As time passed, the two people were quietly there. Xiao nishang didn't mean to disturb Lin Feng, but they were shaking around alone.

The two days were like water, but Lin Feng didn't find that thing. Is it difficult? Is that guy outside?

Lin Feng's eyebrows wrinkled and his mind moved. Qianlong shuttle directly took Lin Feng through the barrier of space.

Outside is the vast sky, on the Yan Xuan continent, everywhere is quiet, there is nothing.

That's strange.

Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned.

"Isn't it outside?" Xiao nishang stood beside Lin Feng, looked ahead and asked.

"It should be in a small space." Lin Feng said softly that the surrounding sky is clear and still at a high altitude. Even if you want to keep anything, it is completely impossible.

Lin Feng bowed his head and began to meditate.

"Will that thing run away and not be there?" Xiao nishang turned her head and said.

"It's impossible. I can always feel the fluctuation if there is nothing. That guy never left. If he left, there would be no such fluctuation."

Xiao nishang nodded, stood there and shrugged. Since Lin Feng said so, she believed that it should still be there.

Although he can't find anything, he has great trust in Lin Feng and Xiao nishang.

"Master, someone is exploring in this space." Qianlong suddenly said, "it seems that Shi Youde you dealt with that day."

"This old guy..." a flash of anger flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. "Let's wait first, and then go in from here. We must not let that old thing take the lead."

Qianlong was quiet, and Lin Feng's whole body hid in the air.

Xiao nishang stood next to Lin Feng. From time to time, his head came together to take a look. His eyes were still a little curious. When he saw Xiao nishang, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Oh, it's just an old man. Let's just kill him." Xiao nishang turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"The old man's cultivation has long been above the Mahayana period, but the power of relying on small space has always existed in this world." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said.

Xiao nishang, who was still curious, immediately shrunk his neck, held Lin Feng's arm and said, "then we'd better not go back. Small life is important."

"So afraid of death?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao nishang and smiled.

"Who said that!" Xiao nishang immediately changed her face and raised her voice. "As long as you are there, I dare to go, even if it is a sea of swords and fire, but since the old guy is so powerful, we don't need to provoke him!"

"I've been provoked for a long time!" Lin Feng lowered his head and watched Shi Youde leave from the sea. This old man is really not an ordinary baby to the spirit of space, which is obviously escaping.

Feeling this, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. The more nervous you are about the spirit of space, the greater your weakness. How can you miss such a good opportunity?

"Qianlong, let's go back now!" Lin Feng said with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Yes, master!" Qianlong's body trembled, and he naturally felt people's departure, so after hearing Lin Feng's words, he immediately went in without hesitation.

Obviously, Qianlong is not a good host.

"Master, the spirit of this space will not merge with Miss Qingling." Qianlong's body shook and said.

"Once Shi Youde has an accident, the spirit of space will certainly not get any benefit. There is still a great chance for Qingling to devour him." Lin Feng said softly.

If he wants to be strong, he must pay any price. Lin Feng will treasure Qingling again. If Qingling can't complete his transformation, even he can't do anything.

It is impossible to keep a silent spirit around him forever.

Qianlong was silent.

Through the space, Lin Feng had no intention to take care of the baby here, but went directly to the place where the spirit of space was located.

The array at the place where the spirit of space is located has been significantly strengthened. Lin Feng stood there with a faint smile on his mouth. Although the array here is much stronger, it is obviously not difficult for him to crack it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

Layers of the array were cracked by Lin Feng. With the deepening of Lin Feng and Qianlong shuttle, the array became more and more dense. Xiao nishang followed Lin Feng and wiped the sweat on Lin Feng's forehead from time to time.

"Crazy girl, you always pay attention to your surroundings. Once you feel something wrong, inform me immediately." Lin Feng cracked the surrounding array and said softly.

"Yes." Xiao nishang nodded and followed Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's actions, her heart also lifted up.


An invisible space appeared. Lin Feng took Xiao nishang directly through the array and appeared in it. Another array hooked the array. With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the array was directly cracked.

"Grandpa has been busy for so long. Do you think it's not easy to build a door for yourself?"

Lin Feng murmured and left countless spiritual stones around him. These spiritual stones were scattered on the ground, and the surrounding array immediately lit up. Lin Feng penetrated the gap of the light with Xiao nishang.

"Can you still bribe the array?" Seeing this scene, Xiao nishang's eyes immediately lit up and said.

"Of course, although the array is a dead thing, it is also spiritual. Give up and ask. As long as you can give up, there will be a request. I just met their request."

Lin Feng smiled and said.

The array needs a lot of spirit stone reserves, but there are obviously not so many spirit stones in this space. What's more, Shi Ningxue has more good things to deal with the old man.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng had other ideas about cracking the array.

Naturally, we should start from the most scarce thing in the array!

The most scarce array is the spirit stone!

Xiao nishang nodded. As Lin Feng walked inside, the two broke through layers of barriers and directly appeared in front of the spirit of space.

The spirit of space is contained in a transparent container, in which only wisps of smoke linger.

"Oh, this is the spirit of space. It's the first time I've seen it!" Xiao nishang walked around the spirit of space with curiosity in her eyes, sighed and said.

"Yes, this is the spirit of space." Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang nodded, and the curiosity in his eyes became stronger and stronger. He couldn't help putting his hand on the spirit of space.

"Don't touch me!"

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