Lin Feng made a quiet posture. The disciples below immediately quieted down and stood there one by one, waiting for Lin Feng to speak.

Lin Feng smiled gently at the corners of his mouth and said, "well, in the future, work hard. Here is everyone's paradise!" Lin Feng amplified his voice and said to all his disciples.

The disciples cheered again, and Lin Feng looked at Ji LAN and Bai Pao.

"I'll leave it to you." Lin Feng's mouth with a gentle smile, said: "in the future, you are all the managers of the white feather gate, but both sides still need to communicate with each other and work together. I hope you can refuel together."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji LAN immediately restrained herself and said:

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"

"It's hard for you." Lin Feng said with a smile. Instead, he gave them several storage bags and said, "these are sect materials. Take them. Reward what should be rewarded and punish what should be punished."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

Two people stood there respectfully, not vague at all.

At the moment, their hearts are also beating drums, secretly happy for the choice they made at the beginning.

It's just a freak genius. It's only been a few years. His accomplishments have reached a level they can't reach. He opens schools and restaurants. The spirit stones are piled in the warehouse like running water.

In the past, they never dared to imagine such a situation, but now, all this has become a reality.

In the future, Baiyu gate also has its own independent space, and it is still such a high standard space!

"Well, you make good arrangements. I have something else to do, so I'll go first." With that, Lin Feng turned and left directly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the crowd nodded. Several women followed Lin Feng behind. Ji ruoli also wanted to follow him. Ji LAN held Ji ruoli's hand and said, "girl, what are you going to do? The sect leader is rarely reunited with his wives. Don't disturb the elegance of the sect leader and his wives at this time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Ruolin bit his lips slightly and stood there with his head down, unhappy on his face.

Obviously, she is the master's Apprentice. Why can't she follow her?

Ji Ruolin's eyes turned. Seeing Ji Ruolin's appearance, Ji LAN sighed. He knew his daughter's mind, but there were enough women around the sect leader. Although Ji Ruolin was beautiful, it was still some time to grow up.

Lin Feng took several women directly to the other side, found a cave, and several people drilled into the cave.

"Lin Feng, is there anything else?" Li Yutong stood beside Lin Feng and asked softly.

Qin Yanran, Xiao nishang, Bai Shuangshuang, Zixia and Qianqian stood aside, looking up at Lin Feng and waiting for Lin Feng to speak.

Li Yutong is really good in management. The arrangement of large and small things is not vague at all. Several women were accepted in a short time.

Seeing the girls, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried about meeting several women before, but now he's not worried at all.

"Of course, the baby is allocated." Lin Feng smiled and took out Shi Youde's storage ring.

"The old man has collected things for thousands of years. There must be some good treasures in it."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the women's eyes immediately lit up, looked at each other, and saw joy from each other's eyes.

At their height, ordinary babies can't get into their eyes at all. Ordinary strong babies can't move them under the guidance of Lin Feng. Only the collection of the strong will cheer them up.

In those collections, there are definitely babies they are satisfied with!

Lin Feng took out Shi Youde's storage ring. When the girls saw what Lin Feng took out, their eyes lit up immediately.

Seeing Shi Youde's storage ring, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. When Shi Youde soared, he saw the removed storage ring. Lin Feng still kept his eyes in mind. The baby in the storage ring must not be bad!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind rushed directly towards the storage ring.

A light cyan light blocked Lin Feng's divine consciousness.

Eh, there are still prohibitions?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. The old man seems to be very concerned about protecting his things.

Lin Feng's eyes turned a circle, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth. His soul power poured directly into the past. With the increase of Lin Feng's soul power, the blue light became deeper and deeper.


Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

good heavens! At first glance, there are many good things!

Lin Feng's heart trembled and put the storage ring in the palm of his hand.

"Lin Feng, destroy the storage ring directly. In this way, we can get the things out." Seeing this, Xiao nishang snorted and said.

"There is a separate space in the storage ring. If we forcibly destroy it, the space inside will also be destroyed, and most things will be damaged."

Li Yutong stood there and said softly.?

"Yes, it's too troublesome to deal with this thing. If we deal with him so cheaply now, it's hard to please." Qin Yan Ran also nodded and said.

"The more difficult it is to open the storage ring, the better the things inside. Don't worry. You'll always open it." Lin Feng said with a smile, "just open it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the women nodded and looked curiously at the storage ring in Lin Feng's hand.

"When the storage ring is forged, it is usually forbidden by array. Let's destroy the prohibition, shall we?" Zixia frowned and said softly.

"This is good!" Lin Feng smiled and played with it. His mind began to check around the storage ring.

There are too many arrays on the storage ring. It is obviously not easy to find out the forbidden array.

Lin Feng put his mind on the array and looked for traces of banning the array bit by bit.

All the girls were quiet at this time. They raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng. Their breath eased a lot.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's spirit was raised, and there was a little more light in his eyes.

What he wants, found it!

Lin Feng's hands perked up and his mind slowly penetrated into the array.

Seeing Lin Feng's action, all the women raised their spirits and looked at Lin Feng one after another.

Lin Feng's mind carefully shuttled through the array. With his mind shuttling, the light on the cut-off appeared again, but this time, there was a bit of light blue in the blue light.

What is this?

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