"My woman, no one can touch except me!" Lin Feng's eyes were gloomy. Looking at Zile, he said, "you old man, you are not qualified to fight my woman!"

"Boy arrogant!" Zile sneered, and the whole body retreated, looked at the palm of his hand, raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This boy... Is it also a Mahayana?

At this age

Zile looked up and down at Lin Feng.

"Are you... Lin Feng?" Zile asked with some uncertainty.

The whole Baiyu gate has such accomplishments. There are only such grades. Zile thinks about it. It is estimated that only Lin Feng is there.

This boy is a trouble

Zile narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Feng. He had been saving energy for so many years. His purpose was to win several countries here at one stroke. Unexpectedly, he met such an expert in the first war. It seems that even God has no mercy on him this time.

Thinking of this, Zile's eyes were a little more gloomy.

He wants to see what this boy can do!

"Boy, I'll give you a chance. Now take your white feather gate and submit to me. Our purple gate is willing to accept your whole white feather gate and give you a high position. In the future, my purple gate will be your white feather gate. How about it?"

Zile looked at Lin Feng, slightly raised his head and said.

After looking at the following disciples, Zile can be sure that the disciples here, except Lin Feng and the women around him, have poor cultivation skills.

As for this woman

"Boy, your woman is pregnant. If you don't want your child to die in his stomach, you'd better listen to me!"

Lin Feng's face was gloomy for a moment.

What he hates most is that others threaten his family!

Zile, today he has violated all his taboos!

"I think you think too much. If you want to fight, fight, purple door?" Lin Fengxiang smiled. Bai Yu's sword revolved around him and pointed directly at Zile. "Today I'll tell you that my Bai Yu door is inviolable, and my Lin Feng's woman is inviolable!"

With that, Lin Feng attacked Zile directly.

Lin Feng made a quick move. Zile was caught off guard by Lin Feng's attack. His whole body hurried back. He didn't expect that Lin Feng would attack as soon as he attacked, and didn't give him any reaction time at all.

"Boy, even if you take the lead, do you really think you are my opponent in the early stage of your little Mahayana?"

Purple music said loudly, holding a big knife in his hand, opposite Feng Tong's sword.

"Young master, I will kill even in the high period of Mahayana. Do you dare to be arrogant in front of me in the middle of a small Mahayana?" Lin Feng sneered, his eyes were cold, his backhand buckled, and an attack directly greeted him over there.

Lin Feng's shot was very fast. There was no response there. The attack here had fallen directly on the point.

The field of sword was spread out at the feet of Lin Feng. With the blessing of the field of sword, the attack strength of Baiyu sword increased suddenly. Zile was attacked by Lin Feng and was hit more than ten meters away.

Zile vomited blood.

"Dad!" Ziyun rushed to Zile's side and hurriedly held Zile.

"You fool, get out of here!" Zile pushed Ziyun away, sneered and said, "as stupid as your bitch, go away!"

Ziyun accepted Zile's strength and fell to one side. His whole body was convulsing.

"In fact, I feel that boy is pretty good. At least call me aunt!" Xiao nishang stood beside Lin Feng and said with a smile, "anyway, the father and son don't have a good relationship, or we'll get the boy directly. Good seedlings!"

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng's face turned black.

Ziyun stood up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, but he didn't go up again. He just stood there and his whole body was floating there.

Obviously, he doesn't like the person in front of him at all.

"Boy, come here!" Xiao nishang waved to Ziyun.

Ziyun looked around. Zile's eyes were gloomy and didn't look at him at all. He knew that there were his brothers and sisters behind him, but those were the elites of Zimen. He fought first.

Ziyun didn't come to Xiao nishang, but turned and left.

Zile didn't look at the leaving Ziyun.

"I said, old man, at least it's your son. Are you so kind?" A voice with a bit of banter sounded. Lin Feng stood there and said with a smile.

"It's just a reptile. Don't you want to go back to my purple gate to eat and drink mine?" Zile sneered and attacked Lin Feng.

The figure over there paused and disappeared into the sky.

"Want to learn from me?" Seeing Zile's attack, Lin Feng shook his head and rushed directly towards Zile from the potential energy position.

Zile was stunned by the powerful aura change.


Zile's heart sounded an alarm bell, the pupils locked in an instant, and the whole body kept retreating.

"Too late!" Lin Feng's fingers a little, the potential energy position wrapped the whole purple music, and the spirit training was spread at the feet of purple music. Lin Feng's body appeared in front of purple music, and the white feather sword was across purple music's neck.

"You know what?" Lin Feng smiled, "if you don't start with my woman, I don't mind my disciple practicing with your purple door."

Lin Feng shook his head, and the white feather sword directly cut Zile's neck.

The old man is too smart. He wants to buckle Xiao nishang first. I don't know that Xiao nishang is not far away from him. How can he let the old thing succeed!

Lin Feng put away the white feather gate, and God knew that the whole body of Zile was wrapped.

Zile's soul is surrounded by Lin Feng, constantly changing, and can't escape at all.

"Little... Boy, let me go!" Zile's soul appeared in front of Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with some difficulty.

"What's the advantage of letting you go?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"I... I, I know an ancient relic. It is said that the relic came from a cultivator named Wu Daozi. Wu Daozi opened up a new path of cultivation. Even if there is no spiritual root, you can practice."

Seeing that Lin Feng was interested, Zile accelerated his speed and said.

"Sounds good." Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes, absolutely!" Purple music nodded wildly.

"Then I'll tell you a message, too." Lin Feng said with a smile. He put his hand on the top of Zile, bowed his head and said, "painting Saint Wu Daozi and I often sit and drink together. As for what you said about ancient heritage, um..."

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "let me ask. You can go to the underground government at ease!"

Then Lin Feng pressed his hand directly.

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