Xiao nishang's whole body stopped moving in an instant. He stood there and didn't move at all.

"Crazy girl..." Lin Feng came to Xiao nishang's ear and said softly.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered something that you must be interested in." Xiao nishang shouted and Lin Feng paused. Xiao nishang got up from Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng with starlight in his eyes, saying:

"I've been to a place before. It's very big and spacious. I found some amazing things in it, but I don't know what use it is."

Xiao nishang looked at Lin Feng, bit her lips and said.

"Huh?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

"I always feel that there should be something in that place, but I can't react to anything. Let's go and have a look."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng paused.

"Let's go, let's go. I didn't notice it before!"

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and the two men walked directly outside.

Out of the main city of the Shi family, Xiao nishang took Lin Feng all the way East.

"That place is very strange. At two spatial points, the space is very stable, but you can always feel a different force surging around." Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly.

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng nodded, and the two fell at a point at the end of the space.

"This is the place. When the dusk changes, the smell of this place will change slightly. I was brought in by this change." Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and said softly.

Lin Feng studied this place up and down. The place looked very simple, but after hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng's eyes were more thoughtful.

Lin Feng's mind swept around. The surrounding array is not particularly powerful. This place should be the weak point of the array, and this is not the place to go in and out of the space.

That's strange.

Lin Feng frowned.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xiao nishang calmed down and sat there watching Lin Feng study this place. As time passed and dusk came, Lin Feng felt that everything around him seemed to begin to change.


Lin Feng's spirit was shocked and his eyes stared at the surrounding places.

Xiao nishang stood beside Lin Feng. The two stood there dry, looking at the front with curiosity in their eyes.

At this time, the surrounding air flow changed slightly.

A breath that didn't belong here spread from around.

good heavens!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. At this moment, there was a good guy hiding around. Lin Feng's mind lingered around along the breath, but the breath was quiet for a moment.

It's strange.

This thing, is it difficult to know that someone is spying on him?

"This guy drives the atmosphere here at this time every day." Xiao nishang said softly.

"Well, we have time anyway. Just wait here." With that, Lin Feng sat there cross legged, but his mind firmly locked this space and looked for a different place.

Since the breath can appear, there must be some traces of existence in this place!

As long as he finds the trace of existence, he can find that guy!

For this, Lin Feng is still very confident. He is more patient than patience. Lin Feng believes that he absolutely has enough patience!

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