"Let... Let me go."‘ Before the word "I" was finished, Lin Feng had broken the soul of Zile.

Zile's body fell to the ground with a slap, and a pile of meat was broken.

The following Baiyu sect disciples stepped back and looked at Lin Feng with respect in their eyes. This is a great master. It was solved by their sect leader!

Sect leader

The eyes of all the disciples were on Lin Feng. The stars were shining in their eyes, and their mood flew with them.

This is their sect leader. It's great!

Thinking of this, all the stars twinkled in the eyes of a group of people, and the smile on their faces became more and more beautiful.


"Door master!"

The two voices kept shouting below. Lin Feng made a quiet posture, took Xiao nishang's hand and looked up and down.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Being looked at by Lin Feng, Xiao nishang lowered her head, bit her lips and said softly.

"Pay attention next time. There are so many disciples here, Ji LAN. They are also there. You want them to solve these things, you know?" Lin Feng looked at Xiao nishang and said with a serious face.

"Yes." Xiao nishang nodded.

At first, she was just bored. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao nishang knew that she had to be careful. At that moment, even Xiao nishang couldn't be sure whether she could still live.

It's lucky to be alive.

Thinking of this, Xiao nishang's whole body trembled. If Lin Feng didn't show up just now, she couldn't guarantee it. Could she guarantee all this!

"Where are they, sister Tongtong?" Lin Feng looked around. Normally, they would come.

"If you return to the sect leader, these disciples called Zimen attacked from all directions of our Baiyu sect. Ladies went to other gates, and elder Bai Pao and elder Ji LAN passed."

Hearing the disciple's words, Lin Feng nodded and his soul power swept around. The highest one was just the beginning of the Mahayana, and only two people. If there were sister Tongtong, Yan Ran, Qian Qian, Zixia and both of them, it was not a problem at all.

"Lin Feng, I'll go and have a look. Go inside first. Don't worry. Just give it to me here." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Xiao nishang bowed his head and said, "your Fengtong sword is still upgrading. We've spent so much time. Let's upgrade your Fengtong sword first."

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng nodded.

Fengtong sword is still in the melting pot and is now being rebuilt.

"OK, you pay attention to safety." Lin Feng looked down at Xiao nishang, still a little worried.

"Don't worry, after this, I will pay attention to it myself. Even if it's not for myself, but also for our children!" Xiao nishang raised her head, looked serious and said.

Hearing Xiao nishang's words, Lin Feng nodded, touched Xiao nishang's face, nodded, and returned to the cave.

Fengtong sword is standing in the furnace, removing the materials of the magazine, and is entering Fengtong sword little by little.

Seeing this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The mind entered the Fengtong sword and controlled the Fengtong sword to absorb materials.

Fortunately, I didn't go out for a long time and had little impact on Fengtong sword.

Lin Feng's whole mind precipitated in an instant, everything around him became empty, and only the Feng Tong sword in the furnace was constantly rotating.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's hand trembled, and the surrounding arrays began to emerge.

These arrays were carved on Fengtong sword by Lin Feng.

These arrays are obviously not enough to support the current Fengtong sword.

The memory of Dinghai Shenzhu gradually appeared in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng selected many arrays from them, and countless spirit stones were directly thrown into the sky by Lin Feng.

These spirit stones were in the sky, dominated by Lin Feng's mind and entered other places.

With the continuous rotation of Lin Feng's mind, the spirit stone fell evenly on each array.

In the cave, only Lin Feng's mind is divided into two parts. One part controls the Fengtong sword in the furnace, and the other part controls the formation of the surrounding array, and then enters the Fengtong sword.

One array twinkled in the Fengtong sword, and then entered the body of the Fengtong sword and merged with the materials.

Qingling appeared beside Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's practice, a touch of surprise flashed in her eyes.


Qingling opened his mouth and said.

Probably only this madman will refine Fengtong sword and array together!

This is the first time she has seen such a technique!

Qingling stood there and looked at Lin Feng with stars shining in his eyes. Lin Feng, this is opening a new forging method!

Suddenly, Lin Feng's hand stopped.

Fengtong sword stopped running in the furnace, and the array was still wrapped around Fengtong sword, so it didn't mean to go in.

How can this array be?

Lin Feng frowned.

"This array is not perfect." Qingling said softly.

Lin Feng paused and took back the array.

At this time, there was a noise outside the cave. There was sweat falling from Lin Feng's forehead.

This is the time when he is busiest and most unhappy.

If he stops at this time, it will be too late!

However, Xiao nishang, the only expert, went to the other side. At this time, it is impossible to arrive before the purple gate disciples who are looking for trouble come in!

The trouble this time seems to be big!

Lin Feng's mind was a little flustered.

Qingling took the initiative to stand in front of Lin Feng. With a wave of his hand, an invisible barrier wrapped them all. Lin Feng felt that he seemed to be separated from this space.

Qingling peeled off the whole Shandong and stood there looking out.

On the ground outside, some disciples in purple and the disciples of Baiyu sect fought together. There was little difference in strength between the two sides. This side probably occupied the upper part.

Seeing this, Qingling frowned.

It seems that the so-called purple door has pinched the time to find trouble, and has been ready one by one.

Qingling looks back at Lin Feng. Lin Feng is still busy. Her whole body is locked by the laws of heaven and earth. It is impossible to sell. She can only wait for Lin Feng to come out.

I hope this boy will hurry up.

Qingling prayed silently in her heart.

Lin Feng in the cave also accelerated the speed.

This is his white feather sect. How can he tolerate these petty people to invade his sect!

Lin Feng's speed began to accelerate, and everything around him began to change.

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