Shi Youde paused and looked down at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there with a smile and looked at Shi Youde with a smile.

Feeling Lin Feng's appearance, Shi youdeton gave a moment. After a while, he said, "boy, what do you want? You call this robbery, you know? "

"Mr. Shi, you're wrong. Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't do his job and forcibly plunders?" Lin Feng looked at Shi Youde with a smile, narrowed his eyes and a gentle smile, "I charge a fair fee and will never cheat. If you don't believe Shi, go to yanxuan mainland to find it. Who else is willing to take such a thing?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Youde was silent.

Nonsense, who will be idle to take this shit task? It's fatal!

"Old Shi, I said you should hurry up. The thunder robbery will come down soon!" Lin Feng smiled at Shi Youde and said.

"Here you are!" With a wave of Shi Youde's hand, a clean bottle appeared in Lin Feng's hand. "This is a superior spiritual pulse I got in my early years. The spiritual pulse has been warm in the clean bottle for more than 3000 years. Take it out and a spiritual pulse can establish a big family as big as the four sects!"

Shi Youde gave a grunt and was reluctant.

This is his own baby!

"I said, Mr. Shi, why do you have flesh pain? There must be more good things after you arrive at the fairyland. When this spirit pulse arrives at the fairyland, it's useless. Anyway, it's a waste to keep it yourself. Give me the best use of everything, isn't it very good?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Shi Youde's heart tightened again, but for the sake of flying robbery, forget it!

It was originally intended to be used when flying to rob. Shi Youde stood there and watched rob Lei greet Lin Feng again.

With the last experience, Lin Feng obviously had a lot of luck in dealing with the robbery of thunder this time. As soon as the robbery of thunder entered his body, Lin Feng began to be eager to seduce the robbery of thunder into his mind, put it into a prepared container and began to harden it into his own things.

Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, the speed of his hand became more and more blocked.

The thunder robbing became more and more powerful, but Lin Feng's means became more and more sophisticated. One baby fell into Lin Feng's hands from Shi Youde. Then, one by one, the thunder robbing was refined and absorbed by Lin Feng to expand his baby.

Shi Youde stood and looked at it. His flesh hurt, but he had to admire Lin Feng's little skill.

No wonder you can break into your own world without knowing it. This boy's ability is really strong enough.

Shi Youde stood there with his hands on his back, his fingers tapping gently.

Although these babies are constantly going out, Shi Youde is still in a good mood. When fighting Qin Zhi, control has appeared, which means that the spirit of space has recognized him. There is nothing more exciting for him. Since the spirit of space has recognized him, these babies are chicken ribs.

As long as you bring up the spirit of space, it's very convenient for you to avoid or anything else at that time!

Thinking of this, Shi Youde felt that the pain of his baby going out was not so strong.

However, Lin Feng is still fighting against robbing thunder.

Shi Ningxue unconsciously stood beside Xiao nishang and watched the people in the thunder robbery center with Xiao nishang.

Xiao nishang's position is the nearest to Lin Feng, but it can't be attacked by thunder.

Xiao nishang turned and looked at Shi Ningxue. Shi Ningxue pursed her mouth, showed a gentle smile and said, "I just came to have a look!"

Xiao nishang ignored Shi Ningxue and focused on Lin Feng. After a while, Xiao nishang said, "Lin Feng came for me. I will never let Lin Feng get hurt. I will bring Lin Feng safely to the sisters, so you will die."

Shi Ningxue smiled and didn't speak. She was a little lonely in her eyes.

Lin Feng is still fighting thunder robbery.

Eighty seven

Eighty eight

Eighty nine

Ninety ways

With the continuous robbing of thunder, Lin Feng gets more and more babies from Shi Youde, getting better and better.

The speed of robbing thunder was very fast, and Lin Feng had fewer and fewer opportunities to ease. When the three robbing thunder fell together, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Shi Youde and said:

"I said, old man, your cultivation is really not very good. There are only 103 thunder robbers in total. I think you can't run away from the next five!"

Lin Feng smiled at Shi Youde and said.

"Cross your thunder!" Shi Youde said unkindly. A light flew directly in front of Lin Feng. Shi Youde stood there with his hands on his back, but his fingertips could not help shaking.

Shi Youde gave a piece of the best mineral material that can hardly be found in the whole continent. It is used to upgrade the white feather sword. Lin Feng didn't expect that he could get the material to upgrade the white feather sword here.

This old man has a lot of collections!

Lin Feng's eyes focused on Shi Youde's ring. Shi Youde's ring should be where he placed most of his collections. Jie Jie, they are all good things.

Lin Feng's eyes flickered constantly. With the help of thunder, Shi Youde didn't see Chu Lin Feng's idea of beating his ring.

The three thunder robbers soon passed. Lin Feng fell beside Shi Youde and said with a smile: "it's your turn, Shi Lao!"

Shi Youde groaned and flew directly to the center of the thunder robbery. The five thunder robbers greeted Shi Youde directly. Lin Feng stood there and watched Shi Youde struggling in the thunder robbery.

Not all people have the ability to introduce lightning into their own bodies.

Even Shi Youde doesn't have that ability. When facing the thunder, he can only use magic weapons to constantly resist the power of the thunder, and let the thunder leave wounds on his body.

It's far from it.

Lin Feng tut tut sighed. This is still the strong one beyond the Mahayana period. In front of the thunder robbery, it is just like the abused little daughter-in-law!

The thunder robbery continued. Lin Feng sat cross legged to recover his body. Although he suffered so many thunder robberies, Lin Feng's body did not have too many hidden dangers. First, it was because of the blood of the dragon. Second, Lin Feng's body was different from ordinary people. Of course, the most important thing was that most of the thunder robbers had become in Lin Feng's own bag.

Your own things will not hurt you.

"Boom!" Thunder billowed in the sky. Lightning and thunder constantly impacted Shi Youde, and Shi Youde's look became more and more depressed.

Come on, come on!

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