Shi Youde is serious in his eyes, gritting his teeth and insisting.

Suddenly, the robbery clouds in the sky dispersed. Shi Youde's body sat cross legged. The silent breath began to affect everything around him. Lin Feng only felt that something in his mind had occupied his body.

evil creature?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. At this time, evil obstacles appeared in his mind?

Lin Feng's face was a little strange. Standing there, his mind moved. He remembered that the thunder was directly blasted on it. Hehe smiled and said, "you are all together. Taste each other's taste and see who is powerful!"

Thunder flashes in Lin Feng's mind, and those evils are directly blown out of Lin Feng's mind.

His consciousness is strong enough. Lin Feng knows that such a evil barrier will not deceive himself.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt energy wrapping himself in it.

What is this?

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. He had felt that this was the power Shi Youde had previously. It turned out that it was the power brought down by feisheng robbery. No wonder the old man can take it for himself.

It seems that the old man has done a lot of unkind things.

Lin Feng absorbed these energies silently.

It seems that in the future, we still need to go out more to help people survive. This is a good thing. First, we can improve the survival rate of experts in yanxuan mainland. Second, we can take advantage of the opportunity.

It's a good deal!

Lin Feng muttered in his heart, and the abacus crackled.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt that the surrounding spiritual power began to change.

This old man can't wait!

Lin Feng snorted coldly, waved his hand, directly blocked Shi Youde's attack, opened his eyes, the thunder and fire flickered in his eyes, Lin Feng cracked his mouth, bared his teeth, looked at Shi Youde and said:

"I say old and immortal. We're so good that we're destined to cross the robbery together. Are you a little too fast?"

"Hum, boy, you should know that I will kill you sooner or later from the time you start to think about this space." Shi Youde snorted coldly and looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were cold and his nature was exposed.

"But boy, you're still beyond my expectation."

Shi Youde looked up and down at Lin Feng.

He didn't expect that Lin Feng had passed the heart evil robbery so quickly, and his cultivation all recovered to its heyday.

"I knew you would be like this. Would a white eyed wolf like you pity the younger generation and give me so many treasures?"

Lin Feng looked at Shi Youde, sneered and said, "it's just what you want. I need your things, and you just need someone to help you through the thunder robbery, don't you?"

Lin Feng stood there, confronting Shi Youde.

Shi Youde is now seriously injured. Even if Lin Feng doesn't fight, Lin Feng knows that Shi Youde is definitely not his opponent.

However, not being an opponent doesn't mean Lin Feng won't fight. Since the old thing came to the door, Lin Feng is naturally very happy to teach the old guy a good lesson.

"Boy, how did you find out?" Shi Youde looked down at Lin Feng, smiled and asked.

"Want to know?" Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, "a baby, I'll tell you."

Shi Youde hesitated for a moment and lost a treasure to Lin Feng. He said, "anyway, he will come back to me sooner or later. Hold it for you first. You are really his genius. It's a pity that you die without looking at more babies."

Shi Youde shook his head and said.

Lin Feng paused and said, "thank you very much, but I'll just have a look at this baby." Lin Feng shook his head, threw it directly to Shi Ningxue and said, "here you are. It's also a little interest on our cooperation."

Shi Ningxue's look changed. She bit her teeth and looked at Lin Feng. This son of a bitch is deliberately pulling herself into the water!

"Ning Xue, you let me down." Shi Youde looked at Shi Ningxue, sighed and said.

"Well, old man, don't you want to know why I know your little abacus? Now I'll tell you. " Lin Feng smiled at Shi Youde and said, "look at yourself now. In fact, we all know that even if you don't say it, you should know. You are so stingy. You have occupied the whole space and even the good things plundered from the outside for yourself over the years, constantly squeezing the four families and the Shi family."

Lin Feng paused and looked at Shi Youde. Shi Youde stood there with no sorrow or joy.

It seems that all this is taken for granted.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Qin Zhi will take refuge in the gangs. Aren't you forcing him? I'm afraid you still think you're right. "

"The strong are respected. They are not as good as me. They should be oppressed by me. Boy, since you've finished your nonsense, I'll send you on the road!" Shi Youde shook his hand and saw that a spirit power training came directly towards Lin Feng.

At the same time, a breath in the sky suddenly locked Shi Youde, clasped Shi Youde's body and pulled it up directly.

Lin Feng sneered and let Shi Youde's attack hit him, and his whole body caught up with Shi Youde's speed.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Shi Youde was happy. This was his transformed power. He didn't believe that the boy could bear it completely.

The attack continued to wash on Lin Feng. Lin Feng's eyes locked the storage ring on Shi Youde's finger.

His purpose is very clear. That's the storage ring.

Lin Feng's whole body was suddenly covered with dense scales. Then, Lin Feng's hand grabbed Shi Youde's hand.

Shi Youde was startled by Lin Feng's sudden attack. He looked down at Lin Feng with a bit of surprise in his eyes. Lin Feng opened his mouth and showed a smile. Thunder and light directly attacked Shi Youde's hand

"How's it going? It tastes good. " Lin Feng smiled, looked at Shi Youde and said with a smile.

Shi youdeton looked down at Lin Feng. Lin Feng shook his hand and directly pulled out the storage ring and included it in the dinghaishen pearl.

"Boy, die!"

In Shi Youde's eyes, there was only anger. He slapped Lin Feng with his backhand. Lin Feng's body fell directly below like something.

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng!"

The two voices sounded at the same time. One purple and one white figure flew directly in front of Lin Feng. Shi Ningxue held her long umbrella in her hand, and the transparent and non-material spiritual training wrapped Lin Feng's body and constantly nourished Lin Feng's body.

Xiao nishang raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. After feeling that the power was harmless, she held Lin Feng and fell on the ground. Tears rolled in her eyes and said:

"Why are you so stupid? If you're gone, what do you want me and the child to do?"

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