Xiao nishang's words made the people below quiet in an instant. One by one, they could be said to be numb.

Bonus safflower? This is an expert like the white robed elder, but what the headmaster's wife said sounds like a child trying to make trouble?

"Aunt, I'm wrong!" Ziyun pulled it and fell to the ground. She looked at Xiao nishang with a pitiful face, and her eyes were turning with tears.

The hero doesn't eat the loss at present. Ziyun lowers his head and keeps turning his eyes.

"Beg for mercy at this time?" Xiao nishang raised her eyebrows and said with a sneer at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, please forgive me. I dare not come again."

Ziyun nodded wildly and said.

Xiao nishang raised her eyebrows, and the long sword trembled in her hand. Ziyun trembled with the long sword.

"Is it a little late to beg for mercy now?" Xiao nishang smiled and pointed to Ziyun. Her eyes had turned. She looked down and said:

"It's just impossible to spare you. If you want me to spare you, you have to do something for me."

Ziyun immediately stood up straight, looked at Xiao nishang and said, "aunt, what do you say? As long as I can, I will do it for you. I will go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire. As long as it is aunt's business, I will do it well!"

"Boy, sensible!" Xiao nishang nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, Baiyu gate is just opening up wasteland now. Just help open wasteland."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Ziyun was stunned and looked down at Xiao nishang. Does this mean to exile?

Xiao nishang smiled and stood there. Seeing Ziyun's appearance, he patted Ziyun on the shoulder and said, "good nephew, this is a good thing. You don't know to run. The most proud thing of our Baiyu sect disciples is to open up wasteland. Do you think so?"

"Yes, madam!"

"Madam is right. The most favorite thing for our Baiyu sect disciples is to broaden the territory for our Baiyu sect!"

"Madam, we are proud to broaden the territory of my white feather gate!"

When the disciples of Baiyu sect heard Xiao nishang's words, they laughed and answered Xiao nishang's words. Standing there, the smile on their faces became more and more beautiful.

Obviously, Xiao nishang is making fun of Ziyun.

Even if Ziyun is a fool, she has reacted at this time. The woman in front of her is not a kind-hearted stubble at all. She is deliberately looking for trouble!

"You..." Ziyun pointed to Xiao nishang, bit his teeth, flashed a touch of Yin Li in his eyes, and directly attacked Xiao nishang.

Xiao nishang turned over, and Ziyun's attack passed by Xiao nishang's side, and the whole body fell directly to one side. Xiao you grabbed Ziyun's shoulder directly from V backhand.

Xiao nishang's hand forced.

"Click, click!"

Ziyun's shoulder made a crisp click, the whole hand moved, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

A disciple of Baiyu sect trotted over, picked up the weapon, played with it in his hand, and threw it away directly, saying:

"Madam, the weapon that this boy has is not as good as the weapon that we Baiyu sect took in a golden elixir period. It's just an ordinary magic weapon! I don't know where I came from. I don't know the rules outside us! "

Hearing the disciple's words, Ziyun wanted to cry.

This is the treasure he tried hard to get. It was said by a disciple whose cultivation was lower than himself that it was worthless!

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Ziyun stared round. Even if she was caught by Xiao nishang, she couldn't help refuting for herself.

"I look at the boy as a pirate. I want to find a place to be the overlord." Xiao nishang looked up and down at Ziyun, kicked Ziyun down the sky, sneered and said.

"I'm not!" Ziyun stood up and said.

Seeing the purple cloud, Xiao nishang smiled and said:

"You are not, do you want me to reward you with a big red flower?"

Ziyun shut up and stopped talking.

Xiao nishang said this... It seems that he was mocking him!

"What do you want?" Ziyun clenched his teeth, looked at Xiao nishang and asked.

"It's very simple. You don't seem to commit a crime alone. You certainly don't have the courage in a small fit period. Just say it. What do you want to do here?"

Xiao nishang stood there, looked at Ziyun and said directly, "I advise you to speak quickly. Wait until some people come out, but you won't be so kind. I heard that you said nonsense."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Ziyun stood there and snorted.

"As I said, I have a grudge against the old man in white robe. I came here to seek revenge. Today I want to crush his white feather door and let him know my grandpa's strength!"

Hearing Ziyun's words, Xiao nishang raised her eyebrows. It seems that this boy doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin.

"That's it for the time being. Anyway, if you come, go and reclaim the wasteland." With that, Xiao nishang slapped Ziyun's shoulder directly, and a strong Qi directly entered Ziyun's body.

At this moment, Xiao nishang's ears moved.

A shadowy figure appeared behind Xiao nishang, and a sneer arose from the corner of Xiao nishang's mouth.

Sure enough, there are accomplices!

Ziyun felt the breath behind him and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Dad, help me!"


A somewhat angry voice sounded. When Xiao nishang heard the voice, her hair stood up. The voice was right behind him!

This guy, right behind him!

Xiao nishang knew that it was too late to avoid this time. Xiao nishang's heart was horizontal and stopped. All his true Qi protected his stomach. He was annoyed. He shouldn't have teased this boy just now!

Unexpectedly, there was an expert hiding in the dark!

Careless! Careless!

Xiao nishang bit her lips and turned white.

Above Xiao nishang's head, a huge hand directly covered Xiao nishang.

If this palm hits Xiao nishang, Xiao nishang will surely take off a layer of skin even if she doesn't die.

This old thing is hot enough!

Thinking of this, Xiao nishang could only silently pray that this palm would not hurt herself too deeply.

Just as the old man's palm was about to fall on Xiao nishang's head, a spirit training stopped his attack.

Lin Feng stood in front of Xiao nishang and fell to one side holding Xiao nishang. Xiao nishang felt a strong wind passing by him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Feng standing there with a serious face.

Lin Feng's slap and an old man are together. Lin Feng's eyes are gloomy and his whole body's momentum is very frightening.

Xiao nishang stuck out her tongue and took the initiative to retreat behind Lin Feng.

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