Xiao nishang tooted his mouth, looked at Lin Feng, looked pitiful and said.

"Didn't I keep it?" Lin Feng took Xiao nishang's hand and said softly, "don't worry, I'm measured."

With that, Lin Feng began to cough continuously. His body was like flying catkins. He looked very uncomfortable.

"I know how to be brave!" Xiao nishang turned her eyes and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened his mouth and showed a silly smile.

"What shall we do, miss?" Qinghe turned to look at his young lady and asked softly.

"What else to do? Go back and go. All this will be regarded as the smoke and cloud of the past. No matter how we live in the future, this place is not owned by our Shi family."

With that, Shi Ningxue turned and left directly.

Qinghe hesitated, followed Shi Ningxue's steps, looked back at Lin Feng lying in Xiao nishang's arms, gritted his teeth and said, "we can kill Lin Feng now!"

Shi Ningxue stopped and paused.

If it were in the past, she would really start at this time without hesitation. No matter what guy Lin Feng is, she believes that Lin Feng will never refute in the face of her attack.

However, it is not before.

Shi Ningxue knows that she can't kill the person in front of her.

Lin Feng is now her forbidden family.

Perhaps, there will be no chance to kill this guy like before. Shi Ningxue breathed a sigh of relief, shook her head and said:

"Let's go. The Shi family is now waiting for prosperity. Even after so many hardships, the Shi family is still the Shi family and needs to go strong."

With that, Shi Ningxue flew away from this space directly.

Qinghe stamped his feet, followed Shi Ningxue, looked back at this space, and his eyes were full of attachment.

"If you get out of here, you're out of the cage of our Shi family." Standing in the sky, Shi Ningxue breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "without the confinement of that space, in the future, we will jump with fish in the vast sea and let birds fly in the sky."

Hearing Shi Ningxue's words, Qinghe, who was still reluctant to give up, paused for a moment, looked at the sky below and nodded.

Shi Ningxue looked back at Lin Feng, turned to smile and flew away directly. With a little resentment in her eyes, she disappeared in the sky.

Only Xiao nishang and Lin Feng thought they were there. Xiao nishang looked down at Lin Feng and said, "I thought something would happen to you. It scared me to death! You don't know, I've lost all my soul in the palm of the old man Shi Youde! "

"Fool, although the old guy is powerful, he has the law of heaven to control his body. He can do it at most. How can he be my opponent!"

Lin Feng said softly. He coughed a few times again. With the help of Shenshui, his body soon recovered. Lin Feng stood up and perked up.

Seeing Lin Feng, Xiao nishang also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "well, this space will be yours in the future. Let's go back and let Baiyu gate come and collect this space."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng nodded and said:

"Don't worry, the white feather gate is ready to come. I left a mark along the way. They will return soon, but before that, we will get in the way. We need to comfort one of our friends."

Lin Feng smiled and looked ahead with a gentle smile on his mouth.

The friend he wants to comfort is naturally the spirit of space.

Shi Youde has soared and the Shi family has gone. There is only the spirit of space still imprisoned in the whole space. To be exact, Lin Feng believes that now the spirit of space has escaped Shi Youde's imprisonment.

Lin Feng took Xiao nishang's hand and walked towards the front.

Lei Jie destroyed the array where the spirit of space was located. A small white figure leaped around and hummed a happy song.

Lin Feng stood not far away and let the spirit of space hum.

For a long time, the spirit of space just flew to Lin Feng and said, "do you know? I haven't been so happy since I was born. "

"Congratulations, you will be free in the future." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

The spirit of space didn't speak, turned around Lin Feng, stood not far from Lin Feng and said, "there is a dangerous smell on you. You want to devour me."

Lin Feng nodded without hiding his idea and said, "yes, I want to devour you. You have been with Shi Youde for a long time. You have long been not a pure spirit of space. You have accepted Shi Youde's anger, resentment, stubbornness and paranoia. Even in order to defeat Shi Youde, you have joined hands with the four families and evil cults. I can't leave you."

Lin Feng looked at the spirit of space and said.

Previously, Qianlong felt a different smell, that is, resentment and the smell from a cult.

Otherwise, with Qianlong's current cultivation, it is impossible to feel the existence of the spirit of this space.

The spirit of space looked at Lin Feng. The whole body was shaking and undulating up and down.

"How do you know?" The voice of the spirit of space was a little hoarse. Looking at Lin Feng, he asked.

"Because this is a closed space, even if Shi Youde is powerful, he can't break through the space barrier and introduce the cult here. What's more, how can a person who is so afraid of death do such a thing?"

Lin Feng stood there with a clear face.

"You know what? In the face of his own soaring robbery, Shi Youde only took the last blow. For the rest, he traded his baby for me. "

"I can't see through you, but I can't let your spirit devour me. I'm the master here!" The spirit of space roared and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng dodged the attack of the spirit of space. Seeing the appearance of the spirit of space, he sighed and said:

"Since this is your choice, don't blame me."

Lin Feng knows that the spirit of space will never surrender. Shi Youde's rolling over the spirit of space for thousands of years has already made the spirit of space bear a grudge against mankind.

If this is just a pure spirit of space, I don't mind putting down the spirit of space.

However, this is a spirit of space with the smell of cults.

This guy, even if he doesn't swallow him, will be swallowed by the disciples of the blood refining sect sooner or later. Instead of cheap the blood refining sect, it's better to cheap the Qingling girl of their family.

The green spirit appeared in front of the spirit of space, holding a long sword and shining in his eyes.

The spirit of space, who was still chasing Lin Feng to kill Lin Feng, kept retreating after feeling the breath of green spirit, emitting a breath of fear.

Qingling is much stronger than him.

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