Xiao nishang's breath began to strengthen again.

The seventh floor of the high period of the robbery

Great perfection on the seventh floor

The eighth floor

Great perfection on the eighth floor

The ninth floor

Great perfection on the ninth floor

Lin Feng was startled by Xiao nishang's sudden speed. Is this the time to break through the Mahayana period?

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. How long has Xiao nishang been practicing? It's just... So lucky.

"Lin Feng!" Xiao nishang fell down and fell in front of Lin Feng with a smile on her face. On her arm, a colorful pilian was spinning on her arm.

good heavens.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Feelings just now, the breath on Xiao nishang didn't come from herself, but from the guy in front of her. Lin Feng shook his head in tears and laughter. It seems that Xiao nishang has found a treasure.

"My new baby is good. I tell you, this guy is honest. When I fight, he can help me increase my strength, and he is combined with my breath. In this way, when I fight, I can use its strength."

Xiao nishang said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"So good?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He liked Xiao nishang very much.

"Is this baby a creature or a dead thing?" Lin Feng paused and suddenly asked.

"This..." Xiao nishang paused, looked at the little guy wrapped around his arm, paused and said, "I... I don't know. It should be something like stone, so it should be a creature. Isn't stone a creature that can grow?"

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng nodded, touched Xiao nishang's head and said:

"Well, now that we have it, let's leave."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang nodded, snuggled up to Lin Feng and said, "thank you, Lin Feng, for letting you fool around with me."

"Silly girl, as long as you are good, you are not allowed to go out privately next time, especially now you can have the crystallization of our love."

Lin Feng said with a serious face.

After entering the cultivation world, Xiao nishang was still the first pregnant woman around him, and it seemed that the pregnancy time was long enough. Lin Feng looked down at Xiao nishang's stomach.

Xiao nishang's stomach is still dry.

Feeling Lin Feng's eyes, Xiao nishang turned his head and said, "I... I also want to grow up quickly, but I don't know how to do it. I haven't had any movement in my stomach for so long."

Xiao nishang said with a mournful face, "if I hadn't felt this little guy in my body, I wouldn't believe it!"

"The cultivation world is different from the earth. In the cultivation world, it is very difficult for a monk to get pregnant. It will be very calm in such a situation, so don't worry."

Lin Feng held Xiao nishang and said softly.

"Well... What if we have a monkey?"

"Poof..." Lin Feng, who was still walking, couldn't help laughing when he heard Xiao nishang's words. Xiao nishang turned his eyes when he saw Lin Feng laughing and said, "don't laugh. What others said is serious!"

"Yes, it's serious. Even if you give birth to a monkey, you must give birth to a Crazy Monkey!"

Lin Feng hugged Xiao nishang and said with a sad face.

Xiao nishang bit her lips slightly and glared at Lin Feng. Obviously, Lin Feng was teasing her.

"Come on, let's go out first!" Lin Feng took Xiao nishang's hand and left a little thought when he went out. The situation of Qingling was abnormal just now. However, Lin Feng had to guard against the outside space. Maybe some old thing came to occupy his world again!

Lin Feng snorted.

No matter who dares to come again, he will keep that guy out of this space!

Lin Feng took Xiao nishang and directly appeared in the space. The next moment, Lin Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him.

There are probably thousands of people standing in the sky. Bai shuangshuangshuang, Zixia, Qin Yanran and Li Yutong take the lead here. Qianqian and Ji ruoli lead the team there.

It's all here.

Lin Feng smashed his mouth.

The next moment, Bai Shuangshuang, Zixia and Qianqian rushed directly to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you miss me!"

"Lin Feng!"

"Brother Lin!"

The three women surrounded Lin Feng. Ji ruoli stood behind and looked at the woman who had been wrapped by the women.

Qin Yanran and Li Yutong stood behind. Li Yutong took Xiao nishang's hand and said, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, sister Tongtong!" Xiao nishang said with a smile on her face.

"It's all right." Li Yutong breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the woman standing in front of Lin Feng, he thought that there were so many on the earth. Even Li Yutong began to have a faint headache at this time.

After all, everyone will live together in the future.

Who can blame their men for being good enough?

Seeing this scene, Li Yutong sighed, shook his head and said, "Lin Feng, the disciples of Baiyu Sect on both sides have come. Please deal with the things here first. The white robed elder who is responsible for most things here has also come and is waiting for you!"

Hearing Li Yutong's words, Lin Feng came out from among the women, took several women and said, "I'll deal with things first. I'll accompany you later."

Several women nodded obediently and stood there with a very tacit understanding.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Several women let go and stood with Qin Yanran, Li Yutong and Xiao nishang. They knew that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person. When they were with Lin Feng, they had already understood that there could not be only one person around Lin Feng. Therefore, when the women met, they just tacitly understood it.

Only in some details, several women were rare and began to compare.

Cultivation, appearance, figure

Several women got together and gradually began to talk. Ji ruoli got together and soon joined it.

Lin Feng went to the front.

Ji LAN Muruo and his wife also came and stood with Bai Pao. Their faces were serious and said to Lin Feng:

"Door master!"

"Hard work, everyone. This space is hidden in the yanxuan continent, a space for self-growth. In the future, this is our Baiyu gate."

Lin Feng looked at several people with a smile and said.

When the disciples of Baiyu sect heard Lin Feng's words, they all stood up straight.

Hide space!

Everyone has this. Even in the whole yanxuan continent, only the once four sects have a small hidden space, and several families such as Shi family have been hidden in the space!

Later, their white feather gate also has its own hidden space!

"The sect leader is mighty!" I don't know who shouted. Everyone shouted, and the whole sky became lively in an instant.

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